Southern Region Program Leadership Network (SR-PLN)

Annual Work Plan ( September 1, 2002 -- August 31, 2003 )
Committee: 4-H Youth Development
Chair: Chair
Submission Contact:
(name and email)
Charles Cox
Items to Accomplish
Goal Date
Completion Date
1. Rural Youth Development Grants
  Each state is encouraged to submit a proposal in one of the three targeted areas. February 2003 March 2003  Every State did participated
2. Rural Youth Programs   Grants finalized and implemented and role out conference for the 2004 bienniel meeting Spring 2004    
3. Posting to CECP   Determine the core and post at least two modules August 2003 August 6, 2003  
4. Review CECP Competencies   All March 2003   Accepted 4-H PRK as framework
5. Biennial Workshop (Feb 29-March 3, 2004)   Terril Faul, host Report August 2003    
6.Post modules to CECP campus   Darlene Baker, Charles Cox, Dorothy Wilson and state 4-H Specialists July 2003 August 5, 2003 posted 5 modules within two courses
7. Support National 4-H Trust   Couch, Ryles to represent region, states encouraged to provide financial support      
** An "R" in this column denotes required items

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