Herb called the meeting to order and called the roll with the following members present.
Alabama : Virginia Morgan, Ann Adrian
Arkansas : Lisa Ferris, Heather Underwood, Rich Poling
Florida : Cheri Brodeur
Georgia : Mary Ellen Blackburn
Kentucky : John Mowbray, Martha Knall
North Carolina : Mitch Owen, Thelma Feaster
Oklahoma : Joyce Martin (vice chair)
Tennessee : Herb Byrd (chair), Joseph Donaldson
Texas : Scott Cummings
Virginia : Nancy Franz
Herb apologized for the confusion regarding the conference call problems and acknowledged his appreciation for the understanding. He also reported that Della Baker was not able to be present and that Joyce would assist by taking the minutes.
PSD Conference Agenda and Update- Scott indicated that 46 participants have submitted a registration and all should have received a revised agenda by email this morning. He asked for any questions regarding the conference agenda. Rich asked about the format of the agenda. Cheri will plan to help facilitate one of the discussion groups. Nancy thanked Scott for all his hard work on the conference. Mary Ellen asked about the restaurant list.
National PSD list - Herb reported that Debra had sent information to all members including a survey that all members should have completed.
PSD Wiki Site Organization- Herb indicated that we need a name for the wiki site- any further suggestions. Scott stated that the site still looks the same. Anyone who has an interest in looking at the headings and working on this project needs to volunteer. Herb will work with Scott during the Atlanta conference. Virginia, Lisa and Mitch also, volunteered to help. Debra is CECP rep and will be asked to participate as well.
Name for PSD Online Community-Herb asked for a proposal for online community name. Any suggestions? - National Extension Professional Community Development -Is this name clear? Mitch indicated that we might need to discuss this topic at the meeting in Atlanta . Group needs to first formulate our vision for the site. We need to make sure that our committee drives this. Further discussion was held and the item was tabled until we meet again.
Recap of Plan of Work Progress-
Extension History- Dr. Waters has not made any further changes. Lisa reported that she has redone the platform and it is ready to have committee members review. Cheri and Thelma will review as well as any other members. Lisa will send an email when it is ready to review. Is anyone interested in state specific information that can be added?
Facilitation-Lisa reported that Debra is trying to get this ready for next week.
Writing Impacts- Nancy is going to write a handbook and additional information to expand this project, but it will take more time, maybe 6 months.
Presentation- Lisa reported that this module is about 50% done and will show completed pieces in Atlanta . Then a review by the review committee can be completed.
Listserve Updates- Joyce reported that she has received the listserve list from Kathy and will send that list to all committee members to review for additions or corrections. Scott indicated that it takes about 24 hours to get messages from the listserve. It is possible that more administrators need to be added to screen messages so messages can be forwarded in a timelier manner.
Herb indicated that Puerto Rico does not have titles listed. Herb will check with Kathy about additions and changes.
Institutional Links- Directory of Staff Development web site, we all need to try to get links added for our states at this site. John has added some links to this site.
Survey topics
Technology Use in Instruction will be submitted first. Herb will send out the information. Herb asked what other topics do you want to include? Members discussed the following ideas:
On-line use in general would be a good topic.
E-portfolio- a matrix of core employee competencies, a timeline for completion of related training, and how the employee gained from training completed. This will be used for their promotion.
PSD staffing levels- What are roles and best practices?
How we serve as handmaiden to others because we are not subject-matter departments or units? Many reported they are asked to do busy work and they just do it. What are the strategies for being good handmaidens?
Suggestions for 2008 PLN conference theme/program- Mary Ellen submitted the topic of succession planning. Rich suggested recruitment and retention. Mitch will submit all ideas to PLC.
Next meeting- Herb suggested using CENTRA and asked if everyone has microphones and speakers. Mitch indicated that audio might be difficult to utilize. Other states indicated they have no problem using CENTRA. A problem might be that not everyone can be in front of a computer. Herb will explore possibilities and get feedback on how to utilize CENTRA or other technology.
Herb suggested that the next meeting be held in February or March 2008. Herb and Joyce will look at the calendar and offer possible dates. Mitch reported that PLC would meet February 21. It was suggested that if we have action items brought up at the Atlanta conference, we might meet sooner than February or March.
Herb asked for any other business to discuss.
With no further business to discuss, he thanked everyone for being present and thanked Scott for helping to organize the conference.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by:
Joyce Martin
Vice-chair PSD committee