Southern Region Program & Staff Development
Conference Call
March 26, 2007


Alabama : Rebecca Dollman and Grace Kirkland
Arkansas : Lisa Ferris
Florida : Nick Place
Georgia : Mary Ellen Blackburn (Chair)
Kentucky : John Mowbray and Paul Warner
Louisiana : Debra Davis and Robert Richard
Mississippi : Julie Sexton and Michael Newman
North Carolina : Mitch Owen
Oklahoma : Joyce Martin (secretary)
Puerto Rico : Maria Rodriguez
South Carolina : Della Baker
Tennessee : Herb Byrd (vice-chair), Joseph Donaldson, and Randol Waters
Texas : Scott Cummings
Virginia : Nancy Franz
West Virginia- none

Mary Ellen Blackburn called the meeting to order and welcomed the group.

Joyce Martin, secretary, stated that the December 2006 conference call minutes were posted on the Southern Region Web site and she asked that the minutes be accepted as posted. Mary Ellen indicated that Mississippi State has done a great job with the Southern Region Web site. Kathy Ibendahl is now handling the Web site and the list serve.

Discussion Items

Update on CECP Modules

History -Randol Waters reported that 5 modules are complete with web links associated, handouts and videos. The topics include; history prior to Land-Grants, Land-Grant colleges, Seaman Knapp, other historical legislation, and contemporary organization times. There are approximately 5-6 hours of instruction, with a 6 th video on how modules are organized and how to print handouts. Julie Sexton discussed the review process; a few more people need to take a look at the modules. Julie will email Randol the information. Guidelines are listed at then go to CECP and use the rubrics. Further discussion regarding additional ideas for the module included adding testing to the module, and shortening the videos. Arkansas volunteered to pilot review the History modules. Randol will complete the modules and communicate with Lisa and Julie. Herb suggested that the official review be done. The guidelines indicate that 4 content reviewers including one county educator and two instructional design specialists. Rebecca Dollman, Richard Rohs and Nick Place will review for content and Tennessee will choose an agent to review. Julie will send link to Nick.

Writing Impacts - Della is co-chair. Mike Lambur is unable to work on this module due to new work position. Three modules are up but no test component. Scott will se e if Chris Boleman can help with this module.

Facilitation -Debra Davis is still working on the module by adding a self assessment, checking grammar and spelling, etc. She is making progress and will complete it by June 1.

Presentation Skills -Allisen Penn is unable to attend but reports no new development to report.

Web Instructional Design -Julie Sexton reported that she is exploring learning management systems and is working on the original landscape course.

eXtension Collaboration Area -Scott Cummings has created a work space and can add sub-categories. The advantage is that no one person has to maintain the site. Anyone can add information. Mary Ellen discussed adding the resources that have been housed through Kentucky , to this site. Julie will send everyone the link.

PSD Training Resource List will be worked on by John Mowbray,

Scott Cummings, and Mary Ellen Blackburn.

CECP Steering Committee -Debra Davis has not heard anything regarding this committee since the following names were submitted to serve on the committee: eXtension Training Reps - Debra Davis, Julie Sexton, and Scott Cummings.

CECP Evaluation - Mary Ellen reported that Mike Lambur recommended to hold off until eXtension is up and running. She reported that this topic will be tabled and reevaluated at a later time.

SEAL / PSD Conference Update -Scott Cummings asked if there were any major conflicts with the week of October 22 or October 15. Possible locations are Atlanta , Orlando , Dallas , and Little Rock . Tentatively, the week of October 22 was selected with SEAL conference to be held during the first part of the week and PSD sessions to be held at the end of the week. Mary Ellen will have Greg Price contact Scott regarding location, etc.

Federal POW Update - The Federal POW is due at the end of the week. Several states will send representatives to the meeting in Seattle .

PLN Update / 2007 Conference -Mitch Owen reported that the conference will be held August 27-29 in Louisville , Kentucky . The focus of the program will be entrepreneurship, resource development, and urban issues. Several urban universities (not Land-Grant universities) are pursuing legislative funding possibilities. They would like to become urban Land-Grant universities. We need to take note of this issue. PLN is looking at possible speakers with an urban prospective and political ramification. Possibly they will have a keynote and panel with funding sources such as; Kellogg and others.

Atlanta , GA and Greensboro , NC are being considered for the 2008 conference. Committee time will be available after lunch on the first day. Discussion was held regarding tours or local resource speakers. It was recommended that committee night and state night be held. Further discussion of a professional development speaker or topic was held. Please send possible ideas via email to Mary Ellen who will compile and communicate with everyone.

New Business - no new business

State Reports

Alabama - no report

Arkansas- department is now Program and Staff Development

Florida- Nick Place and Glenn Israel are looking for leads on reporting of Extension, Teaching, and Research

Georgia- they have a new accountability system and are looking at adding a new Staff Development position

Kentucky - finishing POW and searching for new Director of Extension

Louisiana- POW and hiring new faculty

Mississippi- big changes are complete

North Carolina- new state leader for urban programs, Mitch has new position, looking at training development person, completed Extension Conference with Dr. Vincent Covello as the key note speaker

Oklahoma- getting ready for the second yearof submitting Career Ladder portfolios and pilot mentoring program is continuing

Puerto Rico -During this period the Middle Management Leadership School finished its training and is currently under evaluation.  They also conducted revision and up dating of the Reporting System and have been working on the update of the Federal Plan of Work .

South Carolina - no report

Tennessee- Agent orientation with 25 new workers

Texas - no report

Virginia-Mike Lambur has a new position, they hope to have a new staff development position open this summer, and they are doing extension evaluation with volunteers. They are also, conducting focus groups in VA and would like 2 other states to volunteer for study groups.

With no further business, Mary Ellen thanked everyone for participating and the meeting was adjourned.

June Meeting: June 18, 3:00 pm Eastern and 2:00 pm Central