Southern Region Program & Staff Development
August 1999
August 30, 1999

The meeting was called to order by Glenn Israel. Introductions were made. The agenda was reviewed, modified, and approved.

Glenn asked the group to look at and determine which concurrent sessions each participant would attend on Tuesday morning.

Due to Bill Murphy's resignation from the Program and Staff Development Committee, a void exists in our leadership. Glenn asked members of the committee to nominate individuals for the positions of Vice Chair and Secretary. Ronnie White will serve as the Chair of the Program and Staff Development Committee for 1999-2000. Also, an 1890 PLC representative from PSD Committee needs to be elected for 1999-2000. Jerry Whiteside asked that the committee submit nominations to Glenn for election of this representative.

Jerry Whiteside and Margaret Johnson gave the PLC Representatives Report. Jerry discussed items such as multi-state programming and Web site for the Southern Region. Next year's meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held in Puerto Rico. The dates will be the end of August-September 2000, and the Puerto Rico group is working on costs, etc. at this time. Margaret discussed travel costs for flights and hotel accommodations to Puerto Rico. Multi-state efforts are required at the federal level for all 1862 institutions. Margaret also welcomed Dr. Leodry Williams from Louisiana to the PSD committee.

Paul Warner gave the Administrative Report. PLC, since its inception, has always been scheduled before the Southern Director's Meeting. The concern deals with the fact that Directors met two weeks prior to this year's PLC meeting. June would be a better time for the Directors to conduct their mini-land-grant meeting. This would provide them with the opportunity to discuss issues prior to the PLC meeting. One issue that has yet to be resolved is the final federal budget for Extension.

New requirements for planning and reporting were discussed by Directors during their meeting two weeks ago. Guidance is needed among the states with a Multi-State Program Agreement (see example - handout number 1) for documentation (contracts, etc. among states). This agreement is needed to satisfy the 25 percent multi-state programming efforts. Directors discussed how this might be implemented. A four-member panel was selected by the Southern Directors to work on Multi-State Programming Guidelines. A copy of an example using the proposed programming guidelines was prepared by this panel and distributed (see handout number 2). It was suggested that this example be utilized for each multi-state effort. The Southern Rural Development Center may place this information on a regional web site with "hot buttons" for each state. This would allow all southern states to know what multi-state efforts are ongoing between two states, thus providing them with the opportunity to join in the effort if so desired. The reporting aspect of multi-state efforts regarding content has not been finalized at this time. And finally, states should also review the SERA-IEGs that deal with both Extension and Research.

Glenn asked the committee to complete the Southern Region Web Site Questionnaire (see handout number 3).

Glenn discussed the Southern Region Accountability Meeting (see handout number 4) that was held in October 1998 in Raleigh, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was to share reporting system information currently being used in each state and to identify common indicators.

Joe Waldrum gave an update on experiences with AREERA. Joe asked pre-selected committee members to discuss the Plan of Work process within their state. Joe discussed the merit review process conducted between Mississippi and Arkansas. This merit review was made possible by the two state Extension directors. Michael Newman gave an overview regarding the Plan of Work process that Mississippi utilized. Additionally, Roger Rennekamp gave an overview of the Kentucky Plan of Work process. The approach used by each state reporting was unique in the design process. At this time, two states have received feedback from the federal review teams.

Multi-state activities were planned within the states as required at the federal level. The proposed Multi-State Program Agreement might be used by states in carrying out these planned multi-state activities as well as ensuring documentation is on file.

States also discussed their understanding of Stakeholder Input as outlined in the federal Plan of Work guidelines. Again, states varied somewhat in their approach to this information in the federal plan. The biggest issues encountered by states were the lateness in receiving the federal guidelines and the due date for the Plan of Work and the differing interpretations of the federal guidelines. Joe Waldrum proposed that PLC renew the offer for additional Regional Impact/Accountability Training Workshops.


August 31, 1999

The Program and Staff Development Committee traveled to Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula. Ingalls shared some of their training program components with the committee and gave a tour of the facilities.

Glenn Israel reconvened the committee following the tour to Ingalls. The committee elected Margaret Johnson as the 1890 PLC representative from the PSD Committee for 1999-2000. Also, Michael Newman was elected as the Vice Chair and Roger Rennekamp as Secretary for 1999-2000.

The Program and Staff Development Committee was asked to select a representative to serve on the regional web site committee that is being supported through the Southern Rural Development Center. Michael Newman was nominated and elected as the PSD Committee representative to assist in the construction of this web site.

Rich Poling distributed a handout titled Accountability and Evaluation of Extension Programs in Nutrition and Parenting (see handout number 5). Rich discussed the elements of the workshop that was held in Atlanta, Georgia on April 12-14, 1999. Parenting groups were grouped by states and nutrition groups were grouped by states. Groups were given questions to provide hands-on exercises to stimulate thought and vision in relation to Accountability/Evaluation Indicators. Also, these groups were asked to identify programs and subsequent outcomes within their state. Common themes emerged from this exercise. Finally, Rich discussed the Accountability Planning Worksheet (see handout number 6) that was used at this meeting. Additional workshops and follow-up are needed in the area of Accountability and Evaluation.

*AS AN INFORMATION ITEM, Jerry Whiteside made a motion that PLC/program groups involve individuals from the Program and Staff Development Committee in future planning sessions for Accountability and Evaluation Workshops. Michael Newman seconded the motion.

Mary Marshall distributed and discussed a handout titled Texas Agricultural Extension Service Participant Satisfaction Survey (see handout number 7). Roger indicated that there are variations across the Southern Region in terms of surveys being used to measure customer satisfaction. It was suggested that this type information be considered as a part of the Southern Rural Development Center regional web site.

September 1, 1999

Glenn Israel called the meeting to order.

Judy Groff discussed the Advisory Leadership Volunteers Program in North Carolina (see handout number 8). The advisory group should be considered as volunteers. Judy will assemble a team in North Carolina who will develop curriculum for use with all volunteers. Their state advisory council developed a strategic plan that provided the following goals: Advisory leaders should develop guidelines/goals for their advocacy role and for marketing, continue to build a communication network nationwide and to bring the university issues to these advisory groups to become better connected. Advisory leadership system should be better utilized, and that is the purpose of this team. The focus is to shift from "rubber stamping" to providing something worthwhile to the university. The thrust is to get the advisory group in tune with university needs as well as what they perceive as their needs and what is expected from them within their role. Judy prepared a proposal to be distributed at the Southern Region Director's meeting. She proposed that a regional newsletter, etc. be developed that will provide a way to communicate what local advisory groups are doing across the region as well as a way for advisory groups to share ideas.

Glenn made a motion that a sub-committee be formed from the Program and Staff Development Committee to work on advisory councils. The motion was seconded. The following PSD committee members will serve on the sub-committee: Joe Waldrum, Paul Warner, Judy Groff, Chiquita Briley, Michael Lambur.

Richard Lyles discussed the Blue-Ribbon Commission on Staff Development and Training in North Carolina (see handout number 9). The mission of this Commission is to ensure excellence in North Carolina Cooperative Extension through individual and organizational growth. A model has been developed by this Commission, and will be presented to administration in North Carolina in the near future. This model, if approved, will be placed on North Carolina's Web site.

Ronnie White gave a report on SELD that included an update on the number of participants who have been assessed the Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP) in the Southern Region (see handout number 10). Ronnie also reported that he isn't sure what Howard Ladewig's involvement would be in carrying on with the program. He indicated that he, along with Jerry Whiteside, has conducted the MAP program on numerous occasions. If Howard is in transition, another contact person would need to be considered. Glenn asked Ronnie to communicate with Howard about who the contact for the MAP program should be.

NOTE: Ronnie contacted Howard and learned that Howard will continue to serve as the contact for MAP as far as video and materials are concerned. Ronnie White and Frederick Richard Rohs will serve as support people.

The rest of the morning session dealt with state sharing.

Submitted by

Ronnie White, Secretary