Southern Region Program & Staff Development
Conference Call
June 16, 2008


Alabama- Virginia Morgan, Grace Kirkman; 
Arkansas - Karen Ballard, Rich Poling, Lisa Farris;
Florida-Cheri Brodeur;
Georgia- Mary Ellen Blackburn;
Kentucky - John Mowbray, Paul Warner;
Louisiana – Robert Reich, Debra Davis;
North Carolina - Mitch Owen;
South Carolina- Della A. Baker, Secretary;
Tennessee  - William Herbert Byrd, Chair, Joseph L. Donaldson;
Texas – Scott Cummings;
West Virginia- Karen Thomas; Advisor - Paul D. Warner. 
Mississippi–Julie Sexton joined late on the call.
Advisor - Paul D. Warner. 

Herb Byrd called the telephone conference meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

After the roll call, Herb Byrd asked Mitch to give an update on tours for the PSD meeting in Greensboro.   

PLN Meeting – PSD Tours
The Annual Meeting will be held August 25-29, 2008 in Greensboro, NC.  Mitch offered a couple of tour options, since he received no tour suggestions prior to this meeting.  One is the Center for Creative Leadership in Kannapolis, NC. (Kannapolis is further away- about 1.5 hours).  The other would be a tour of Civil Rights sites in Greensboro.  The committee members asked Mitch to invite someone to come to speak to the PSD group from the “leadership perspective.”  Mitch will attempt to get more details and e-mail the group.  He will plan some type of activity for the last afternoon of our meeting.  He will also search for options for dinner for committee night out.
Focus Group Research
Mitch reported for Nancy. A focus group study will be conducted during the meeting in Greensboro to examine the impact of PLN. In addition, Mitch reported highlights in preparation for the ASTD meeting, identifying new books published by Peter Block on building communities through conversation and by Malcolm Gladwell on transactional development –covering the WOW impact (a look at the workforce shift that is driving the economy, which celebrates the creative side and ignoring others who have gone through many years of training). Herb will add to the August agenda a report of the ASTD meeting.
National Program and Staff Development Contact List
Debra Davis reported on the Program and Staff Development contact list (all who have program and staff development responsibility).  She has secured a contact for all 1862 and 1890 institutions, except the District of Columbia. She highlighted one major contact for each state. She submitted the list to us through the listserv. This list will assist us when administering the national core competency survey. 


Facilitation Module
Debra reported that she does not plan to do anything further to this module until the committee develops more pertaining to the review process. The document is posted into Googledoc and people can make changes to the document. She said that the committee on which she and Mitch serves will need to figure out a maintenance plan for each person to keep their own information current.
2009 Seal Conference
Allisen Penn sent an e-mail to the listserve earlier stating that the Seal Conference will be held in North Carolina May 18-20, 2009.  Those persons interested in serving on the writing team for the development of new curriculum should respond to Allisen.
MOODLE Committee
Recommendation:  As we begin to develop modules, we should develop them for an e-learning environment where appropriate, using the eXtension MOODLE platform. The site is ready for people to use.
Mitch said that their committee is trying to identify a name that will work for internal e-learning development. Committee members suggested that an instructional development representative be included during this planning phase. In order to keep everyone informed of the progress of the committee, it was suggested that Mitch and Debra send a list of committee members and a brief report of what is going on in the committee.  Mitch will send us the WIKKI for input.
eXtension Community of Practice (COP)
Those PSD members attending are Virginia Morgan (EDEN representative), Rich Poling and Richard Karel (Financial Security-COP).  Herb asked that the persons attending the COP prepare to give an update for the August Meeting.
Herb reported that Joyce has worked hard to get the membership list up to date.  Everyone was asked to go to the committee website and see if there are any additional changes. If there are changes, please forward them to Joyce.
Succession Planning and Inventory of Resources (Brodeur, Morgan) - A meeting is planned with the Middle Managers on Wednesday, August 27 at 10:15 to Noon.  Herb says that people are needed who will commit to helping with the training and will give input. If you are interested in serving on a sub-committee, let Herb know.  Cheri will use the National Program and Staff Development Directory to find out what leadership training is being implemented throughout the nation. Virginia and Herb will be on the committee.  The information resulting from this survey will be made available on the website.

Plan of Work
Survey of Technology Use and Instruction (Byrd, Owen) –Virginia was asked to contact Anne in Alabama regarding progress on this survey and to send relevant information to the listserv.
New Agent Orientation Web-based Modules (Kirkman) - Grace has received seven responses to her survey.  She will give a final report at the August meeting.
Writing Impacts Module (Franz) - no report
Program Evaluation Module Feasibility (Boyd) – no report
Federal Planning and Reporting Roundtable (Simpson) – Joseph Donaldson will follow up with Marcie to find out the status of this project.
Presentation Skills Module (Penn) - Herb will assign people to review the module.
Other Program Ideas for August meeting:

Other Agenda Items:

Submitted by Della A. Baker, Secretary