Program Leadership Committee
Conference Call
October 10, 2002


Charles Cox, 4-H, Chair
Thelma Feaster, PSD
Bob Fehr, CIT
Ed Jones, CRD
Ross Love, ANR
Thelma Hunter, FCS
Gloria Mosby, CIT
Carolyn Nobles, FCS (past chair)
Louie Rivers, ANR
Kent Rorie, MM
Kathy Volanty, FCS
David Foster, Advisor
Ron Brown, ex-officio
Bo Beaulieu, ex-officio
Bonnie Teater, ex-officio

Committee Reports:

Directors/Administrators (Update): Dr. Foster indicated that all action items were approved during the AEA/ASRED meetings. He did mention the ongoing discussions regarding the Communications and Information Technology Committees for their information. He mentioned that the discussion on reorganization of PLC was handled separately. Dr. Carter and Dr. Chesney indicated to Dr. Foster that AEA approved the reorganization plan. In ASRED, the directors indicated being very supportive of a joint session. Some discussion was held regarding how the meeting might be configured so that folks could minimize time away from home. There is some hope that we could squeeze the meetings more tightly so as not to take Director and Administrator advisors away from Program Committees. The dates are acceptable to Directors and Administrators.. Therefore, the meeting will be held the last week of August prior to Labor Day as planned by PLC.

Netsource was discussed by Directors and Administrators and there was general support, but it was determined that each state will have to make those decisions on an institution-by-institution basis.

Communications and Information Technology White Paper: Bob Fehr and Gloria Mosby reviewed the white paper from the CIT committee regarding "Recommendation to Form an Information Technology Committee." They outlined the advantages and disadvantages of the separation of the committees (Appendix A). Much discussion by members of the Southern PLC resulted in a motion to recommend the concept to separate into two committees (Bob Fehr/Ken Rorie). Ross Love moved to table the motion and make this an agenda item for December 9 and 10.

CECP: Ron Brown indicated that 24 persons will be meeting in Atlanta to take information collected during August PLC meeting and will integrate the information into plans of CECP. The group will proceed with further development of guidebook which will outline rules of how we work together to do curriculum development.

e-Extension: Brown reported that ASRED has received a grant of $100,000 from CSREES and that Dick Wooten (NASULGC), Terry Gibson (U. of Wisconsin) and Greg Crosby (CSREES) and he are staff of E-Extension project. Plans for the project include the following:

(1) Three regional meetings to be held in early January in Pittsburgh, Kansas City, and Las Vegas.

(2) Subcontract to Purdue to form an External Advisory Committee (external to Extension) who will give advice on forming an E-Extension network.

(3) A subcontract will be made to ADEC to support a think-tank activity which will potentially be a brainstorming activity in Atlanta, December 5. After that meeting, the group will form a draft prototype of e-Extension. Draft business and operational plan. Plans are to have those things developed and prepared for the national meeting of Extension Directors/Administrators.

Upcoming PLC Meeting
The next PLC meeting will be held in Little Rock on December 9 and 10. Charles Cox, David Foster, Ron Brown, Lawrence Carter, and Bonnie Teater will work together to develop an agenda to determine the length of meetings. As soon as possible full details will be sent to the Committee.

Dates for Next Year's Meeting
August 24-27, 2003, Little Rock, Arkansas