Program Leadership Committee
Conference Call - December 2007
December 11, 2007

Debbie Archer, Communications, University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
Nina Boston, Information Technology, University of Arkansas
Paul Coreil, ASRED Advisor, Louisiana State University
Nelson Daniels, PLC Chair, Ag and Natural Resources, Prairie View A&M University
Gina Eubanks, AEA Advisor, Southern University Cooperative Extension
Frankie Gould, Communications, Louisiana State University
Shirley Hastings, Vice-Chair, Family and Consumer Science
Paul Mask, Ag and Natural Resources, Auburn University
Lamar Nichols, 4-H Youth Development, Auburn University
Mitch Owen, Program & Staff Dev., North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
Thelma Sanders-Hunter, PLC Chair, Family & Consumer Sciences, Tennessee State University
Gaines Smith, ASRED Representative, Auburn University
Ellen Smoak, Middle Managers, North Carolina A&T University
Dorothy Wilson, 4-H Youth Development, FCS, CRD, Langston University
Bill Woodrum, Community Development, West Virginia State University

L. Washington Lyons, AEA
Kathy Ibendahl, SRDC

PLC Members and Ex-Officio Absent:
Ron Brown, ASRED
Ray McKinnie, AEA Representative, North Carolina A&T State University
Chris Rogers, Information Technology, Southern University Research and Extension Center
Joe Schaefer, Middle Management, University of Florida
Tony Windham, Community Development, University of Arkansas

Alan Barefield, Associate Director, SRDC


Nelson Daniels welcomed everyone and thanked them for being patient as they waited for him to arrive. His flight experienced delays. Minutes of the October 18th conference call were reviewed. Nina Boston moved that the minutes be approved as written. Dorothy Wilson seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Nelson asked everyone to review the agenda for changes or additions. Nina asked that we take time for Kathy to make an announcement before we adjourn.

Dinner Plans

After a brief discussion, many in the group decided to meet at 6 p.m. to go to Joe’s on Sullivan for dinner. Kathy arranged a shuttle to drive them to the restaurant.

Updates From ASRED

Paul Coriel told the group that Ron Brown is ill, but sends his regards.

The ASRED chair position changed at NASULGC in New York last month. Larry Arrington has accepted this position. Ron will continue as Executive Director.

ECOP met during this meeting. Paul Coriel is chair-elect. Gina Eubanks is another member. There was quite a bit of discussion about the structure and leadership for management. Current chair, Elbert Dickey, has a committee exploring effective models. They like the way the North Central region has a regional executive director who is involved in the national ECOP management. Dickey’s subcommittee is looking at how that could be modeled in ECOP. There is not a strong organizational leadership in all regions like we have in the South. The next ECOP meeting will be held in San Diego.

The national launch of eXtension will take place in February at the Ag Outlook conference. Paul is the outgoing chair of the governing committee. The new chair will be Dalton McAfee and he will begin his new role January 1st. The national launch will be a major breakthrough to show what eXtension can accomplish. The Frequently Asked Questions have been popular already. Paul complimented the Communities of Practice in the South and their accomplishments. The national launch overlaps with the national directors and administrators meeting in San Diego; therefore, most directors and administrators will not be able to attend the launch. Every state has been asked to set up an event or celebration for the national launch and some will have a live link to the launch. The Secretary of Agriculture will be clicking the button to make it “live.” It will be quite an event.

Gaines Smith said he was selected by ASRED to serve on PLC. A number of years ago, he was on the committee. Congress is working on a continuing resolution for the federal budget). He speculates that next week they will ask for another continuing resolution and it will be 2008 before we have a budget. Right now, we are budgeting federal dollars on good faith.

We were hoping the Farm Bill was going to be a 2007 bill, however, the process is going slow. The House passed their version and the Senate is locked on discussion and debate. There are a large number of amendments--250 to 300 expected to be submitted. The Senate wants just 20 and are determining which ones to include. We hope the Senate will finish before the holiday break with a compromise between House and Senate after the first of the year. The bill deals with our Extension and research programs, conservation programs, and commodities programs, food stamps, etc.

Through Paul Coriel’s early leadership, the southern states are entering into an emergency communication consortium agreement in preparation for future emergencies where communications are disrupted. Five southern states already have or are in the process of obtaining a mobile internet connection unit. All the states that have them would send their unit and staff to the affected states. Alabama is using theirs for their 4-H program. This technology can be used for non-emergency applications as well.

Paul Coriel added that the eXtension governing committee talked about a lot more funding to institutionalize eXtension to a larger Communities of Practice system. There will be discussion on higher levels of funding as part of the launch. They are not seeking Smith-Level funding.  

“Capacity” or “Formula Funds” are protected.  As he sees it right now, if there are any growth funds in the ‘08 Farm Bill, they will be competitive. We are going to have to get better at going after competitive funds.

Updates From AEA

L. Washington Lyons reinforced that the only new money being proposed is competitive.  On Friday, there was a call for action by Cornerstone to get administrators and directors to support the Alexander Amendment to restore $70 million to the Farm Bill for competitive funding. As of right now, that would be the only new money. This would be mandatory money available in the budget.

Last week, each director or executive administrator had an opportunity to meet with the ECOP chair and executive director.  Dr. Lyons showed PLC the new publication “Strategic Opportunities for Cooperative Extension.” Each director and administrator had an opportunity to participate in developing this brochure than contains national and regional priorities. Each state can ask for complimentary copies from NASULGC and it is available on their website. He suggested that everyone obtain a copy.

The 1890 administrators met at NASULGC in New York. Dr. Ray McKinnie will continue in his second year of his two-year term. He is unable to be here today as he has another meeting in Washington.

They are planning for an 1890 land-grant conference June 8 – 11, 2008. The main thrust will be integration of programs and emerging issues.

AEA’s winter meeting will take place January 29 – February 1 in DC. The program teams will be joining the administrators two of those days.

The research and Extension administrators are working on an integrated grant workshop to be held March 10 – 11. Although hosted by the 1890s, the workshop will be open to others who wish to attend.

Gina Eubanks had nothing to add.

Paul Coriel said the LSU AgCenter will be hosting ASRED’s spring meeting, April 1 – 2, 2008 in Baton Rouge.  He expects the meeting to be very positive. Attendees who want to visit New Orleans can do so since it is not far and there will be Research Station field trip opportunities nearby as well.

Louisiana is hosting a leadership advisory council meeting in May in New Orleans. All program areas will be involved.

Gina Eubanks announced that the 4-H Foundation will be meeting in New Orleans in January. Executive directors of 4-H foundations nation-wide are invited. Bill Woodrum said he plans to attend.

The 2008 Joint Meeting

Nelson summarized the progress that has been made at this point. We have selected a theme along the lines of “promoting wellness and a healthy lifestyle.” He asked if another way of wording it would be more appropriate. Frankie said this theme has some overlap with other topics we considered. For example, changing audiences.

She gave an example of what their Chancellor at LSU is doing to promote a healthy lifestyle. He has issued a challenge involving wellness that includes a daily blog. It has been successful and many have improved their health. The program is getting a lot of public reaction.

Major concerns are 1) not just what are we doing for our clients, but what are we doing for our employees and 2) how do we get people to adopt these best practices? “Application and adoption” should be a part of our program’s emphasis.

How do we make this relevant for all program areas? The speaker needs to connect all our disciplines. We need to teach our folks something new, shake them up, and challenge them to make a change of some sort. Mitch Owen suggested looking within this broad area and choosing one or two things that will affect a change.

Shirley Hastings said she would like to see the program answer questions such as: What are the implications for me and my community? My health? Economics? What can I personally do to improve my health and wellness? What should I do in my program area? What is coming down the road that I need to know?

Mitch told the group about North Carolina State University’s new research center in Kannapolis, NC that encompasses many institutions, disciplines, and cutting edge research and technology in the area of wellness. The three major emphases are biotechnology, nutrition and health. The man who envisioned this project is about eighty and is very difficult to obtain for speaking engagements.

Selected Theme: America’s Health Crisis: The Land-Grants’ Role

Speaker Ideas:

Dorothy Wilson suggested Dr. James Painter, a professor and department chair of Family and Consumer Sciences at Eastern Illinois University who was on the Today Show. He is a dynamic speaker and is doing research in the area of food science. He is able to answer the questions, “what’s in it for me? Will it help me and my clientele to live longer and save on health expenses?” He says we eat more than we think we eat. He can speak to the ten foods that add more years to your life and life to your years and economic costs of obesity.

Mitch mentioned a man at UNC Chapel Hill that does site selections for companies. He spends a lot of time telling communities that many companies just look at demographics and don’t look at the site. They want sites in communities with low obesity rates.

Frankie and Dr. Coriel suggested Chancellor Richardson at LSU as a good opener and a moderator with the speakers and wrap up person. He’s modeling the behavior as an organizational leader and is over both research and Extension.

Dr. Eubanks suggested Dr. Rani Whitfield, “The Hip Hop Doctor.” They’ve worked with him in Louisiana with youth programming. Dr. Whitfield is a family physician in Baton Rouge.  His educational programs target prisoners and youth.

Dr. Thearon McKinney at NC State is good friends with the assistant surgeon general, Dr. Donald Weaver. He was a luncheon speaker at a recent meeting several of the group attended. He is a dynamic speaker and said that the number one children’s health issue is oral health. Mitch Owen will get in touch with Dr. McKinney to see if we can reach Dr. Weaver.

Frank Stit is a celebrity chef in Birmingham who promotes the use of locally-produced foods. He is an interesting person and has had a huge impact in the South’s trendy restaurants. He could talk about his philosophy.

Andy Core, an exercise physiologist, is one of Northwest Arkansas’ most popular physical health and nutrition experts. He is a dynamic and energetic speaker. Andy

Several had heard a gentleman from the Center for Disease Control speak and he was dynamic.  Frankie is going to look to see who that was.

Dr. Eubanks suggested having a panel rather than a keynote speaker. Then the members could go to the committee meetings for in-depth discussion.

Program Ideas:

The group discussed a variety of formats and topics for the first day’s general session. There was concern about how this topic would apply to all program areas—especially agriculture and natural resources. Several shared ideas about how biotechnology and organic foods, for instance, ties in with agriculture. The work being done at Kannapolis in biotechnology relates ag. to wellness and healthy living. If we could get someone from Kannapolis, they could explain the vision of relating it to ag. and other disciplines.

The committee agreed that we need to keep the program simple with fewer speakers rather than to pack many speakers into the morning. Nina reminded the group that last year’s meeting evaluations indicated that folks want a shorter general session.

After much discussion, the Committee decided on the following general session program format:

America’s Health Crisis: The Land-Grants’ Role

8 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.        Welcome from PLC Chair and others. Housekeeping items and announcements.  

8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.  Keynote Speaker.

We will try to get Dr. Donald Weaver, Assistant Surgeon General
This person will set the stage and explain why this is a national crisis.

9:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.   Break

9:45 a.m. - ?                Two more presentations (These could cover different topics)

? – 11:30 a.m. ?           Chancellor Richardson (LSU) would wrap up the morning and tie it all together from the land-grant perspective. He will show the commitment of an administrator.

Approx. 11:30 a.m.     Lunch

Then, perhaps we could have opportunities throughout the meeting to relate what we’ve learned to the role of Cooperative Extension.

Paul Coriel asked that we tape the keynoter and capture most of the general session for our other specialists and faculty.

Shirley Hastings moved that we go with this program plan and Frankie Gould seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Other Theme-Related Meeting Ideas:

Bill Woodrum suggested a challenge for the group that would require weigh in this year and weigh in again next year. 

Shirley said that we could open up an online reporting wellness program for our folks to follow.

Lamar suggested continuing and improving upon healthy menus during the meeting.

Ellen and Kathy said there is a large mall next door to the hotel in Greensboro. Ellen said they have organized mall walks in the mornings. Perhaps we could advertise this to our attendees.

Additional Meeting Discussion:

Kathy suggested planning the meeting a year in advance in order to obtain the speakers we need. Most popular speakers will have their calendars full or almost full for August by now. For instance, we should be planning the 2009 meeting now and working on the final touches for the 2008 meeting.

If we left our August meeting in Greensboro with topics and speakers in mind for 2009 using this format, we could meet in December and put the finishing touches on the meeting at that time.

Reminder:   The 2008 meeting will be held August 25 – 29, 2008 at the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons. The meeting rooms are in the Koury Convention Center. Monday, August 25th would be the pre-meeting day with the general session on Tuesday, August 26th. PLN would adjourn at noon on Thursday, August 28th and AEA and ASRED would adjourn at noon on Friday, August 29th.


Nelson asked everyone to introduce themselves since we did not do that earlier.

Kathy Ibendahl announced that she is leaving the Southern Rural Development Center effective Friday, February 1, 2008. She has thoroughly enjoyed working with PLN, AEA, and ASRED. She thanked everyone for allowing her to serve these organizations and plan the annual meeting. This has been a highlight of her work with the Center. She is taking her meeting planning experience going to work for HelmsBriscoe, a company that helps meeting planners find meeting sites at no charge. Perhaps she will have an opportunity to help some of the program leaders and administrators locate and set up future meeting sites.

The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m
December 12, 2007


Nelson welcomed everyone back for the second day of the meeting.

Updates and Discussion on Topics Brought to PLC By the Executive Committee

Nina Boston, Executive Committee Chair, gave an overview of the three topics the EC brought to the PLC during the October meeting. Further discussion is needed.

Committee Chair Inclusion in PLC
Earlier this fall, Nina distributed an e-mail to the committee chairs asking if they would like to be included on the PLC listserv so they are aware of what we are doing. They are also welcome to attend our meetings. She had several chairs who asked to be included and Kathy added them to the PLC listserv.

New Committee Chair Orientation
An orientation session that would help the committee chairs know what is expected of them would greatly benefit the organization.  Topics included would cover, for example, what is expected the first day of the joint meeting, second day, and third day; how to write, submit, and update the annual plan of work; and how to write and submit the committee’s accomplishment report. Think of what you wished you had known when you became a committee chair. Nina said that holding the orientation in July would be beneficial. It would not be too close to PLN, but not too far ahead either. The orientation would take place via conference call or web conferencing.

Other topics to cover:

  • What is an action and information item and how it should be worded. Nina will provide examples of good information and action items. Dr. Brown has volunteered to help us.
  • How committee chairs need to explain information and action items to their committees.
  • Promote the SR-PLN website and the August presentation to AEA/ASRED PowerPoint link on the home page (left hand side).
  • Committee chair responsibilities during the year.
  • What meetings the chairs need to attend during the Joint Meeting.
  • What needs to be accomplished each day during the Joint Meeting (what is due and when).

A discussion on information and action items followed. There are different interpretations from our advisors as what is what. It was brought up that some committees just want the blessing and approval from the administrators and directors even though the item does not require action or funds.

Accomplishment Reports
The question has been raised regarding how well we are informing our administrators about what we do and what we accomplish.  During the PLC October conference call, PLC decided to ask each committee to prepare a brief accomplishment report for the administrators and directors so they can see what each committee is doing and the value it is adding to the region.

Paul Coriel said we need to make sure the accomplishment reports are presented to the directors and administrators in a format they desire. The reports need to be in PowerPoint rather than in paper form. We don’t have the resources available to print them all on site and the directors and administrators won’t be able to read through them all. Ron Brown and L. Washington need to be kept informed as work progresses on this new endeavor.

Each chair will be asked to submit the top two accomplishments of the year. These need to be very brief and of great significance.

Paul Coriel suggested that, since we have new directors and associate directors who were not here at the start of PLN, perhaps a seminar should be held to talk about PLN and its role, scope, and mission. There is a need for everyone to reconnect to the value of PLN and a commitment from all institutions continues to be necessary for its success. Gaines Smith and Paul Coriel said they’d like to take this idea to Larry Arrington, chair of ASRED, to see if ASRED would support this. It would help directors and administrators understand the value of PLN. They could hear from the leadership of PLN and then leave the rest open for discussion. It’s a good time for the directors and administrators to reevaluate and focus the value of PLN.

Mitch Owen suggested someone contact each committee and conduct an assessment to see the most significant impacts of the relationships they’ve built and the things that they’ve done.  We need to somehow capture that. Mitch said he will contact those on his committee (PSD) who are evaluators to see if they could help us gather this information. Perhaps we could include this in the committee chair training and announce that someone will be coming to their meeting in August with an impact assessment.

Gaines Smith said the directors have said over and over that committee chairs need to work with other committees (give input and share ideas) before submitting information or action items involving or impacting another committee.

Joint Meeting: Committee and State Nights Out

After a brief discussion, PLC decided to designate a committee night out for those committees wishing to participate. It would be optional. Then, if the states want to do something, they can plan it for another night. Wednesday evening during the meeting will be the optional committee night out and this will be indicated on the online and printed agendas.

PLC decided to continue the evening reception but change it from Tuesday evening to Monday evening. Administrative advisors (directors and administrators) who arrive on Monday are welcome.

During our October call, the following individuals volunteered to be on the 2008 Joint Meeting Program Planning Committee: L. Washington Lyons, Ron Brown, Nina Boston, Nelson Daniels (chair), Dorothy Wilson, Joe Schaefer, Kathy Ibendahl, and Mitch Owen (to help find speakers).

Dr. Eubanks asked that the meeting evaluation be more extensive with comments about the whole function.  Expand the evaluation process. 

There was a discussion on whether or not to offer a cash bar at the reception. A few vocal people voiced their disappointment last year. This issue will be a charge of the program committee.

Newcomers Orientation Committee

Kathy Ibendahl presented a proposal to create a Newcomers Orientation Committee (see appendix). A point to begin discussion, this document proposes that a committee be formed of PLN representatives to 1) be a welcoming committee for new members and 2) create a set newcomers presentation and orientation to follow year-to-year.

After discussion, Shirley Hastings moved to accept the draft as written, but add a separate section that would give outcomes and possible ways of going about these charges. This would give the committee flexibility. Thelma Sanders-Hunter seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Another idea is to put a ribbon on the newcomers’ name tags to identify these new members. Also, the PLC chair could have the newcomers stand to welcome them at the general session.

Paul Coriel gave each committee member a glasses lens cleaners commemorating the 100th anniversary of 4-H in Louisiana.

Report on the PSD Conference

Mitch Owen distributed evaluation reports from the PSD conference that was held here in Atlanta this past summer. They had about 50 people attend from throughout the southern region. This was pretty good for 4-5 months notice. They invited people from other regions and about five attended. PSD is thinking long term and they feel this needs to be a national effort. The evaluations were very good. Follow up feedback shows that most attendees would like to have the meeting every other year. One major outcome was a consensus that we begin building a national network--a community of program and staff development professionals. 

Ninety-four percent of responders said they were mostly or completely satisfied with the meeting. This meeting was more collaborative than most. Papers were presented. Ron Brown was the keynote speaker. Everyone from NC came back with new perspectives. They are looking at 2009 to determine if they should have the conference again and move it to a national conference.

On behalf of the SEAL Conference Planning Committee and the PLN-PSD Committee, Mitch made a formal request for PLC to support the Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders (SEAL) conference in spring 2009. Held every year since 2001, this conference has been beneficial in providing training for stakeholder advisory leaders in Extension. This is not for faculty. This is for volunteers--our best leaders in our best states. They would use this time to develop new curricula (see handouts). There is a huge benefit of bringing these people together. One of the handouts is a proposal and the other is a white page that can be reformatted. Mitch asked PLC to pledge support so it can go to the directors and administrators for approval. 

Paul Coreil suggested there be some emphasis on linking research with Extension in this conference.  He suggested involving Debra from LSU in the program. Mitch moved that PLC pledge support to the SEAL proposal and send it forward for AEA and ASRED for approval. Shirley seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Kathy Ibendahl will send electronic copies of the SEAL proposal to Nelson Daniels who will forward it to Larry Arrington with a copy to Ron Brown and to Ray McKinney with a copy to L. Washington Lyons. He will ask that they add this to their next meeting agendas.

Committee Reports

ANR- Paul Mask said they have not met recently. There is nothing to report.

COMM- Frankie Gould reported on the Communications Committee teleconference in October. On the call, they came up with guidelines for royalties and commissions. They are putting together a document of best practices they are suggesting be used as a boiler plate for states to follow. Communications is currently working on four to five CECP modules. The Disaster Communication module is almost finished. Others in the works are Media Relations, Exhibit Design and Production, Digital Photography, and Rules for Writing.

They just found out yesterday that ECOP voted and approved all items that were proposed, including the ECOP Marketing and Communication Task Force proposal for national market and brand research study. That will move forward for a national effort. Frankie is on this committee and said they will meet in January to get the process underway. They are excited. One part of this is a national market survey to determine who we are in the minds of the public. There is an additional package for each state to do their own study for $10K.

CD- Bill Woodrum told the group that his committee held a conference call on October 31st. A Business Retention and Expansion training is coming in January at Clemson. Other discussion on the call was about the CD communities of practice and participation in the southern region. There is a group building a national CRD council and several from the southern region are giving leadership to that.

FC- Shirley Hastings reported on the FCS conference call held in October. They are moving ahead with their plan of work. They submitted a preliminary proposal for an eXtension community of practice. They have a broad topic and are working on the scope and modules. FCS is preparing a couple of surveys to determine a baseline for beginning work in eXtension on obesity. Shirley thanked Thelma Sanders-Hunter for her work on this. 

4-H & Youth Dev.- Dorothy Wilson gave the 4-H update. Their previous conference call was held October 16th and the next one is scheduled for January 10th. She reported on several upcoming meetings. The Southern Region Biennial Conference will be held in Tunica, MS, March 10 – 14, 2008. Maine will be the location of the National Program Leaders meeting April 7 – 11, 2008. The CYFAR Conference will be held May 5 – 9, 2008 in San Antonio, Texas. 4-H and Youth Development is working on proposals for the SET (Science, Engineering, and Technology) mandate. These are due in January.  

IT- IT held its last conference call in October. Nina said that Dwayne Hunter is leading an effort to do a best practices document on disaster preparedness. The committee has lost some key people and is soon losing Larry Lippke. All players from the security module group have left or are leaving.

MM- Ellen Smoak said the MM Committee held its last teleconference in October. They are looking at the succession planning issue. Most of our current middle managers will retire in the near future and the committee is looking at how they can help Extension organizations shape the future. The Middle Management conference will be held in Athens, GA in early April. They are working with the MM group in the north central region to establish dialog to meet jointly and involve others at the next Galaxy conference. 

PSD- Mitch gave his committee report earlier when he presented details on the annual PSD meeting and the SEAL conference proposal. 

There was no new business.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m.

Submitted by Kathy Ibendahl, SRDC



Newcomers Orientation and Job Description

Program and Staff Development Conference Evaluations

Southern Region Program Leadership Network
Newcomers Committee


In response to comments and suggestions from new members and others involved with the Newcomers Orientation, the Program Leadership Committee is establishing a Newcomers Committee (NC).  The NC will act as a “friendly contact” to new PLN members by welcoming them to PLN, personally inviting them to the Newcomers Orientation, and answering questions they may have about the organization.  In addition, the NC will develop a program for PLC chairs to follow during the Newcomers Orientation session at the annual Joint Meeting. This will save future chairs time and effort spent in developing their own presentations and will assure that all points will be covered in a uniform manner from year to year.  Below is the proposed plan.

The committee will consist of:

Service and selection:

Committee responsibilities:

Drafted by K. Ibendahl, SRDC
November 27, 2007


December 7, 2007

The SEAL Conference Planning Committee and the PLN-PSD Committee requests your support to hold the Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders (SEAL) Conference in Spring, 2009.  Since its inception in 2001, this conference has provided beneficial training for Advisory Leaders and those working with Advisory Leadership.  The information from the past three SEAL conferences is located on the web and continues to be used extensively. 
This conference is directly targeted for Extension Advisory Leaders in the Southern Region.  The Volunteer Leaders are a tremendous asset to Cooperative Extension.   In order to continue strengthening our partnership with the Volunteer Leaders, we need to continue offering them high quality training opportunities such as SEAL.  In addition, SEAL offers an opportunity for volunteers to interact with other Extension Volunteers from across the Southern Region.  The SEAL conference is held separately from other conferences to ensure that the focus is directed toward Advisory Leadership and Advisory Leader Volunteers.
North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service is willing to host the SEAL Conference in early 2009.   Agenda items include:  Advisory Orientation, Empowering Advisory Members, New Innovations with Advisory Leadership, and Value of Volunteer Leaders.  Since expected attendees will include experienced and new Advisory Leaders, basic and advanced sessions will be offered.
We ask for your continued support of SEAL and specifically to hold the next SEAL Conference in Spring, 2009.

SEAL Committee Members
Chris Boleman, Texas Cooperative Extension                                                               Joy Staton, North Carolina Cooperative Extension                                                       Eric Kaufman, Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension                                                  Ralph Prince, Kentucky Cooperative Extension

Proposal for
 Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders (SEAL) – Spring 2009

Charlotte, North Carolina




The Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders (SEAL) Conference has been held every other year since 2001.  This conference is targeted for volunteers and those that work directly with them.  The last conference was held in 2005.  In 2007, no conference was held, although there is a continuing need for the delivery of educational materials for Advisory Leaders in the Southern Region. 

It is still critical for Extension to have relevant and responsive programs to meet the needs of citizens.  This is especially true with budgets tightening and marketing efforts continuing to be a challenge for Cooperative Extension.  Volunteers that support Extension (Advisory Leaders) are critical to ensure Extension’s future.  By partnering with Cooperative Extension and assisting with marketing, programming, and advocacy efforts, volunteers have proven to be an invaluable part of our organization, and it is necessary to continue developing new curriculum ideas to support them.

Past SEAL committee members (Ralph Prince, Joy Staton, and Chris Boleman) decided to use the Southern Region Program Development / Staff Development Professional Development Program in Atlanta (2007) as a platform to discuss the next steps related to the direction of SEAL.

As a result of discussions held in Atlanta and the successes of past SEAL conferences, the chairs of SEAL are requesting the opportunity to schedule a SEAL conference in Spring 2009.  North Carolina is willing to host the next SEAL conference.  New curriculums are currently being developed on several topics.  Some of the identified items are outlined below:


Possible Agenda Topics for SEAL 2009