Program Leadership Committee
August 2000
August 27, 2000


Agriculture and Natural Resources
Bill Harris, Texas A&M University
Communications and Information Technology
Carla Craycraft, University of Kentucky
Gloria J. Mosby, Prairie View A&M University
Community Development
Charles Artis, South Carolina State University
Rick Maurer, University of Kentucky (Vice Chair)
4-H Youth Development
Charles B. Cox, Oklahoma State University
Samuel Felder, South Carolina State University
Middle Management
Claude Bess, Oklahoma State University
Fred Broughton, South Carolina State University
Program and Staff Development
Margaret Johnson, South Carolina State University (Chair)
Jerry Whiteside, University of Georgia
David Foster, Oklahoma State University
Lawrence Carter, Florida A&M University
Bo Beaulieu, Southern Rural Development Center
Bonnie P. Teater, Southern Rural Development Center

Margaret Johnson called the meeting to order and welcomed all members of the Southern PLC. Bonnie Teater reported on corrections and additions that needed to be made to the on-site conference agenda. She also indicated room changes and the need for committees to handle Evaluation in their individual committees.

The agenda was discussed and PLC members were reminded of their need to serve as recorders during the break-out sessions:

Funding–Bred Broughton and Jerry Whiteside
Multi-State–Claude Bess and Sandy Zaslow
Delivery Systems–Bill Harris and Carla Craycraft
Internal/External Forces/Partnerships–Charles Artis and Carolyn Nobles
Customers–Charles Cox and Gloria Mosby
Research/Extension Integration–Rick Maurer and Margaret Johnson
Politics–Sam Felder and Nathaniel Keys

These individuals are to have reports of these breakout sessions sent electronically to Bonnie Teater no later than September 30 to be posted on the web as well as to be included in any action items required for the Southern PLC and Directors and Administrators.

Dr. Foster and Dr. Carter reported to the Southern PLC that the directors and administrators had changed the dates for their fall meeting which would result in the need for no change in the Southern Region Program Leaders Annual Meeting. Therefore, the dates of August 26-29, 2001, are set for next year's meeting. The PLC did decide by consensus that the locations of Atlanta and Savannah should be explored.

At 5:00 p.m., Program Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs joined the group for a short informational meeting. The meeting highlighted the history of the PLC, procedures for developing proposals to PLC, as well as information regarding the Southern Region Web Site. Each Committee provided an overview of their agenda for the Puerto Rico meeting as well as the possibility for any joint meetings and potential action items which would be submitted to PLC.

All Committee Chairs were reminded of various action and times that needed to be handled within their committee meetings.

1. Evaluations–Bonnie will pick up in Committee rooms on Wednesday.
2. Some Committees are to elect replacements. The replacement schedule will be posted on the web site for future use.
3. Committee reports with action items listed first and information items listed second are due to Bonnie Teater no later than September 30. These reports will be incorporated into a full report that will be discussed by the Southern PLC and recommendations will be made to the Southern Directors and Administrators during the NASULGC meeting.

The Committee chairs were told of the August 26-29, 2001, meeting dates and possible locations being Atlanta and Augusta.

August 28, 2000


Communications and Information Technology
Carla Craycraft
Gloria Mosby
Community Development
Charles Artis
Rick Maurer
Family and Consumer Sciences
Sarah Anderson (replacing Sandy Zaslow)
Carolyn Nobles
4-H Youth Development
Charles Cox
Sam Felder
Middle Management
Claude Bess
Fred Broughton
Program and Staff Development
Margaret Johnson
Jerry Whiteside
Nickey Jefferson (replacing Margaret Johnson)
Lawrence Carter
David Foster
Bo Beaulieu
Bonnie Teater

After the meeting, it was also learned that a new member representing ANR was elected. James Hill, South Carolina State University, was elected for a three-year term.

After much discussion regarding the election of officers, a motion was presented as follows: "That a rotation between 1890 and 1862 Chair and Vice-Chair be encouraged as much as practical." (Broughton / Mosby – APPROVED).

Another motion was offered as follows: "That a person would be allowed to serve a 4th year on the Southern PLC, if that person is elected as Chair of the Southern Region Program Leadership Committee." (Craycraft / Broughton APPROVED). Based on further discussion, this motion would allow a person that had previously served one or two years to serve as Vice Chair and rotate to the position of Chair of the Southern PLC without requiring a Program Committee to re-appoint the individual to another term on Southern PLC.

Election of officers followed:
Rick Maurer (Chair) (elected by consensus)
Carolyn Nobles, Vice Chair, (Artis / Maurer – ACCLAMATION)

Margaret Johnson thanked the entire Southern PLC for their support. In response, she was deeply thanked for her leadership and dedication to the Southern region efforts. Rick Maurer took over as Chair at this point.

David Foster was thanked for his two years of service. It was noted Dr. Foster had served for two years. The past chair of Southern Directors serves as advisor to the Southern PLC. Dr. Foster fulfilled his term and that of Pedro Rodriguez who felt that he would not have the time to commit to this assignment. Dr. Foster indicated that Jack Bagent, LSU, will become the advisor to this group after the NASULGC meeting.

Various committees had information / action items which will be presented at the next meeting of Southern PLC for their action. Those are as follows:

CIT–There will be a slight modification to the Grammar proposal, but that will come in the form of an action item to Southern PLC by September 30. It was also reported that the CIT group will develop an electronic database using "beef cattle" as a start to see if it will work regionally.

FCS–It was noted that two states are hosting national conferences. It was noted that these two conferences should be listed as information items for the Southern Directors and Administrators so that support for participation will be received.

MM–A resolution is forthcoming with Program and Staff Development to plan SELD training on a regional basis.

PSD–The Committee representatives were asked to nominate one person to serve on the Strengthening Advisory Leadership Planning Team. Each Committee is requested to send the name to Judy Groff at North Carolina State University

NEXT Meeting:
Meet Me Conference Call: October 13, 2000
9:00 a.m. (Central) / 10:00 a.m. (Eastern)

November 20 and 21—either Atlanta or Savannah