Middle Management Committee Meeting
August 2003- Little Rock, AK
August 25, 2004
    1.     Dr. John Mobray extended a welcome to all the members of the middle management group.

    2.    The 2002-2003 officers, advisors and PLC Representatives were introduced:
Chair:   John Mobray, Kentucky
Vice Chair: Russell King, North Carolina
Secretary: Tony Tyson, Georgia
Advisors: Rosalie Biven, representing Judith Jones, Virginia Tech
  Clyde Chesney, representing Latif Lighari, Tennessee
PLC Reps. Helen Brooks, Alcorn State University
  Kent Rorie, Arkansas

  • The remainder of those present then introduced themselves.
    • 3.      After everyone was introduced, John discussed the need to increase representation for Urban Programs in the Middle Management Group.
      4.      Russell King presented the minutes from the 2002 meeting in Nashville, TN.  He also passed out copies of the evaluations from the Nashville meeting and a copy of the responsibilities for Middle Management PLC Representatives.  The minutes were approved as presented.
      5.      PLC Representative Report:

      Helen Brooks reported:
      Action items presented pertained to CECP, E-extension modules and competencies.  The next PLC meeting will be held at the Grand Hotel and Casino in Biloxi, MS on August 29-September 1, 2004.

      Kent Rorie reported:

      Discussed proposal to split Communication and IT.  There have been several conference calls on this matter.  He also mentioned that everyone can get access to the CECP system to view the modules.  To get on initially you can use the username – osucbc and the password – cowboys.  Once you log on you can set up your own username and password

      John Mobray also noted that any PLC rep. who misses more than two meetings will be replaced.  He also stated that there have been no problems with the Middle Management reps.

      6.      Advisor Reports:

      Clyde Chesney reported for Latif Lighari.  He passed out a written report.

      Judith Jones reported the following:

      ·        Most states are currently experiencing challenges with state funding.

      ·        There has been quite a bit of restructuring and turnover in most states.

      ·        There are quite a few new faces in Middle Management across the Southern Region.

      ·        ASRED  is currently discussing options for Fee for Service and Succession Planning.

      ·        Directors are supportive of the MAP/EXCEL program.  Alabama and Kentucky are offering programs this year.

      ·        At the Spring meeting there was discussion about some changes in the SRDC – that discussion will continue at this meeting.

      ·        Directors are supportive of CECP and E-extension.

      ·        Directors are also supportive of NELD and the Journal of Extension.

      Judith also announced that she plans to retire effective July, 2004 but will continue to work part time and will work at the pleasure of the group as far as her advisor role is concerned.

      7.      Bonnie Teater reported on the Middle Manager’s Conference in Roanoke.  She wants the states to help her keep the MM listserv updated.  There have been a number of changes in the past couple of years.  She included a financial report and stated that there is a balance of $5840.15 available for future Middle Manager’s meetings.  Judith Jones suggested that we might want to consider using some of the money for paid speakers at future meetings.

            Bonnie was commended for the wonderful job that she does in supporting our group.  John also commended Virginia for the excellentjob they did in hosting the Roanoke meeting.

            John brought to the group’s attention that our group would need to present a proposal to ASRED and AEA for their approval before we proceed with plans for the meeting in New Orleans.  Charlene stated that it must also be approved by PLC.

      8.   Kent Rorie announced plans for the afternoon meeting and Committee’s night out.

      ·       The afternoon meeting is to be held at the Arkansas State Extension offices. Arrangements for transportation were discussed.

      ·   State’s night out will be held at the Butcher Shop restaurant at 6:30 p.m.

      9.   John announced that Joe Schaefer and Russell King are designated as CECP reps. for the middle management committee.

      10.  John appointed the nominating committee as follows:

      ·        Charlene Jacobs
      ·        Martha Ray Sartor
      ·        Kyle Smith

      11.  We discussed the 2005 Middle Management meeting in Louisiana:

      Pam Hodson has agreed to chair local arrangements.  Pam presented options on locations.  These included a hotel in Southeast LA outside New Orleans or a hotel in or near the French Quarter.  The group decided to give Pam some flexibility on dates from March to April to try to negotiate best hotel rates in or near the French Quarter.

      A committee from MM will make up the program committee.  We will also need a local arrangements committee.  Pam, Russell King, Bonnie Teater, Tony Tyson, Kent Rorie and Martha Ray Sartor will make up the nucleus of the planning committee.  Others may be asked to serve as needed.

      We discussed the possibility of including Personnel and Staff Development in our Middle Management Conference.  Charlene pointed out that we need to preserve our mission of professional development for middle management.  Judith suggested that we set the program and then open it up for others to attend if they want.  The consensus of the group was to proceed as suggested by Judith.  Joe Schaefer suggested that they could piggyback their meeting with ours, and set aside some time to address joint concerns.

      12.  Russell King reported on the new format for state reports:

      There will be four groups of states and the first question for each group will be different.  The remainder of the questions are the same for all groups and are basically the same questions as in previous years.

      13.  John reported that we need to elect someone from our group to serve on the CECP Steering Committee.  This will be a multi-year term and we will need to submit a name by Wednesday.  John asked everyone to be thinking about it.

      14.  Virginia presented their state report.

      15.  We reconvened at the Arkansas State Extension Offices and the Arkansas District Directors let the group on tours of the building.  Dr. Ivery Lyles presented a program on “Dealing with Organizational Change.”  Alison Penn presented a program on the Arkansas Leadership Programs – LeadAR for external clientele and the Faculty Leadership Program for Arkansas faculty.

      16.  The following states presented their state reports:

      ·         Arkansas
      ·        Alabama
      ·        Texas

    August 26, 2004

      17.  Mike Lambur presented update on CECP progress.  His group presented four modules that P&SD is working on:

      ·        Extension History – Julie Sexton
      ·        Writing Impact Statements – Mike Lambur
      ·        Presentation Skills – Alison Penn
      ·        Group Facilitations Skills – Debra Davis

      There was considerable discussion about what support and resources are needed from the states to make CECP more successful.  Also discussed areas where P&SD needs to collaborate with Middle Management on development of modules.

      18.   There was a short discussion about the MAP program.  It will be offered this year in Kentucky and will be open to southern region states.  Registration fee should be less than $100.  It will be held the last week of March or 1st week of April in 2004.

      19.  State Reports:

      ·        Tennessee
      ·        Florida
      ·        Louisiana

      20.  Dr. Dave Foster joined the group and we began a discussion of the CECP project.  Several points were made.

      ·        There is a need for a good peer review process.

      ·        There is a concern about having up to date photos and information.  We need to be aware of the image we are projecting.

      ·        There needs to be more discussion between groups working on CECP modules.

      ·        We need more IT help.

      ·        The MM group needs to focus on staff development for middle management and CED’s.

      ·        Need for Steering Committee for be a clearing house for all these concerns.

      Dr. Foster emphasized the need for this group to appoint a rep. to the steering committee and to communicate our concerns and needs to that group.  He also expressed a need for quality over quantity in regards to module development.  Dr. Foster suggested the PLC needs to discuss ways to bring a little more order to the process.

      21.  State Reports:

      ·        Georgia

      22.  Greg Price gave a presentation on GA Counts, Georgia’s new online reporting system.

      23.  Louis Rivers and Marion Simon, Kentucky State University reported on their successful Third Thursday Programs.

      24.  State Reports:

      ·        Kentucky
      ·        North Carolina A&T

      25.  Russell King and Mitch Owen from North Carolina presented a draft CECP module on Ethical Leadership for the group to review.

      26.  John Mobray again brought up the issue of appointing someone to serve as the MM representative to the CECP Steering       Committee.  Ron Brown stated that the group would probably meet twice per year.  Russell King and Kent Rorie were nominated.  A       secret ballot was held and the results were tied.  John then selected Russell as the rep. with Kent to serve as the backup.

      John asked for volunteers to work with the P&SD group on any of their four modules.  The following volunteered to help:

      ·        Presentation Skills – Kent Rorie
      ·        History – Clarence Teague Johnson and Martha Ray Sartor
      ·        Group Facilitation – Pam Hodson
      ·        Impact – John Mobray and Joe Schaefer

      27.  The Middle Management group developed the following recommendations to send to SR-PLN

      ·        Approve the proposed Middle Manager’s Conference to be held in New Orleans in the Spring of 2005.

      ·        Approve a proposal to hold a pre-conference on Sunday afternoon before the next PLN on the topic of Urban Issues and Programs.

      ·        Action item to ask ASRED and AEA to revitalize the importance of addressing urban concerns in the Southern Region.  Also ask directors to identify who their urban contact is in each state and authorize their travel to PLN.

      28.  John asked that Tony Tyson review possible ways to shorten the state reports for next year as it is always a struggle to get them all done within the allotted time.

      29.  State Reports:

      ·        Mississippi
      ·        Alcorn State

    August 27, 2004
      30.  John reported that the Annual Work Plan was submitted to SR-PLN along with the committee recommendations.

      31.  Election of Officers
            Charlene gave the nominating committee report.  The following slate of officers was recommended by the nominating committee:

      ·        Russell King, chair
      ·        Tony Tyson, vice-chair
      ·        Pam Hodson, secretary

      This group of officers was accepted by acclimation.

        32.  Joe Schaefer asked for volunteers for a peer review committee for CECP modules.  The following volunteered for this task:

      ·        Charlene Jacobs
      ·        Martha Ray Sartor
      ·        Tony Roberts
      ·        Helen Brooks
      ·        Bill Stacey

       33.  Kent Rorie reported on the PLC meeting held earlier in the morning.

      The PLC approved the proposal to offer a pre-conference on Urban Issues at the next PLN.  It will be organized by the MM Committee.

      The PLC state their approval of the MM Meeting in New Orleans in 2005.  It was downgraded from an action item to an information item.

      34.  State Reports

      ·        Oklahoma
      ·       South Carolina
      ·        North Carolina

      35.  The Middle Manager’s meeting adjourned for the Joint Session with AEA and ASRED.

      Respectfully submitted by:

      Tony Tyson
      Secretary, Middle Management Committee
      September 10, 2003