Information Technology Committee
Conference Call
July 9, 2004

Moderator and Secretary: Dwayne Hunter
Secretary: Larry Lippke
Anne Mims Adrian
Nina Boston
Dan Brook
Mike Carl
Rhonda Conlon
Jonathon Davis
Fred Piazzo
Craig Wood

Update on PLN activities - Nina Boston
Information about the August meeting has been distributed. Committee members should have received this information. The e-Extension project continues to move forward with plans to staff the initiative. Update on Plan of Work activities

  1. Module for CECP - Nina Boston
    Distance education module has been initiated; approximately 30% complete. Needing others to contribute content and images

  2. Web Conferencing Software - Larry Lippke
    Continue to evaluate various products including Centra Symposium, LearnLinc, Marratech, and Macromedia Breeze. Pricing and product information was distributed to conference participants. Committee members are encouraged to send evaluations of products prior to the PLN meeting in Biloxi. The committee will discuss the products and make decisions at the PLN meeting.
Update Security CECP module - Craig Wood
Fred Rodriguez, Steve Paz, Kelly Razor developing content; Don Hamilton will review; will open the course for everyone to review with a target date of August 15.

Ideas and suggestions for upcoming Annual meeting - Dwayne Hunter
Suggestions for topics of discussion include: