Family and Consumer Sciences Committee
Conference Call
July 22, 2005

The conference call was convened by Dr. Jean Baldwin, Chair.

Members present:

Lynn Russell, University of Arkansas
Nayda Torres, University of Florida
Jorge Atiles, University of Georgia
Sue Badenhop, University of Kentucky
Ellen Murphy, Louisiana State University
Kasundra Cyrus, Southern University
Sandra Zaslow, NC State University
Jean Baldwin, NC A&T State University
Deborah Thomason, Clemson University
Judy Warren, Texas A&M University
Linda St. Clair, W. V. State University
Margaret Hale, Texas A&M University (Advisor)

Call to Order

Minutes from the April 1, 2005 Conference Call were approved as amended.

Annual work plan update:

FCS/4-H Overweight Conference - Nayda Torres
There is no additional information about the website & state. There was a CSREES/NASULGC meeting in Washington for people who coordinated the regional meetings. There will be an electronic posting & sharing of the minutes with FCS Program Leaders. Nayda will send the URL for the website to the SRPL group via e-mail.

FCS modules - Ellen Murphy
Ellen attended a national conference in Washington and made a presentation on the FCS modules. There is an effort underway to get approval for a national initiative in childhood obesity and to seek Kellogg funding. CCEP modules continue to be worked on and the nutrition module should be ready by the August meeting. Margaret Hale indicated that CCEP will be incorporated into extension and that the modules are very compatible. She will get more specific information and have more discussion at the August meeting.Committees have been working all year on lessons for modules. We will review the modules at our August meeting. Chairs will be invited to participate by phone.

FCS Housing Competencies - Jorge H. Atiles
Jorge Atiles will post a revised version of the housing competencies on website. The modules haven't been through the peer-review process. They are being reviewed by the team & then will be placed on the web. Since there are few housing specialists remaining in the Southern Region, he utilized expertise of specialists from across the US. They would probably also participate in module development.

Regarding competencies and module development, it was suggested that national program leaders be brought in at the beginning, to avoid duplication of program efforts and to enhance potential funding. Jorge will share the competencies at the meeting in August.

Agenda for PLN Meeting (August 28- 31; Charleston, SC):

Margaret Hale suggested that we invite Mary McPhail Gray , Paul Warner, Ron Brown and Lorenzo Lyons to our committee meeting. Topics could include: These vision and future for FCS; portfolio programs; common indicators that can be reported across all states; collaborative programs such as childhood overweight.

Lynne Russell will give a report from the staffing & funding committee's online-survey at the August meeting.

Advisors' Update:

Directors are requesting performance indicators and program outcomes from each of program areas. They are interested in measuring extension's performance in the age of engagement. Paul Warner, Program & Staff Development, KY. Is leading this project. An economic impact evaluation group will be formed, from names of specialists sent to Ron Brown. The Directors are working on formula funding issues.

National Urban Symposium:

The symposium will focus on youth and family wellness. It will be held Dec. 7-9, 2005, in Dallas, TX. It will include best program practices, proven program outcomes in areas related to wellness. It will meet at the Hyatt Regency, $125 conference room rate. Early bird registration is $250 before Oct.14.

State Updates:

Jean will post minutes from last year; we need to print out & bring to he August meeting. Nayda will send the state rotation list to the listserv. Next year's chair will need to attend the Sunday meeting in Charleston, with Jean. Meeting adjourned.


The 2005 Joint Meeting of PLN, AEA & ASRED will be held August 28- 31 in Charleston, SC.