Family and Consumer Sciences Committee
Conference Call
January 6, 2006

Members present:
Sandy Zaslow, Convener, North Carolina State University
Thelma Sanders-Hunter, Tennessee State University
Lynn Russell, University of Arkansas
Shirley Hastings, University of Tennessee
Nayda Torres, University of Florida
Margaret Hale, Texas A&M State University
Linda Harriman, Oklahoma State University
Eunice Bonsi, Tuskegee University
Jorge Atiles, University of Georgia
Deborah Jones, Virginia State University
Judy Warren, Texas A&M University
Ellen Murphy, Louisiana State University

Sandy Zaslow opened by meeting by extending a welcome to those in attendance. She asked about new program leaders or personnel updates. Linda Harriman indicated that Dr. Glenn Muske had been appointed to serve as interim. His email address is if anyone desires to send information to him or to make contact with him.

Sandy indicated that she will send out listserv reminders. She shared that she has been unable to locate the person who recorded the minutes of the conference call.

Discussion ensued with regards to the Spring Meeting. The question arose about whether there is a need for a face-to-face meeting; and if the possibility of an electronic meeting should be entertained. Judy Warren reported that there is a system called Centra Symposium. The way it works is that each computer is connected; however, a microphone is needed. Also, a leader is needed to facilitate. Power points can be loaded ahead of time. Judy indicated that she has used this system before. Sandy asked Judy to send a brief paragraph of what all is required. Margaret Hale stated that it can be somewhat troublesome because individuals have to wait their turn to speak. She referenced Breeze Technology. According to Margaret, Iowa State currently utilizes this technology. It gives better interaction. Sandy said that there are possibilities that can be considered for use.

Ellen Murphy asked about including the module team. Shirley Hastings stated that she would facilitate the spring meeting. The question again arose about whether or not there would be a face-to-face meeting or if it would be conducted electronically. Another question was asked about the agenda items.

Ellen said not a lot of forward movement can be done technologically. She indicated that Sharon Roberts is working on a marketing plan and with other states. A face-to-face meeting seems to get people to move on this. Last year worked out very well for face-to-face meeting. According to Ellen each time there has been a face-to-face meeting, it presented the opportunity to move forward with the module development. State leaders can meet about administrative issues while module teams are meeting. Ellen said she wants module team members involved. Shirley interjected by saying that this is an agenda item. Lynn said that we can analyze information a little more.

Ellen inquired about the minutes from the South Carolina meeting. Sandy responded that there were not a lot of agenda items discussed.

Jorge Atilles talked about the health conference. Jorge was asked whether he knew about the agenda. There will be a Board of Human Sciences conference in Washington, DC to be held March 6 - March 9. It will be in conjunction with EF-NEP. However, the Board of Human Sciences conference will be separate from the EF-NEP meeting. EF-NEP will meet on Thursday, March 6. There is a Hill visit scheduled on that Thursday. Linda was asked what the percentage increase was. It was stated that it was through the 2007 federal budget.

Margaret Hale talked about eXtension. Pre-proposals are due April 1. She stated that financial security and parenting are two Communities of Practice that are involved.

Nyada Torres indicated that the work of the CECP Curriculum is important to show that progress is being made. She further stated that we should all meet at the same time because face-to-face meetings do make a huge difference.

Sandy asked for clarification pertaining to the feasibility of the module team to meet. Ellen responded that it is more expensive for all specialists to meet during that time. This meeting would be a continuation to move towards the completion of this project. A review process needs to be in place.

Shirley Hastings reported that there is a lot going on with the Board of Human Sciences and EF-NEP outside of trying to do module development. Jorge said that we may need to think about a later meeting. Ellen asked Jorge about his housing module and if he needed to have a face-to-face meeting. He stated that he has commitments from people to start writing. However, face-to-face meeting may not be feasible. There are several modules involved.

Shirley stated that four to five agenda items had been identified so far.

Lynn Russell said that the priority is module development. She would like to see specialists more involved on the team. According to her, she thinks this is important.

Shirley stated that the primary agenda item is module development.

Jorge indicated that perhaps we can devote at least two hours while in Washington.

Ellen asked about support from directors/administrators in regards to a fly-in meeting in Atlanta with the module team.

The question was raised about how we would want to meet in conjunction with the Board of Human Sciences and EF-NEP. Specialists need ample notification. Jorge stated that we do not need a long meeting. Two hours would suffice.

Judy indicated that we need to decide on a short meeting.

Shirley stated that the meeting will be Monday through Thursday. We could fly in on Sunday and meet on that day. The FCS Program Leaders could meet on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in DC. Judy stated that she would check with EF-NEP to see about a meeting room. She will get back with Sandy.

Margaret said that Eddie Gouge sent a note about Create 21, a proposal that is coming from the Board of Agriculture. This is a move to put formula funding into competitive funding. According to Margaret, reaction and comments are needed. Margaret also shared that she had been on the review team for eXtension. There is a need for state levels to become involved in review. The staff has worked hard to develop a system to share knowledge. The concept of institutional teams has been no more than being on conference calls. There is a need for organized efforts to see what kinds of Communities of Practice are being formed by specialists. Content development is underway to roll out next year. The Federal Plans of Work are due June 1, 2006. The evaluation team has indicated that we need to be sure that our partners reflect efforts that show their full involvement.

The meeting was adjourned.

Recorded and submitted by Thelma Sanders-Hunter