FCS Committee
Louisville, KY
August 28, 2007

In Attendance:

Thelma Sanders-Hunter,
Shirley Hastings
Jorge Atiles
Joanne Bankston
Eunice Bonsi
Katherine Cason
Evelyn Crayton
Kasundra Cyrus
Mary Fant
Karen Roth Gehrt
Marion Gibson
Yolanda Munoz Guevara
Kim Holmes
Beverly Howell
Carolyn Nobles
Ellen Murphy
Glenn Muske
Irene Lee
Krystal Smith
Anne Sortor
Nayada Torres
Ann Vail
Judy Warren

Review of Agenda

Thelma Sanders-Hunter, Chair reviewed the agenda and asked for additions or corrections. Agenda was approved as drafted.

Thelma Sanders-Hunter explained that FCS will not be meeting with 4-H as a total group representatives of each group will meet for breakfast to discuss joint projects.

Approval of Minutes

Shirley Hastings moved that the minutes be accepted as written. Judy Warren seconded the motion. Minutes approved as written.

SR-PLC Update

Beverly Howell reported:

  • Need to select a 1862 FCS representative to replace Beverly Howell for SR - PLC
  • Paul Coreil is chair elect of ECOP
  • House bill Create 21 looks good in House and working to pass in Senate
  • 2008 PLN meeting will begin on August 25 in Greensboro , NC

SR-PLC Representative

The following were appointed as an ad hoc Committee to nominate for the SR-PLC 1862 representative to replace Beverly Howell whose term is ending. The person selected will serve a three year term: Jorge Atiles, Beverly Howell, Nayada Torres

CECP Report

Jorge Atiles gave an update on the CECP work as follows:

  • Reviewed the committees that are currently working and who is serving as advisors
  • Report on the recent Moodle conference held in Nashville . Moodle is user friendly and much more powerful that web CT, it is platform of choice for future for eXtension and CECP.
  • Report of CECP transitioning to eXtension, CECP will become the internal piece of extension
  • Jorge has been elected to secretary of CECP Steering Committee
  • Suggested that there may be an award for "best" curriculum developed and would be presented at SR-PLN next year.
  • If you have suggestions for reviewers for CECP curriculum, send to Jorge Atiles
  • Ellen reviewed the make-up of the review committees as outlined in the CECP guidelines
  • There are 3 levels, basic, intermediate, advanced to CECP modules
  • Questions were asked about keeping modules up to date, a brief discussion followed. This needs to be addressed in the future.
  • Evelyn Crayton gave a report of the Food, Nutrition and Food Safety CECP Module Team (handout)
  • Shirley Hastings gave a report of the Health CECP Module team

Appleseed Foundation

Jorge Atiles reported on the Appleseed Foundation, which is dedicated to building a just society. Appleseed works at the local level, establishing and networking independent public interest law centers that identify and address issues community by community. They are one of the nation's largest legal pro bono networks working to address injustices in the following areas:

  • Public Education
  • HealthCare
  • Child Welfare
  • Justice
  • Immigration

The contact information is listed on the website: http://www.appleseed.com. The FCS Program Leaders were encouraged to follow-up and investigate how this partnership could be of benefit in each state. There seems to be a good fit as both Extension and Appleseed Foundation seek to improve viability of communities, both rural and urban.


Thelma Sanders-Hunter announced that Alison Nichols from West Virginia University sent out a survey asking for people interested in working on eXtension. Additional people are needed to work on the Q& A sections and assist with the development of content areas of the curriculum. Respond to Alison Nichols ( ahnichols@mail.wvu.edu ) if you are interested.

Survey of Southern Region FCS Program Leaders

Program Focus Preventing Childhood Overweight Program

Judy Warren distributed results of surveys that have been received to date. This is a good start, but it appears that there are many other programs that are currently being used in the region which have not been reported. In order for the results to be meaningful, those that have not responded are requested to send completed surveys to Judy Warren by September 30. Results will be reported during our October conference call.

A brief discussion followed which focused on:

What are next steps? We could look at what we have that leads to impact and where are the gaps? What age groups are covered? Which ones are not? This is a potential for action item for plan of work for next year

The idea last year was that one 1862 and one 1890 representative be designated to take the lead and work toward a proposal for an eXtension community of practice

Annual Plan of Work for 2007-2008

Thelma Sanders Hunter appointed the following three subcommittees to draft action items for the Annual Plan of Work for 2007 - 2008.

Action Item - Health Disparity - Carolyn Nobles, Krystal Smith, Evelyn Crayton

Action Item - Obesity - Katherine Cason, Eunice Bonsi, Judy Warren

Action Item - Zoomers - Nayda Torres,

Paul Coreil Chair-elect of ECOP

Joined the group and made brief remarks. He asked the group to talk to Directors and make sure that the issue of Obesity is one of issues nominated for a Community of Practice in eXtension.

Dr. Coreil suggested that we need to develop stronger partnerships with the Medical Schools

August 29, 2007

In Attendance:

Thelma Sanders-Hunter
Shirley Hastings
Jorge Atiles
Joanne Bankston
Eunice Bonsi
Katherine Cason
Evelyn Crayton
Kasundra Cyrus
Carolyn Dunn
Mary Fant
Karen Roth Gehrt
Marion Gibson
Yolanda Munoz Guevara
Beverly Howell
Carolyn Nobles
Ellen Murphy
Glenn Muske
Irene Lee
Krystal Smith
Anne Sortor
Marshall Stewart
Nayada Torres
Ann Vail
Judy Warren.

Thelma Sanders-Hunter called the meeting to order.

SR FCS Program Leaders Chair/Secretary Rotation

Thelma Sanders Hunter informed the group that Yolanda Munoz Guevara (PR) has expressed that she believes that it would be difficult for her to fulfill the responsibilities as chair-elect, due to language barriers. Thus we need to discuss this situation and perhaps the total system. Thelma opened the floor for discussion on the rotation system

Appointment of Nominating Committee

After brief discussion it was determined that for various reasons including: vacancies, new appointments and those sharing joint roles with 4-H who are not able to attend the meeting full time or consistently, and the fact that people are not in roles as long as in the past. It was decided to change the rotation system and move to a nomination system which would have a nominating committee making recommendations to the full group. The rotation between 1862 and 1890 institutions would remain.

Thelma appointed a nominating committee to prepare recommendations for chair elect from an 1890 institution for the next year. Those appointed: Kasundra Cyrus, Judy Warren and Carolyn Nobles. They will present report to the group later in the agenda.

Report from sub group--4-H and FCS

Two surveys will be completed to obtain baseline data. It was suggested that next year the Chair of FCS and 4-H work together to plan a joint time for a meeting.

National Perspective

Helen Chipman, CSREES, EFNEP, FSNEP joined the group via conference call

The group introduced themselves

Helen Chipman discussed the following items:

•  Follow up on breeze professional development session last week. There seems to be real interest in how we integrate subject matter specifically resource management. There are concerns for both   EFNEP and FSNE due to guidelines that are in place for both programs the emphasis needs to be on food budgeting, but not on household budgeting.
•  Financial education for EFNEP/FSNE limited to food budgeting (required by current authorizing language)
•  Encourage referrals to financial education Extension Specialist and Other Extension Agents
•  Integration of nutrition and physical activity
•  System integration
•  Food Stamp-update and potential opportunities
•  Move forward as a national perspective

Report from subgroup for action Items

It was suggested that a Panel on Health Disparities be included at next years PLN Conference. Suggested panel members include representatives from University of Tennessee , University of West Virginia , Clemson University , Auburn University , Prairie View A&M University , Virginia State University,

Alan Barefield joined the group for a discussion of history and purpose of SERA-19 and current status. Alan explained that the SERA-19 is broader than health promotion or health education and needs an interdisciplinary team to address. The discussion evolved to how there could be greater involvement of SR PLC and move forward to address health disparities in the Southern Region. Attendance at the upcoming SERA meeting in Atlanta was encouraged.

Report of Nomination Committee

It was recommended and accepted by the group that Carolyn Nobles be the Vice Chair for 2008.

Information Items :

  1. Inventory of Southern Region Health Curriculum Conduct a survey to establish an inventory of health curriculum, evaluation instruments and impact indicators. Judy Warren will take leadership for conducting the survey and Inventory of Southern region Health Curricula summarizing an inventory which will be presented to the SR PL during the December conference call.
  2. SERA and Priester Health Conference Recommending to Health SERA-19 that consideration be given to planning future conferences in conjunction with the Priester Health Conference. This would maximize resources including travel, time and presentations. It would also likely increase attendance at the conferences as there is considerable overlap in those who would attend.
  3. Preventing Childhood Overweight and Obesity

A subcommittee of Texas , South Carolina , Alabama and Arkansas will expand the survey of Programs in the Region to Program Leaders in both FCS and 4-H Youth Development. The subcommittee would review the data to identify common target audiences, outcome indicators across the region which have high potential for regional program impacts.

Action Items:

  1. Conduct a SR Extension meeting of Program Leaders and Specialists to: provide further professional development in the area of Health Disparities; explore opportunities for multi-state and interdisciplinary efforts; and form teams to write proposals for funding for multi-state projects. It is expected that this conference could lead to external funding, development of additional Health curriculum or adoption of Health curriculum implemented across the region which would result in impact data that could be aggregated.
  2. Requesting administrative commitment and support to have all Land-Grant FCS programs represented at the SR PLC; and in cases where there is not a Program Leader position to ensure that the program is represented by a person empowered to speak for the program assume leadership and/or responsibilities; and when possible have continuity from year to year. This could lead to greater multi-state efforts, joint proposals for funding; more powerful impact data and a more dynamic SR FCS PLC.

Report from AEA administrative advisor

Gina Eubanks gave the following report:

  • Tuskgee is participating in a Health Disparity Project
  • Maryland Eastern Shore has a new Nutrition specialist
  • Facility dollars needed to improve physical facilities on almost all campuses
  • EFNEP Environmental scan is being conducted. Those working on this project include: Cynthia Tuttle, Robin Orr, Carol Geiske and Leslie Speller Henderson
  • Will have a conference, system wide, June 8-11, 2008 in Memphis to include both Extension and Research Directors

State Reports

Written State Reports were distributed and not discussed.


The group thanked Thelma for her excellent service as chair. The meeting was adjourned.