Family and Consumer Science Committee
August 1997
August 1997

Meeting Participants

Don Bower, GA Martha Johnson, AL
Carolyn Carter, LA Diane F. Jones, AL
Marilyn A. Corbin, NC Carolyn Nobles, TX
John E. Dooley, VA Raygene Paige, MS
Dianna Edlow, FL Diane Smathers, SC
Gina E. Eubanks, LA Patricia Ganter Sobrero, TN
Darlene Forester, KY Brenda Thames, SC
Margaret Hale, TX Gloria Torres, PR
Lynda Harriman, OK Nayda Torres, FL
Andrenette F. Hudley, SC Alva Youngner, GA


Officers for 1997-98

Chair--Darlene Forester, University of Kentucky
Secretary--Gina Eubanks, Southern University

PLC Representatives

Nayda Torres, University of Florida
Gina Eubanks, Southern University


Items for Information

1. Welfare Reform--discussion was held and sharing done by FCS program leaders. Group will meet during Galaxy Conference in October, 1997, and share resources from various states. A format is being developed. Bonnie Teater could maintain "clearinghouse" for southern region. Bo Beaulieu met with FCS group. Discussion included upcoming October 1997 meeting on research and CES issues. Margaret Hale, Raygene Paige, and Martha Johnson will attend. Welfare Reform was discussed in a joint session with the Community Development Committee. State program leaders for both FCS and CD discussed by state what steps had been taken related to this issue.
Two items resulted--
      a. Planning a joint Community Development Institute--FCS members are Margaret Hale and Darlene Forester.
      b. Planning a Regional Conference--FCS members are Raygene Paige and Diane F. Jones.

2. Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program--Linda Benning gave updates State Leaders shared--most states are actively involved and have agreements with the state Food Stamp offices.

3. Conference on Aging--originally planned as a regional conference will become national in scope and conducted in conjunction with AAFCS as a preconference in Summer, 1998. Marilyn Corbin, North Carolina, is contact person.

4. Workforce Preparedness--a group which meets in Colorado, September 18-19, to discuss this new initiative will include Nayda Torres, FCS, Florida.

5. FCS supports the "Building State Rural Health Partnerships" conference to be held in Mississippi in November, 1997.

6. National initiative "Healthy People, Healthy Communities" was discussed by Martha Johnson. FCS group supports this.

7. National Summit on Food Recovery and Gleaning (September 15-16, 1997, in Washington, D.C.): Linda Benning discussed at group request. Most FCS state leaders stated that the turnaround time for responding to CSREES' request was almost impossible to follow.