Executive Committee
January 2004
January 15 , 2004

Charles Cox, Chair
Thelma Feaster, elected representative
Gloria Mosby, Chair of PLC
Linda Williams-Willis, AEA advisor
Noland Williams, AEA representative
Paul Coreil, ASRED representative
Thelma Sanders, elected representative
Larry Turner, ASRED advisor
Ad Hoc Participants:
Ron Brown, ASRED
Bonnie Teater, SRDC
Rachel Welborn, SRDC

Emerging Issues:
Charles Cox reminded Executive Committee members that the two emerging issue items have been prepared and sent to the group for review. All agreed that these two issues should be further addressed. It was determined that Cox would pull together the group identified for the CES Leadership Task Force and then ask someone to chair the group. He agreed to visit with Thelma Sanders-Hunter to determine if she would pull the Obesity and Health Task Force group together. It was suggested that there may be others who have interest in serving on these Task Forces; therefore a letter will be sent to all Program Committees requesting input.Procedures:
It was noted that Ross Love has now missed two consecutive meetings of the Southern PLC and that our policies require that a replacement be named. Charles Cox agreed to prepare the letter on behalf of the Executive Committee.

Next Meeting
March 18, following PLC conference call