Southern Region Program Leadership Executive Committee Meeting
Monday, August 27, 2007 - 6 PM EST
Louisville Marriott Downtown, Louisville, Kentucky
August 27, 2007

Nina Boston, PLC Chair
Paul Coreil, ASRED Advisor
Gina Eubanks, AEA Advisor
Beverly Howell, Representing FCS/CD/4-H/ANR
Ray McKinnie, AEA Representative
Gloria Mosby, Representing Comm/IT/PSD/MM
Thelma Sanders-Hunter, Executive Committee Chair

Ex Officio:
Ron Brown, Executive Director, ASRED
L. Washington Lyons, Executive Administrator, AEA
Rachel Welborn, Business Manager, SRDC

Nelson Daniels, PLC Chair-Elect

Jon Ort, ASRED Representative

Thelma Sanders-Hunter welcomed the group and reviewed the agenda.

Consistency of Themes/Goals at the PLC Meetings

Thelma introduced this topic and asked if we are working to accomplish the goals of this committee. It seems like we jump around on topics. We don't bring closure to themes; for example, CECP. We have been on this topic a long time and what have we accomplished?

Nina Boston addressed the CECP issue and the reasons why the project takes a long while to accomplish. Ron Brown added that, this year, it is a goal of ECOP and all the regions that a professional development community of practice be formed in eXtension and CECP is moving into this with the MOODLE training.

Gina Eubanks asked if this group has done strategic planning regarding the general session. It would help to plan ahead. At least have a theme planned in advance. She suggested we focus on speakers who will invigorate the program committees, enforce their mission, and advance multi-state programming.

Paul Coriel said the institutions are investing a lot in this week's meeting and we should remind everyone how valuable this week is. We need a greater commitment to work together.

Ray McKinnie reminded the group that the work done here is far-reaching and a theme needs to be relevant to all program areas. Think about the critical programming.

Additional discussion:

Nina said she has been very happy with the collaboration. We get excited during the meeting and over-commit ourselves. Then we get home and have to do our “real” job. IT has had some very tangible results from the collaboration that has made the whole region stronger.

Paul Coriel noted that perhaps we are not measuring the impact of our committees.

Nina added that there never seems to be enough time to step back and review the plans of work to see what has been accomplished.

Perhaps we need to establish a committee accomplishment reporting system.

Therefore, the Executive Committee decided to develop the following this coming year:
1) An orientation for new committee chairs and vice-chairs
2) Annual committee accomplishment reports

Dr. Brown asked if there isn't some disconnect with the PLC membership. Shouldn't PLC be made up of the committee chairs?

The EC decided that, if we change the structure, we need to have this as an agenda item. What is working and what is not working? We need to take a look at how we are functioning and identify the gaps. The committee chairs should be invited to this discussion.

PLC Term Length

Thelma said that her questions have been addressed.

It was brought up that we forgot to appoint a committee to nominate the new PLC chair-elect. It needs to be someone from an 1862 institution this year. Thelma and Nina agreed to serve in this capacity. They will select someone to nominate during Thursday morning's PLC meeting.

Jon Ort has Legionnaires' Disease and is not able to travel. Currently, he is at home recovering.

Thelma adjourned the meeting at approximately 7 p.m.

Submitted by Rachel Welborn, SRDC