Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as
the: Association of Community Development Educators.
Article II: Objectives
The objectives of this Association
shall be:
- To bring community and economic
development extension professionals together to discuss issues,
needs and opportunities of mutual interest; and to facilitate
information sharing.
- To promote cooperation on community
development issues and educational and training efforts between
the various states and regions, as well as between governmental
agencies, private community development groups, related organizations
and other community development professionals.
- To discuss, develop, sponsor, and
promote educational and training programs and activities that
advance sound community development practices.
- To provide support and promote
activities and programs at the national level that advance community
and economic development, education, training, and diversity in
the work force.
- To advance the professional status
of community and economic development extension professionals
by encouraging professional self-improvement.
- To strengthen communication with
Extension Administration.
- To see expanded investments in
applied social science research that is critical to the generation
of knowledge needed to undergird the development of timely, high
priority Extension community development education programs.
Article III: Membership and Dues
Section 1. Membership.
The membership of this Association
shall be comprised of the extension professionals in each state,
Washington, D.C./Extension Service USDA, and the territories of
Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands who are actively
engaged in, or have a strong commitment to, community development
educational programs and issues. There will be two classes of membership:
1) Active; 2) Life. Active Members are currently employed by the
Cooperative Extension Service (CES) with an appointment, responsibilities
or strong interests in community and economic development. They
may vote, hold elected or appointed positions, and must annually
pay the full current dues amount. Life Members must have retired
from the Cooperative Extension Service having held an appointment
and/or had responsibilities in community and economic development.
Dues for Life Membership are payable on a one-time basis and are
set at an amount equal to four times the current annual rate of
Active Members dues. Life Members have all the rights and privileges
of Active Members. If a Life Member returns to active employment
status, he/she will be required to pay dues as an active member
until retirement status is resumed. Life Member status would be
reinstated without additional payment when Extension employment
returns to retirement status. There shall be no limit to the maximum
number of members within the Association or either of its membership
classes. Any person meeting the membership requirements stated above
may become a member by submitting an application for approval by
the Executive Committee and payment of the annual dues. The Executive
Committee will notify the applicant of approval. The Association
shall conduct an annual enrollment of members. The membership year
shall be from January 1 to December 31. However, persons may be
admitted to membership at any time during the membership year, with
approval and submission of full dues. Only Active and Life Members
in good standing (current dues paid) of the Association shall be
eligible to vote or hold elected or appointed positions in the association.
Membership in the Association shall be available without regard
to race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual
orientation, disability, marital status, public assistance status,
or veteran status.
Section 2. Dues.
Each member in the Association will
maintain membership by payment of annual dues to the Association
as established by the Executive committee. Members who reach retirement
status may be allowed Lifetime Membership in the Association upon
payment of a one-time fee equal to four times the then current annual
dues for Active Members.
Article IV: Offices and Executive
Section 1. Officers.
The officers of the Association must
be members in good standing and shall be a President, a President-Elect,
a Treasurer, Secretary, and Regional Representatives. Officers will
serve a term of one year from January 1 through December 31, and
be elected as set forth in Article IX Elections. With the exception
of the President and President-Elect, officers may succeed themselves
in office.
Section 2. Duties of the President.
The President shall serve as the Executive
officer of the Association; preside at all Executive Committee and
General Membership meetings; and appoint all standing and all select
committees unless otherwise directed by the motion creating the
committee. The President and the Secretary or any other officer
of the Association authorized by the Executive Committee, shall
sign any contract or other instrument which the Executive Committee
has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing
and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated to some other
officer or agent of the Executive Committee. In general, the President
is a voting member and shall perform all duties incident to the
office of President and such other duties which shall from time
to time be assigned by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Duties of the President-Elect.
The President-Elect shall serve as
President in the absence of that official and shall become President
in the event that official cannot continue as President for any
reason. The President-Elect shall not be authorized to sign documents
unless the Executive Committee specifically gives written authorization
to do so. The President-Elect shall assist the President in the
performance of the President's duties and shall have such other
duties and authority as is granted from time to time by resolution
of the Executive Committee. The President-Elect will be responsible
for scheduling the Annual Meeting, working with the Annual Meeting
Committee to develop the Annual Meeting program, and notifying the
membership of that meeting.
Section 4. Duties of the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall collect the annual
dues, receive other funds accruing to the Association and shall
disburse funds as directed by resolution or an order of the Executive
Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare a statement for submission
at the Annual Meeting showing receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer
shall prepare for approval of the Executive Committee and distribution
to the membership, guidelines for the reimbursement of expenses.
All expense payments will be approved by the Treasurer in accordance
with these guidelines. Anticipated expenses shall be pre-approved
by the Treasurer to insure sufficient funds. The Treasurer shall
have charge and custody for or appoint the President to have charge
and custody for receipts for money due and payable to the Association
from any source whatsoever and assure deposit of all monies in the
name of the Association, in such bank or other financial institution
as shall be selected by the Executive Committee and in general perform
all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties
as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the Executive
Committee. The duties of the Treasurer will be completed upon the
submission of all financial accounts, funds and records pertaining
to the office to the newly elected Treasurer. The new Treasurer
may request a formal audit by the Audit Committee of the financial
records of the Association covering the calendar year ending 31
Section 5. Duties of the Secretary.
The Secretary shall take, prepare,
distribute and keep records of all Executive and general membership
meetings of the Association, or shall be responsible for such action.
The Secretary shall maintain a list of current members. He/she shall
be responsible for distributing meeting minutes to all Association
members. The Secretary shall also see that all notices are duly
given in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws or as required
by law; be custodian of the Association records; keep a register
of the name and address of each member; and tally election results.
The duties of the Secretary will include completing the processing
and distribution of the official business conducted at the Annual
Meeting (i.e., resolutions, motions, directives, etc.), and will
be completed before the incoming secretary assumes total responsibilities.
Section 6. Duties of the Regional
Four regional representatives, one
each from the Northeastern, North Central, Southern, and Western
areas, shall be elected by the members in their respective regions.
Section 7. Executive Committee.
The officers, the Immediate Past-President
and four regional representatives elected by the membership of the
Association shall constitute an Executive Committee which shall
have the authority to act for the Association and to decide all
matters requiring attention during and between regular meetings
and to ensure that arrangements for annual meetings and special
meetings are made. The regional representatives will be elected
by the members in their respective regions to provide representation
from each geographic area encompassed by the Association. These
regions are Northeastern, North Central, Southern and Western, as
delineated by ES-USDA. They will be elected for one-year terms,
from January 1 to December 31 as specified in Article IX Elections.
Article V: Meetings and Attendance
Section 1. Annual Meetings.
Upon sixty days written or electronic
notice to all members of record, the Annual Meeting of the Association
shall be held at such time and place as determined by the Executive
Committee. Conducting such meetings via telecommunications is acceptable
when feasible and applicable.
Section 2. Special Meetings.
Special Meetings shall be held upon
thirty days notice to all members, as called by the President with
agreement of the Executive Committee, or by the Executive Committee,
or at the call of the President on the written request of ten members.
Special Meetings shall be held at which time and place as determined
by the Executive Committee. Conducting such meetings via telecommunications
is acceptable when feasible and applicable.
Section 3. Annual Meeting Attendance.
Attendance at annual meetings shall
be limited to the following: (1) Active and Life members of the
Association. (2) Such persons engaged in community/economic development
or related work in the employment of Land-Grant universities, governmental
agencies, or other community development professionals.
Section 4. Business and Special
Meetings Attendance.
The business meeting is that part
of the Annual Meeting held to conduct the Association's business.
Voting at business meetings and special meetings shall be limited
to members of the Association. The Executive Committee may invite
others into the meeting to discuss matters of importance with the
Article VI: Quorum
One-fourth of the membership shall
constitute a quorum at any Association Annual, Special or Business
meeting. Two-thirds of the Executive Committee shall constitute
a quorum at any Executive Committee meeting. Two-thirds of the members
of any standing or select committee shall constitute a quorum at
that meeting.
Article VII: Voting
Section 1. Members.
Voting shall be limited to members
in good standing (paid-up dues) with one vote for each member.
Section 2. Decisions by Simple
Any question or issue other than an
amendment to the Bylaws shall be determined by a simple majority
vote of those present.
Section 3. Procedure for Simple
Majority Votes.
The Executive Committee may submit
any question by mail, email or FAX to the membership. Except for
amendments to the Bylaws (Article XIII) or policy statements (Article
VIII), such questions shall be returned within thirty days of the
submission of the question to the entire membership.
Article VIII: Policy Statements
Section 1. Definition.
Policy statements are those motions
or resolutions passed by the Association that express the attitude
and wishes of the Association, legislation or other political activities.
They shall supplement the Bylaws and shall serve as Directives to
the officers in conducting the affairs and expressing the official
stand or opinion of the Association.
Section 2. Procedures.
Policy statements may be proposed
at any time and submitted to the President in writing. The President
shall turn the statements over to the Committee on Resolutions and
Policy. The Committee will submit the statement to the membership
by mail for adoption or rejection. Upon receipt of the affirmative
vote of at least two-thirds of the membership, the Policy statement
shall be declared adopted, and the membership so notified. For policy
statements received within sixty days prior to the Annual Meeting,
the Committee may elect to discuss the statements during the Annual
Meeting, prior to mailing the ballot for adoption or rejection.
Section 3. Committee on Resolutions
and Policy.
The Committee on Resolutions and Policy
shall annually review existing policy statements and present any
new policy statements for consideration at the Annual Meeting. New
and/or proposed policy statements will normally be in the form of
resolutions and will be documented in the minutes.
Section 4. Policy Statement Presenters.
Policy statements shall in no way
bind an individual member when expressing the opinion of the Association.
Article IX: Elections
Section 1. Procedure.
Elections for all members of the Executive
Committee shall be held annually by mail vote of the membership
conducted in the following manner: The Nominations Committee shall
select candidates for each office to be filled. Additional nominations
shall be solicited by mail. Members may nominate persons from either
within or outside their region to serve as officers. Members may
nominate persons from their region to serve as regional representative
on the Executive Committee. Nominations will only be accepted from
a member in good standing of the Association. Persons nominated
for election must be members of the Association. Following the close
of nominations, the Committee shall certify that all nominations
received are valid, and that all nominees are willing to accept
the position if elected. A nominee may be placed on the ballot for
only one position. If nominated for more than one position, the
nominee will be allowed to select the position for which he/she
will run for election. The Secretary shall develop an election ballot.
Election ballots shall be mailed by the Secretary to all voting
members in accordance with each member's regional area. The closing
date of elections shall be 30 days after ballots are mailed. Ballots
shall be tallied by the Secretary and two other members of the Association
as appointed by the President. The candidate for each office receiving
the largest number of affirmative votes from the ballots cast by
the membership shall be elected. In the event of a tie, the elected
officer shall be determined by a random draw held by the President.
Within thirty days following the close of elections, members shall
be notified of election results.
Section 2. Office of President.
The President-Elect will succeed to
the office of President.
Section 3. Regional Representatives.
Four regional representatives, one
each from the Northeastern, North Central, Southern, and Western
areas, shall be elected by the members in their respective regions.
Section 4. Assumption of Office.
The term of office for all members
of the Executive Committee shall commence on January 1 and continue
until December 31.
Section 5. Re-election.
While it is the general policy of
the Association to effect a change of membership on the Executive
Committee, a given officer--except for the President--may be re-elected
to succeed himself/herself. An individual may serve more than one
term in the office of President and President-Elect, but not successive
Article X: Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy in the office
of President, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the
President and the office of the President-Elect shall be filled
by appointment of the Executive Committee. Both shall hold their
respective offices until the installation of officers at the next
election. Vacancies in any other position shall be filled by appointment
of the Executive Committee. Such appointees shall hold office until
the next election. If any officer or Executive Committee member
is separated from CES, or voluntarily submits their resignation
for an elected office, the Executive Committee, shall appoint a
replacement for the remainder of that individual's term. The appointed
replacement shall be eligible to run for a full term in that office
a the time of the next regular election.
Article XI: Committees
Section 1. Types of Committees.
The following types of committees
will be utilized by the Association in conducting its affairs. Standing
Committees: Committees appointed to consider topics of a continuous
or recurring nature. The services of these committees are needed
year after year and the committee is deemed permanent as long as
the topic needs consideration and the Executive Committee approves
it. Standing committees will have subcommittees when the topic makes
such delegation appropriate. Standing Committees shall include an
Audit Committee, a Nominations Committee, Committee on Resolutions
and Policy, and any other committees approved by the Executive Committee.
Select Committees: These are committees appointed to consider topics
on an ad hoc basis. The life of each committee shall continue until
the specific assignments are completed. The topic area covered is
usually not one covered by a standing committee. The objectives,
activities and organization of committees shall be defined by their
individual charters (described in Section 2, as follows).
Section 2. Committee Establishment.
Each Standing and Select Committee
can be established or abolished by the Executive Committee. The
membership can request new committees. Members requesting a new
committee be created must submit a proposed charter and petition
containing the signatures of at least ten members in good standing
to the President. The Executive Committee must vote on the proposal
at its next regular meeting following submission of the petition.
No member may be restricted from participating on any committee.
Section 3. Committee Membership.
Using forms prepared and distributed
by the Secretary, Association members will indicate each year the
committees on which they have an interest in serving. The Secretary
will supply a potential membership list for each committee, as compiled
from this information, to the President. The President shall be
responsible for appointments to all committees and for appointing
the Chairs for each committee. All committee members are appointed
from a one-year term, but can be re-appointed annually with no restrictions
on number of terms served. The number of persons assigned to the
committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Every attempt
will be made to attain geographic distribution. Subcommittees and
subcommittee chairs will be appointed by the committee chairs as
Section 4. Charters.
Charters for Standing and Select Committees
shall be developed by the Executive Committee. Each charter shall
provide as a minimum: 1) the need for and mission of the committee;
2) the primary contacts and liaison; and 3) general goals. Committee
chairs shall review charters annually to determine whether changes
are needed. The President and/or Executive Committee should strive
to provide specific charges to committees annually, consistent with
committee charters.
Section 5. Annual Work Plans.
Committee chairs shall prepare an
annual work plan for their committee based on current issues and
interests within their purview. The annual work plans shall detail
specific short-term objectives and planned activities to meet those
objectives. Work plans are to be submitted to the President and
approved by the Executive Committee.
Section 6. Committee Report.
Committee chairs shall present a written
annual report on committee activities and accomplishments to the
Executive Committee at the end of each calendar year. Interim reports
may be requested by the Executive Committee.
Article XII: Governance
Unless otherwise directed by resolution,
or Bylaws, the duties of officers and the conduct of meetings shall
be governed by the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
Article XIII: Amendments
The Bylaws of the Association may
be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members voting at
the annual meeting where a quorum is present, or by mail or FAX
through an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the responding
members. The ballot shall include a copy of the proposed amendment
and the portion of the Bylaws that are affected. Ballots must be
mailed, emailed or FAXed to all members at least thirty days in
advance of the close of balloting.