Community Development Committee
Conference Call
March 31, 2006


Steve Issacs, University of Kentucky
Dave Lamin, Clemson University
Sally Maggard, CSREES
Bill Mohnar, Clemson University
Emily Shaw, SRDC
Greg Taylor, Texas A & M University
Deborah Tootle, Chair, Louisiana State University
Louis Whitesides, South Carolina State University
Mike Woods, Oklahoma


Deborah Tootle called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Central.

Review of January and February minutes

Deborah asked the committee did they review the January and February minutes.

Advisors’ Report – Joe Zublena

Joe Zublena was absent.

Joe sent a note to Emily and asked her to tell everyone that the Southern Directors ASRED meeting is April 10-12, 2006 in North Carolina and that if committee has any items to bring to the Directors’ meeting to let him know.

CSRESS Report – Sally Maggard

No report.

Washington, DC Meeting May 23-25 – Deborah Tootle

Deborah read the list from Pam Cooper of committee members who were planning to attend the national CRD program leaders meeting.    

PLN Update:  Resolution of technical difficulties? – Alan Barefield

Alan Barefield was absent.

Economic Diversity CECP Module

No report.

Natural Resources CECP Module

            No report.

Leadership and Civic Engagement CECP Module

No report.

Decision Making CECP Module

No report.

Community Services CECP Module

No report.

Content Outline for Certification Program

Deborah stated that the content outline that we pull the materials Bo was working on is consistent with the community of practice for community and rural development and she asked the committee to send her some curricula that we think would be appropriate for the certification program so we can start looking at them as a group.

Deborah asked the committee have anyone looked at the program that the North Central region has?  Greg looked at it and he said that it is a good academic masters’, very extensive.  Greg thought that the program is not useful for county agent unless the county agent was interested in a master’s degree to enhance their career.   The course is $395.00/credit hour.

Is that Greg or Bill in the above paragraph?

Greg will send a draft of the content of Texas A & M University certification program to Emily and she will send it to the committee.

NACEP Updates – Hank Cothran

Hank Cothran was absent.

Deborah announced that the Southern Region Group at NACEP had forty two participants and Southern group decided to work together at the state or regional charters and discuss the possibly of joint membership with affiliate organizations and look at the role of regional representatives.  They think that the regional representatives should probably serve as NACEP representatives from JCEP to be the people to disseminate the executive committee information to the regional group and they work on membership.

Deborah also announced that USDA CSRESS gave NACEP $5,000.00 to help with strategic planning for CSRESS.

SRDC Strategic Planning – Bo Beaulieu

Bo Beaulieu was absent.

eXtension Communities of Practice – Mike Woods

Mike talked about the eXtension project.  The project has two subgroups.  The subgroups are entrepreneurship and community development.

Deborah mentioned National Tourism Goup and the idea that they would like to make some linkages with us on tourism as specialized form of rural entrepreneurship.  Mike stated that Miles Phillip from Texas A & M is expressing an interest.  Miles and Mike are on the National Tourism Design Team.   Deborah said that the group wants Miles to join in on our conference call and to see where they really want to go with it. 

eCommerce Extension Initiative

No report.

Hurricane Summits I and II

No report.

Latino-Hispanic Working Group – Bo Beaulieu

No report.

SIRD Update – Emily Shaw

Emily stated that the paid registrants up to 80; the goal is to have 150 paid registrants.  She also said that they have an excellent slate of speakers secured and most participants are coming from Louisiana.

Sally informed the committee in they are in the middle of filing requirements for Office of Management and Budget.  Asset Review Team wants to use expanding community resource development capacity as one of the outcome measures for portfolio in the next five years.  Sally asked what source of outcome and measures do the committee suggest they use for improving in our program areas?  Sally suggested the committee begin gathering data that we can report over five years on how we are doing on building capacity and nation system on community development.  The committee will talk about this issue in May.

PLN Meeting in August – Tony Windham

Tony Windham was absent.

Deborah thought that the PLN meeting is in San Juan on August 27-31, 2006.  Emily will ask Cathy to resend the information to the group by email.

Other business?

Steve Issacs announce the National SBIR Conference is in Louisville, KY in May.  The registration deadline is April 21st.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Central.