Virgil Culver, Mississippi State University
Gae Broadwater, Kentucky State University
Hank Cothran, University of Florida
Rick Maurer, University of Kentucky
Sally Maggard, CSREES
Larry Arrington, University of Florida
Greg Taylor, Texas A&M University
Evelyn Crayton, Auburn University
Alan Barefield, SRDC and Mississippi State University
Bo Beaulieu, SRDC
Bonnie Teater, SRDC
Emily Shaw, SRDC
May SCDE Conference
(Virgil Culver)
- Lots of the session
presenters are not registered yet. Currently there are 41 registrants,
and though most of the Southern states are represented, TN is not.
There are 56 sessions on the agenda, and all moderators are in place.
Putnam's session will be shorter than originally anticipated (1
hour). There is still some discussion regarding what to do with
the time left; Virgil and Bonnie will work on the remaining time
and may look to the original plan to have short NACDEP and CECP
The Friday General
Session is still up in the air; ideas are still being accepted
and should be sent in ASAP. Suzanne Morse will let Bonnie know
by Friday regarding the possibility of a Thursday lunch session.
Emily will send out a list to the group of those registered. Evelyn
related that AL would only be sending one person due to agent
director training.
There will be a
CRD program leader meeting at the conference on Wednesday, May
19 at 8 a.m., which means travel into Tampa will need to be the
day before.
Larry Arrington
will check on more agents registering from Florida. The question
was raised whether program leaders need to appeal to the states
or by to write a letter to Extension directors/administrators.
Larry will take this to ASRED in Savannah next week.
Virgil thanked Larry
for agreeing to make the welcome at the conference. Sally reported
that CSREES will give a $5000 grant for the conference to be used
for travel and expenses for diversity for the conference such
as to agents of underserved populations Bonnie noted that no protocol
has been established yet for deciding who these scholarships will
be awarded to. As soon as details regarding possible travel scholarships
are available, CRD Leaders will be informed. Sally also noted
that the conference materials need to mention CSREES as a sponsor.
NACDEP Update (Greg
- The main activity
is the national conference (February 2005, leaning towards Las Vegas),
followed by continued activities to try and identify potential members
and to finalizing due structures. Significant progress has been
made since the last teleconference regarding the national conference.
The plan is to have the organization formed up by December. Rod
Howe and the publicity committee are working on a brochure to be
available in May at SCDE. The group is planning on offering inaugural
memberships through 2005. Sally reported that the support for publishing
this brochure came from CSREES. Greg Taylor, Mike Woods, Bonnie
Teater and Charles Shepphard are current members of the NACDEP Transition
Administrative Advisors Report
(Larry Arrington)
- Larry will give a
report to ASRED next week in Savannah, and he asked what items to
take to them from today (see SRDC Report).
USDA report (Sally
- The North Central
CRD leaders will meet in Washington June 14-16 for consultation
and someone from the South may have an interest in attending. They
plan on spending time on performance indicators, measures, and reporting,
state plans of work and how to align with agency plans of work.
There will be four to five agency people there to work on performance
measures. Luis Luna will convene the panel. There will be selected
meetings with partners in town as well as Colien Hefferan and Gary
Cunningham and deputies to work on partnership.
Bo raised the question
of whether or not participation and travel to Washington really
pays off. Sally emphasized that plans for the meeting will show
concrete outcomes (i.e., state plans of work, measurements, integrating
budgets and demands).
SRDC report (Bo
- There was a meeting
of the Civic Engagement team in Nashville, which involved Suzanne
Morse and others. The weeklong training is scheduled for Sept 13-17
and will feature LeadershipPlenty and Public Issues Deliberation.
The full program and several presenters are already lined up. The
committee needs help advertising this to Extension colleagues. The
committee would like to make it a multi-organization training (institutes
of governments) to build coordination among agencies to work on
common issues.
Bo and Bonnie met
with a team of four evaluation experts in Atlanta, a meeting that
was recommend by the Board and TOAC. The purpose was to answer
the question: how to we better document the Center's impact in
the region? From this one-day discussion a blueprint has come
out on how to document what difference the Center has made; to
answer the return on investment question. The evaluators are to
serve as an objective 3rd party, and this CRD committee will be
asked for some help such as what impact has our training had.
The evaluation team who met were Scott Cummings, TX, Glenn Israel,
FL, Matt Lelle, MI, and Nancy Ellen Kiernen, Penn State. Glenn
Israel has agreed to prepare the evaluation based on the evaluation
team's input with a new rural sociologist at Penn State who is
moving in May to Florida.
Business Skills/Econ
Dev track-see Regional Training Reports below
SRDC Bullets/Facts
at a Glance: There was a meeting of the four Centers w/ Board
members and Linda Kay Benning and Sally to find a way need to
provide sophisticated impact to show why we need restored funding
(due to the 10% budget cut). It was decided that the Centers needed
to develop "talking points" of our impacts and then
to develop these in more detail with stories. We need to get to
Linda Kay Benning to get to blue ribbon committee. Jack Payne,
ECOP Budget Committee, said that the legislature might cut/delete
programs if don't hear backlash from budget cut, so need to show/articulate
our legislative leaders why we value the Center and want them
to be continually supported. We need to figure out what you are
willing to do to as a committee to relate what the Center does
for you. Sally said there is only a narrow wedge that people will
have to bring budgets forward. Bo told of the importance of having
"hard" information. We need members to pass along the
information to us (example: Rick's Asset Mapping story). We need
directors to hear of the Center's work so they know what value
the Center holds to them/their operation. Larry pointed out that
new people in region need to be targeted with proactive information
in order to make it "real" to their work with "down
home stories."
Lou Swanson and
Bo visited with the 1890 Research Directors and 1862 Experiment
Station Directors and gave a presentation about the new RSS book
"Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty-First Century."
Bo talked to the group about what issues in the book apply to
the South. He felt there was a positive response from the Research
Directors, though they offered a challenge: they want him to come
back with a blueprint for how to effectively address greater research
investments; need help from grassroots and Extension side. Next
week, Bo will be meeting with the 1862 Extension Directors and
in the summer with the 1890 Extension Administrators.
RCCI update (Alan
- The RCCI Management
Team met in Washington with Priscilla Salant to evaluate the RCCI
program. There was a positive report, though concern was given regarding
the degree to which we wanted to expand. This concern led to us
adding only 2 schools this next round: one in FL and one in the
MS River Delta in LA. The team is currently in the process of redoing
the proposal to Ford and will resubmit it with the smaller expansion
PLC report - No
Regional Training Reports