Community Development Committee
Conference Call
January 31, 2005


Charles Shepphard
Deborah Tootle
Kay Schubert for Greg Taylor
Bill Woodrum
Mike Woods
Brian Calhoun
Emily Shaw
Alan Barefield

CECP Report
Alan Barefield gave a quick report on CECP efforts. He noted that a subcommittee of the CECP Steering Committee met to discuss review standards. The two-level review is now being proposed as an all-in-one, simultaneous review: a content level review made up of 3 subject matter specialists plus a county agent and an instructional design review contributing 2 additional reviewers (6 total reviewers). Alan or Emily will send out the written set of guidelines and the rubric as soon as they are available. Charles reminded the group we need to stay on top of the CECP effort. NACDEP Update

The upcoming NACDEP conference was noted. The Southern CRD group will meet during the conference (Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 1:00 p.m. in Tradewinds 1. Subcommittee Reports Economic Diversity - No report. Leadership/Civic Engagement - Brian Calhoun reported that this subcommittee sent out a request for curriculums and that 4 were sent in. He encouraged the group to please continue sending these in. Local Government - Charles noted that Notie Lansford needs to be contacted about this nominated role. Natural Resources - Charles reported that they are in pursuit of current curricula being used. Decision Making Tools - Deborah reported that they have identified the tools and are now looking into IT support for the web design components.

Other Items

Mike Woods encouraged the group to remember the e-commerce RFP that had been sent out. Check out the SRDC website for details ( The deadline for proposal submission is February 15, 2005. The group was reminded of the upcoming conference on May 16-20, 2005, in Oklahoma City focusing on rural entrepreneurship and e-commerce. A notice should come out soon. Emily reminded the group that there will be a one hour regional meeting on the final day of NACDEP (18th).

Agenda Items for February Meeting