Community Development Committee
Orlando, FL
February 24, 2002

Meeting called to order at 1:00.


Mike Woods, Oklahoma State University
Larry Arrington, University of Florida
Ed Jones, University of North Carolina
Chris Sieverdes, Clemson University
Bo Beaulieu, Southern Rural Development Center
Bonnie Teater, Southern Rural Development Center
Alan Barefield, University of Tennessee
Virgil Culver, Mississippi State University
Rick Maurer, University of Kentucky
Gae Broadwater, Kentucky State University
Hank Cothran, University of Florida
Sally Maggard, United States Department of Agriculture
Cassi Steele, Prairie View A&M University
Mark Peterson, University of Arkansas
Dana Glenn, West Virginia State College
John McKissick, University of Georgia
Greg Taylor, Texas A&M University

January conference call minutes were deferred until the March conference call.

Federal Update (Sally Maggard)

She reported extensive reorganization in CSREES. She provided an organization chart. Our work now falls under a new program leader - Alma Hobbs. Interdisciplinary activities and program integration will continue to be a focus and emphasis for CSREES. She discussed new budget initiatives and language for joint program initiatives. (SM will submit a written report to be included in the minutes.)

A key part of homeland security is strong, viable communities. A general discussion of the role of CRD in homeland security ensued. Gae reported a March 21 satellite conference put on by NaCo. Mark Peterson asked about funding opportunities. Sally noted that no guidelines are available.

PLC Update (Rick Maurer)

Base program teams are not meeting this year. A "virtual" meeting will take place instead. There continues to be discussion about what constitutes a base program and what constitutes an initiative.

ECOP Update (Larry Arrington)

Larry did not attend the ECOP meeting. He heard some comments from the meeting. The national directors meeting centered around three things: each state's financial situation, Vision for the 21st Century (which can be found the Web), and a national review of Extension and staffing for the future. Chris noted that, at least at Clemson, Extension is just one player in engagement and outreach. Larry confirmed that this was also the case in a number of other institutions. He also reemphasized the need to communicate between states.

SRDC Update (Bo Beaulieu & Bonnie Teater)

The annual report was distributed. It is in the mail and on the web. Bo reported that the SRDC budget is now under "integrated activities." The Senate has placed in its Farm Bill an eCommerce Extension initiative. There is no money in the initiate yet, however the plan is to have $5 million per center and $500K for each state. This is five year funding. He discussed the rural community college initiative. April 1 is the deadline for a Ford Foundation funding initiative. The proposal will provide $800 K over 21 months (focus is on civic engagement, access and economic development).

Bo handed out Associate Director position description.

Bo handed out the Comprehensive Extension Community Development Training Strategy plan. The PLC group needs to spend some time on implementing this plan. Do we want to do a "train the trainer" this year? Or, do we just want a more in-depth focus on the specific topics? The expectation is that we will do train-the-trainer type programs. Mike Woods discussed the difference between advanced training and TTT.

Bo is proposing a September CDI that focuses on a train the trainer approach. Mike reported that the Economic Development programs currently scheduled for June, September and November, are deliverable this year as scheduled. Larry A. noted that everything that is presented should be available on the web. Each workgroup/individual is to give to Bo an assessment of what can be delivered and the proposed date and place.

Bo is getting a lot of inquiries on Leadership Development. Much of the current material is outdated and we need cutting edge materials. Is this an Academy of Community Engagement?

Next call is March 29 at 10 a.m.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.