Community Development Committee
August 2003* - Little Rock, AK
August 5,2003

Alan Barefield, SRDC
Bo Beaulieu, SRDC
Gae Broadwater, Kentucky State University
Hank Cothran, University of Florida
Evelyn Crayton, Auburn University
Virgil Culver, Mississippi State University
Ed Jones, North Carolina State University
Sally Maggard, CSREES
Deborah Tootle, Louisiana State University
Emily Shaw, SRDC
Charles Shepphard, Alcorn State University
George Smith, University of Tennessee
Greg Taylor, Texas A&M University
Joe Zuplena, North Carolina State University

Advisors Report - Joe Zuplena

CSREES is conducting regional trainings on evaluation training and plan of work training. The Southern meeting will be held in Charleston on the morning of Nov. 3.

The Southern Directors have talked a lot about impact measurements and the limitations of having strong data to show impacts. An Economic Impact Work Group, chaired by Dean McCorkle, has been formed, and the following individuals are serving on it:

University of Georgia:
North Carolina State University:
Mississippi State University:
Louisiana State University:
University of Kentucky:
Oklahoma State University:
Virginia Tech:
University of Arkansas:
University of Tennessee:
Texas Cooperative Extension:
Auburn University:

Greg Price and Warren Kriesel
Steve Lilley
Garen Evans
Ken Roberts and Robert Richard
John Mowbray
Ross Love
Michael Lambur
Karen Ballard
Joseph Donaldson
Scott Cummings
Grace Kirkman

Additionally, Bo Beaulieu reminded the group about the work Glenn Israel at the University of Florida is doing for the SRDC, which hopefully will become a model for others.


CSREES Report - Sally Maggard

Sally distributed two emails to the group in regard to the USDA Farm Bill Forums. The only one held in the South thus far was in Nashville on July 7. The calendar is available here. In addition to attending the face-to-face meetings, there is also an opportunity to submit written statements. The idea for the CRD group to do a joint statement for support in the Farm Bill for rural and community development's role in Extension was placed on the agenda for the August meeting.

Frank Boteler, new Deputy Administrator for Economic and Community Systems in CSREES, visited the SRDC July 20 and 22 and the LSU AgCenter Rural Development Center at Oak Grove July 21. He felt it was a tremendously successful visit. Deborah Tootle related to the group that he was very receptive and said, "What do we need to do to help?" He is going to visit West, and he has already met with North Central CRD leaders in Washington. Sally related that he really carries the message and that he has taken a request for four positions and got approval for two. Both are directly related to our work: one focused on governance (conflict resolution, community capacity, etc.) and one for alternative economic development and entrepreneurship (rural economies focus). The requests for IPA for Mark Henry and two other requests for shared faculty were rejected by Gary Cunningham.

Sally noted that the proposal for the Ag Outlook Forum has a proposed theme of "Opportunities for Rural Prosperity and Entrepreneurship."

Bo brought up to the committee regarding the Center's budget that we need our constituents to make contacts to have the Center's budget supported. After some discussing regarding the possible fact that Centers have not had an increase in funding, which may put them in jeopardy, it was decided to place this topic on the August agenda to develop a plan.


PLC Update - Ed Jones

Ernie Hughes has resigned from his position with the Southern Ag Center. We need to replace him on PLC as well as the NACDEP 1890/1994 representative. Additionally, Ed's term is also expiring, and both will need to be elected in August.

On Sunday afternoon Charles and Deborah (chair and vice-chair) have a meeting at 4 pm, and the newcomers reception will be at 5 pm.

Regarding joint program committee meetings, the group decided not to force a meeting since we have lots of committee work to do.


CECP and Subcommittee Reports - Alan

A URL was distributed ( for the competencies. Alan asked that everyone look them over and identify any missing competencies.

Asset Mapping will be added as a CECP course in development. The CECP Steering Committee will be meeting at the same time as the newcomer orientation at the August meeting. Also, the General Session on the first day will feature modules in development (will provide a snapshot of the subject matter areas being developed as well as possibly looking at it from how they are being developed such as hard copy curriculum, using another course, etc.)

If there are items that need to be added to competency list from the curricula that is being produced for CECP, let Alan know.

Alan also distributed a list of potential reviewers. Due to a tremendous turnover in personnel, we need an inventory of new people who are doing CD work as well as to use this list for reviewers for CECP.


SRDC Update - Bo Beaulieu

The RRDC Directors have received acceptance to submit a full proposal for eXtension (18 of the 74 total proposals have been asked to submit more indepth proposals). Full proposals are due September 9. Around 10 will be funded. There will be more rounds (more RFPs).

SRDC Strategic Planning Effort
The SRDC received funding from Kellogg to involve the LGUs and other entities in the strategic planning effort. A subcommittee of TOAC members is working on this effort. The Center would like to invest in state-by-state RD dialogues. This would mean that there would be a diverse audience brought to the table beyond the LGU system. The coordinator for each site will get $2000 to help defray costs. After the state session then there will be a regional forum. The Center is gearing up for Oct/Nov. The report will be a synthesis of relevant issues that come out of the listening sessions. This effort will also involve an electronic survey to Consortium.

The question was raised whether these sessions will have different audiences than the entrepreneurship sessions. Since this will be a broader set of issues it will be a broader audience. Potential dates for state sessions are as follows:

Gae Broadwater, Kentucky State University -- December
George Smith, University of Tennessee -- mid November or early December
Evelyn Crayton, Auburn University - near first of the year

Entrepreneurial Listening Sessions
The Center is working on potential sites and dates right now (there will be eight sites). These sessions will involve more than Kellogg applicants and will take place in September and October. More information will be forthcoming.


RCCI Update - Alan Barefield

RCCI continues to go well. Alan has just finished writing reports for each of the Southern CCs. The Southern effort is now in 5 states, and each has made tremendous progress. Six competitive grants have been awarded. The Ford Foundation funding will tentatively end next June. The farewell RCCI Institute will be in April 2006. They will try to figure out the best way to make this sustainable by Ext administrators and CC administrators, willingness of local agents and state specialists. This will be a major topic of discussion.


NACDEP Report - Emily Shaw

Proposals for conference presentations are now being accepted and the deadline is September 16. Officer nominations will be released in August. The committee decided to discuss potential nominations at the August meeting.


Certification - Deborah Tootle

Deborah distributed materials prior to the call, including materials from Penn State and Texas (they are developing a certification). Deborah urged the group to think about the courses at home universities that may fit in and be able to do by distance education. The discussion was tabled until the August meeting.

Information Items

Charles urged the group to have better 1890 participation and attendance. The group also asked that the August agenda be structured so that items on Wednesday morning will not be critical items (for travel reasons).


Call for August Meeting Agenda Items

In addition to the above mentioned items, the following need to be included on the August agenda:

* Meeting rescheduled from July 29, 2003