COM - October 2006
October 11, 2006


Debbie Archer, Chair
Bob Reynolds
Gloria J. Mosby
Don Stotts
Virginia Morgan
Garvin Quinn
Tom Knecht

Convening the Meeting

Debbie Archer, chair, called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The following items were discussed.

Roster Check

Members reviewed their addresses, e-mail addresses and contact numbers for accuracy. Members also reviewed the team's plan of work online

Plan of Work

Debbie needs to get an update on the various Plan of Work assignments. Bob Reynolds said the Copyright module has been reviewed and was sent to Tom Knecht on September 30.

The following persons are working on the other communications modules.

Rules for Writing - Bob Reynolds and Gloria J. Mosby. Gloria said that she and Bob are reviewing the Training the Grammar Trainer Fun Workshops book that was developed by several ACE members a few years ago to see if portions of it can be used for the Rules for Writing module. They will obtain permission from Meg Ashman, Florita Montgomery and LaRae Donnellan to use materials from this document for the Rules for Writing module. They are also looking at other materials that have been created concerning writing rules.

Writing for Newspapers - Haven Miller is chair. Haven has joined the Disaster Communications module group. Ashley Wood has done work on this module.

Disaster Communications - Haven Miller, Frankie Gould, Ashley Wood

Exhibit & Design Production - This module is on hold.

Distance Education - Garvin said he asked Ricky Telg at the University of Florida for permission to use a distance education module that has been already been completed at U of F. Garvin obtained permission to use the module. It just has to be reviewed by the CECP group, and then placed on the CECP site.

Digital Photography - Virginia, Michael and Debbie worked on this module in Puerto Rico. Debbie said that although none of them are photographers, they worked on this and will get input from photographers at their institutions for accuracy.

Media Relations - Tom and Garvin had a teleconference to discuss this module. Robin is also working on this module. This module has already been placed on the CECP site and is still being revised by the committee. Tom will give any changes to the module to his web person for review.

Copyright - Tom Knecht worked on this. The module has been reviewed. Tom will have his web person input changes, and the module should be completed by November 15.

The deadline for completion of the remainder of the modules is October, 2007.

The schedule for the communications PLC teleconferences follow:
All of them are scheduled for 2:00 p.m., central time.