Communications Committee
Conference Call
November 17, 2004

Garvin Quinn, chair, called the teleconference to order at 2 p.m. CST, November 17, 2004.

Debbie Archer
Princess Gordon-Patton
Tom Knecht
Virginia Morgan
Gloria Mosby
Sharon Omahen
Garvin Quinn
Dee Shore
Don Stotts
Carol Whatley
Ashley Wood.

Proposed logo for PLN:
Georgia submitted four samples. The committee agreed to submit two samples to the PLN for a decision on the final logo. Gloria Mosby will present the logos during the PLC planning meeting, November 29-December 1.

Status of CECP modules

Garvin received a request from Julie Sexton, CECP project steering committee chair, to submit the review process that the communications group has developed. The review process for communications was read (below).

  1. The development team (or individual developer) submits the module manuscript and associated materials to the SR-PLN Communications Program Committee chair, who will inform other committee officers and the two PLC representatives of the submission. The Communications Program Committee officers (chair, vice-chair and secretary) identify four committee members to review the module. The committee chair contacts the selected committee members to confirm their willingness to serve as reviewers. Reviewers receive the CECP module materials for evaluation. Criteria include audience suitability, usefulness, concept development, content strength and user-friendliness. Reviewers submit their comments and suggestions to the committee chair. CECP materials with reviewers' comments are returned to the development team (or individual developer) to incorporate suggested revisions.
  2. After reviewers' suggestions and/or concerns have been sufficiently addressed, committee officers will notify the two PLC representatives that the module has been "accepted for publication." Then, the module will be submitted officially for incorporation into the CECP system.
The group approved wording of the review process, and Garvin will submit the information to the CECP steering committee.

Discussion and review of annual work plan:

Garvin read the SR-PLN Communications Program Committee Annual Work Plan 2004-2005 (draft):

The committee agreed that these items reflect what was discussed at the Biloxi meeting. The annual work plan will be submitted to the PLN.Other issues:

Dates/times for future committee conference calls:
January 19, 2005, 2 p.m. CST
March 9, 2005, 2 p.m. CST
June 15, 2005, 2 p.m. CST
August 10, 2005, 2 p.m. CST