Communications Committee
Jan. 24, 2007
January 24, 2007

I. Call to order

Debbie Archer called to order the regular conference call meeting of the PLN Communications Committee at 2 p.m. CST on Jan. 24, 2007.

The following persons participated in the call: Debbie, Bob Demattina (for Havin Miller), Terri Meisenbach, Tom Knecht, Ashley Wood, Garvin Quinn, Robin Adams and Bob Reynolds

II. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Minutes were approved

III. Open issues

  1. eXtension Update - Terri updated the group on eXtension. The Horse Quest COP went public on Nov. 2, 2006 and Financial Security for All is expected to go public in February 2007. COP's on fire ants and childcare are moving forward. eXtension representatives recently met with and updated national Extension directors and administrators on progress to date and discussed how to continue funding. They will be issuing a new call for additional COP's, especially those not seeking funding.

  2. Transitioning existing and new CEP modules to eXtension - Robin provided an update on this process. PLN is seeking three representatives from each committee to participate in training on the new software and procedures. Bob Reynolds volunteered for this training. The committee is seeking two additional volunteers.

  3. Progress on CEP Communications Modules

IV. New business

  1. Disaster survey - Debbie asked if committee members received and participated in the survey

  2. Debbie asked about status of the Guidelines for Royalties. This was presented to PLN. Need to check with Gloria and Frankie on this status.

  3. Debbie asked the group to consider agenda items for the August meeting. Group indicated they wanted to continue doing longer state reports. Any items for the meeting should be forwarded to Debbie.

V. Adjournment

PLN Communications committee adjourned the meeting at 3:45. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11 at 2 p.m. CST.

Minutes submitted by: Robin Adams

Minutes approved by: