COM - April 2008
April 16, 2008

Attending: Dee Shore, Carol Whatley, Liz Moseley, Debbie Archer, Bob Ratliff, Robin Adams, Bob Reynolds, and Bernadette Hinkle.

Announcement: Dee announced that Haven Miller plans to resign as committee secretary because he plans to retire early. Dee said she would send an email to the entire group to see if there are any volunteers. The position must be filled by a representative of an 1862 institution.

PLC: Debbie reported that at the most recent Program Leadership Committee meeting there was discussion of a July training session for committee chairs. The committee also discussed the Program Leadership Network conference in Greensboro; there will be a newcomers social, and the program night out (Tuesday) has been reinstated. The 2009 meeting will be in Orlando.

Conference: Bob encouraged the group to begin discussing the Com Committee’s meeting that will be held during the PLN conference. Carol suggested CECP modules. Bob said a Moodle training might be appropriate since it is the new platform being used for CECP modules. He said he would follow up with Larry Lipke in Texas to discuss the possibility of having this training. Debbie said she would try to get clarification from the PLC as to whether Moodle is the platform and if additional training would be worthwhile.

Survey: Bernadette asked if states were buying off on a national ECOP branding survey. Carol said that four southern states had decided to pay to have a survey down in their states in addition to the survey being done nationally.

Meeting adjourned.