Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)
Southern Region Extension Committees

2001-2002 Annual Reports


In FY2000, Congress moved the funding that supported the USDA's Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (PIAP) from Smith/Lever 3d and PL 89-106 budget lines to the Integrated Competitive Grants Program (Section 406 pf AREERA). Section 406 requires that the funds be distributed through an open and competitive process. Previously, PIAP funds had been distributed on a formula basis to 1862 Land-Grant Universities and through a regional competitive grants program.

CSREES issued a call for proposals for the $4.3 million in April 2000 to establish four regional pest management centers - one in each of the four USDA regions for three years. The goals of regional pest management centers are:

1. To strengthen connections with production agriculture, research and extension programs, and agricultural stakeholders in the U.S.
2. Respond to information needs of the public and private sector.
3. Help USDA and partner institutions identify, prioritize and coordinate a national pest management research, extension, and education program.
4. Link regional pest management issues with USDA programs/resources.

September 2000, USDA-CSREES awarded the regional Pest Management Center grants to the University of Florida - Southern Region, Pennsylvania State University - Northeastern Region, Michigan State University - North Central Region, and University of California-Davis - Western Region. The Southern Center grant totaled $1.3) million

The Southern Region Center is directed by Dr. O. Norman Nesheim and Dr. Russ Mizell of the University of Florida.

October 2000, the Southern Region Pest Management Center issued an open and competitive request for proposals to all colleges and universities in the region Successful applicants were to propose activities that lead to.

1. Stakeholder involvement in priority setting.
2. Development of a pest management information network
3. Creation of crop/commodity profiles and pest management strategic plans.
4. Establishment of advisory committees and review of technical documents as requested by USDA.

Proposals were reviewed and selected for funding by tire Steering Committee for the Southern Region Pest Management Center. Thirteen Southern Region States were funded by the Center. The state are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

The Center has issued the request for progress reports, work plans and budgets for year two. The deadline to receive them is September 21, 2001.
The Center is planning a meeting for Southern Region Pest Management Center State Project Leaders in early November 2001 in Orlando, Florida.

Center accomplishments:

September 14, 2000 Received Center award

October 12, 2000 Developed and issued an open and competitive RFP to establish state participants in Center

October 2000 Identified and named a Center Steering Committee for Southern Region Center. Members provide guidance for Center Directors and serve as members of a proposal review team. Members include Dr. Mike French (Extension), U . of AR; Dr. Fred Knapp (Experiment Station), U. of KY; Dr. Neal Thompson (IR-4) U. of FL; Dr. Tom Fuchs (IPM), U. of TX; Dr. Roy Bulloch - TN - SARE & 1890s; and Mr. Mike Aerts, Commodity, FL Fruit and Vegetable Assoc.

January 4, 2001 Reviewed and selected proposals for awards. Steering committee plus North Central Region Center Director Larry Olsen, and Dr. Harold Coble of USDA Office of Pest Management Policy served on review team. Selection of proposal and collection of comments done by conference call.

January-March, 2001 Work with state project leaders in budget revisions and University of Florida Grants and Contracts Office to establish subcontracts.

May 2001 Center receives year two of funding to support activities of Center.

July 30, 2001 Center issues call to state project leaders for progress report, budget and work plan for year two (Due September 21, 2001).

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For more information about the Southern Region Program Leaders, contact Bonnie Teater

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