Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)
Southern Region Extension Committees

1999-2000 Annual Reports


Primary Purpose of Group: Bring pesticide coordinators in the southern region together to address issues of importance related to pesticide education. The group exchanges information on successful and/or novel approaches to educating pesticide applicators on the correct use of pesticides and other pesticide issues.

Summary of Accomplishments: Much of the effort by state coordinators in the past two to three years has been to address Worker Protection Standards and the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA).

Current/Recent Major Projects: A Pesticide Education Center has been established in North Carolina to provide resources, expertise and training of regulatory personnel and county agents. The Center is working with P.A.T. coordinators to provide training of a limited number of agents from each southern regional state.

Primary Disciplines Which Participate: Entomologists, Plant Pathologists and Weed Scientists

Other Disciplines Which Participate: Same

States Represented at Meeting: All states and Puerto Rico

Industry Representation: The coordinators invite representatives of the pesticide regulation division of the state departments of agriculture. There is very good participation from these. A CSREES representative attends. EPA representatives usually attend. The coordinators usually invite an industry representative to address an issue such as FQPA, Worker Protection, etc.

Leadership: Susanne Deatherage, Texas A&M University, is the program chair for the 2000 meeting. Bob Bellinger will be the local host.

Advisor: C. Michael French, University of Arkansas

Meetings: The group meets annually in late September or early October. The upcoming meeting will be in Charleston, South Carolina on September 25-27, 2000.


C. Michael French
August 25, 2000

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For more information about the Southern Region Program Leaders, contact Bonnie Teater

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