Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR)
Southern Region Extension Committees

1999-2000 Annual Reports


Purpose of Group: Adopt a collaborative approach to maximize state efforts and resources within the Southern Region to conduct Master Gardener and Consumer Horticulture Programs.

Summary of Accomplishments and Current/Recent Major Projects:

  • Developed an organizational structure, mission statement and a set of objectives, projected output, leadership structure, etc.
  • Conducted preliminary meetings, elected officers, discussed needs, established LISTSERV, outlined Website and established cooperative initiatives.

The seven cooperative initiatives are:

  1. Initiative. Create a Southern Region-endorsed policy regarding the transfer of Master Gardeners between states ("Interstate Master Gardener Transfer").
  2. Initiative. Create a program or process that will help Master Gardeners and other volunteers carry out the Federal Millennium Green Initiative: "to plant or adopt a tree, establish a garden, or protect or care for a special natural resource treasure in honor of the new millennium.
  3. Initiative. Create a butterfly gardening program that can be used by Master Gardeners and other volunteer organizations into schools and communities.
  4. Initiative. Create a logo for the Southern Region Committee that can be used on the web site and on publication produced by the Committee.
  5. Initiative. Identify ways of recognizing Master Gardeners and their projects in the Southern Region.
  6. Initiative. Compile a list of Master Gardener slide sets, publications, and other educational materials from the Southern Region.
  7. Initiative. Develop a chapter on Botany with an accompanying PowerPoint® presentation.

Primary Discipline: Horticulture - - Including state Master Gardener leaders.

Other Disciplines Which Participate: None regularly

State Represented: Kentucky, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, (North Carolina, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Texas, Virgin Islands have yet to send representatives).

Industry Representatives: None

Leadership: Officers for 2000-2002

-Chair, Freddie Rasberry, MS
-Vice-Chair, Janet Carson, AR
-Secretary, Bob Polomski, SC


Frequency and Usual Times(s) of Year: Twice per year - - Winter: S.R. ASHA; Summer: International Master Gardener Conference and S.R. Master Gardener Conference

Dates and Locations of Recent Meetings: May 14, 2000; the University of Georgia, Athens

Years of Existence: One

Report Prepared by:
Ros O. Love - Advisor
Oklahoma State University
245 Agriculture Hall
Stillwater, OK 74078

Date: August 24, 2000

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For more information about the Southern Region Program Leaders, contact Bonnie Teater

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