Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Conference Call

October 13, 2005


Marilyn Norman, Florida
Rae Wilkinson, Mississippi
Martha Couch, Texas
Javiette Samuel, Tennessee
Jeff Howard, Texas
Lamar Nichols, Alabama
Terril Faul, Louisiana
Darlene Baker, Arkansas
Claudette Smith
Torey Earle, NAE4-HA Southern Region Director
Joe Kurth, Kentucky
Charles Cox, Oklahoma
Bo Ryles, Georgia
Denise Streeter
Alice Ann Moore, Tennessee

Marilyn Norman, Florida and chair convened the conference call.Minutes from the PLN meeting in August were reviewed. There were no additions or changes. The minutes were approved.Additional agenda item - ES-237 - Darlene Baker.Adviser report was not given.
Item 1 - 4-H Group Exemption Number - Jeff Howard

Tax exempt group number/forms were distributed and discussed at the Southern Region Leader Forum at Rock Eagle. There is no clear process for using the group exempt number. 4-H Headquarters' stance is that it is an IRS process. If groups want to be classified, the assumption is that this can be done at the local level. Discussion centered on if the process had been checked out or completed.

Charles Cox and Jeff Howard agreed to follow-up by calling the IRS about the procedure, check with each other regarding responses received and send the Southern Region Program Leaders a logical sequence to guide the 4-H clubs/groups.

Item 2 - Biennial Meeting - Wilkinson, Cox

The meeting is April 10-12 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the Double Tree. Fees will remain the same if possible. Room rates will be less expensive. There should be a mobile computer unit available. It was suggested that the hotel provide a suite for internet access.

Oklahoma will assist with tours and facilities. Mississippi is responsible for program and workshops. Written information will be sent by Mississippi and Oklahoma.

Item 3 - CCS -Baker

CCS Board called a face to face meeting in Minnesota with the curriculum committee. Dr. Kress was present for the meeting. Progress was made in developing a partnership with Headquarters and addressing issues with the 501(C) 3. Baker encouraged all to attend the membership meeting at the NAE4-HA conference. The Board is looking at the personnel and staffing for CCS. It was agreed that there is a priority for programming. National program leaders will determine what will be developed through CCS and other sources. There will be a revision and shift in the business plan for CCS. The CCS Board will retreat on a regular basis.

Item 4 - CECP - Howard

The 4-H component has six (6) domains that relates to PRKC. Jeff met with the professional development committee. The next step is to form domain teams. They will decide on the topics that are to be developed.

Barbara Stone will develop a joint proposal for the Leadership Trust. One component of CECP may be Educational Design revisions.

Item 5 - Economic Impact - Norman

If you have sample stories of economic impact, please share it with others. Texas is developing evaluations for economic impacts.

Item 6 - Helmet Issues (Horse Events) - Nichols

Texas - Discussion will continue when it has been advocated.
Georgia - Is in discussion.
Florida - Helmet rule - required for state events. They are interested in this rule being enforced for multi-state.
Tennessee - Required for speed and jumping events.
Kentucky - Requires a helmet for all events. There is documentation that the participation has increased. Norman asked Earle to provide documentation of the increase.

Item 7 - NAE 4-HA Liaison Report - Earle

There are 1,157 registered for the NAE4-HA National Conference in Seattle, Washington as of 10/13/05. The group was asked to complete association membership surveys for PR&I to identify members' needs. The NAE4-HA Board Meeting minutes are on the Web site. The history of NAE4-HA is also on the Web site (1946-2005).

Item 8 - National 4-H Congress - Faul

There is a position for the facilities committee on the National 4-H Congress Design Team. A recommendation that Nelda Starkes serve as the Facilities Co-Chair was made. Susan Holder will need to give approval of the appointment. Terril will follow-up with Susan.

Item 9 - National Curriculum Process

Dr. Kress is reviewing the entire curriculum process. CCS is one component of the curriculum process. There will be two (2) key groups formed with representatives in each group:
1 - Jury Process
2 - Prioritizing curriculum needs of entire nation. There will be requests for design teams on development of curriculum.

Dr. Kress is in the process of forming the committees.

Item 10 - National Program Leaders Annual Meeting

The meeting begins with an evening reception on March 13 and ends at noon on March 16. Information is on the 4-H Headquarters' Web page. Orientation for new state 4-H program leaders will be held prior to the meeting.

Item 11 - Rural Youth Grant - Cox

Cox received information from National 4-H Council through e-mails. The grant guidelines are very specific in what is needed. Selection and notification will be made before Thanksgiving. Four (4) people from each grant recipient may attend training. Expenses will not be taken from the grant.

Cox will set a conference call for states to work on the grant proposal in a collaborative effort.

Item 12 - Southern Region Volunteer Leader Forum - Norman

Representation by a state leader on the planning committee is needed. Bob Meadows has served several years.

Darlene Baker was selected to serve as liaison for Southern Region Volunteer Leader Forum.Funds in the amount of $9,000 should be passed to the host state each year. A total of $9,000 will be passed to Tennessee from South Carolina.

To ensure a quality program for the Southern Region Volunteer Leader Forum, the chair (Patrick Hamilton, TN 2006) will be asked to pass along information to the coordinators each year. Moore will ask Patrick Hamilton to put this on the agenda for the planning committee.

Item 13 - ES-237 - Baker

Information for the ES-237 report is not due until January. The Web site information will not be up until December 1. Our understanding is that spreadsheets will be utilized for reporting. Unsure of what is needed for the report. Less data is needed this year than in the past.

Item 14 - Non-Profit Clarity - Denise Streeter

Professional Development

Next conference call is scheduled for January 5, 2006. Meeting adjourned by Marilyn Norman.