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4-H Youth Development Committee
Conference Call
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July 7, 2005

Commenced at: 8 a.m. Central, 9 a.m.


Darlene Baker, Arkansas
Paul Coriel, Louisiana
Charles Cox, Oklahoma
Keith Diem, South Carolina
Torey Earle, NAE4-HA Southern Region Director
Terril Faul, Louisiana
Susan Holder, Mississippi
Jeff Howard, Texas
Thearon McKinney, North Carolina
Bob Meadows, Virginia
Alice Ann Moore, Tennessee
Marilyn Norman, Florida
Bo Ryles, Georgia
Marshal Stewart, North Carolina
Dorothy Wilson, Oklahoma

Marilyn Norman, Florida and chair called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call.

Agenda Items:

  1. CECP
  2. Adviser Report
  3. Biennial Conference
  4. Southern Region Account Update
  5. RYD Grants
  6. National Meeting of State 4-H Program Leaders
  7. NAE4-HA Update
  8. Sport Fishing Update
  9. Shooting Sports
  10. Professional Development

Item 1 - CECP - Jeff Howard

Jeff Howard explained CECP - Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project. The focus is a professional development teaching and supplement for youth development professionals. It is hosted at Texas A&M. The management team is made up of representation from most southern states and National 4-H Headquarters. The plan is to use the Professional Research Knowledge Competencies as the outline for the CECP module. Jeff reported that the core management team met November 30 - December 2. The domain structure will be 4-H PRKC.

The management team met twice. They finalized the jury review process and developed support for the modules. They also selected domain leaders and formulated a structured timeline. A national call has gone out for additional members.

The goal is to have a module under each domain in 4-H Youth Development.

During the August PLN meeting there will be modules for show. The jury process is also being developed. The management team is working with the learning community for the eXtension process so that CECP will transition into eXtension.

4-H curricula meeting for 4-H curricula process will be held July 26 and 27. The meeting will be held prior to the Leadership Trust meeting. Discussion will be held regarding entire curriculum process. Topics for the meeting include the jury process and marketing materials.

The survey of functionality for each state will be utilized at the meeting. There will be discussion regarding intellectual property and permission of using name and emblem. What are the unintended consequences?

Contact Susan Holder regarding issues and concerns to the Leadership Trust. Dorothy Wilson and Jeff Howard are representatives for CCS.

Item 2 - Adviser Report - Paul Coriel

Paul Coriel stated that he is willing to assist with CCS as needed. He voiced a concern that 4-H Youth Development is fully engaged for eXtension. He urged that there be a strong content proposal for eXtension.

Item 3 - Biennial Conference - Susan Holder

Workshop sessions are being planned. There will be offsite time. They are working with Dalton Proctor for retiree sessions. A Biennial Conference packet will be handed out at PLN. The workshop jury has been selected. Criteria for acceptance will be posted on the Web.

Item 4 - Southern Region Account Update - Terril Faul

Balance  -  $15,346.75
Expenses -  $   609.70
Terril provided guidelines for use of the account. This account requires a $300 donation annually from each of the 13 southern states in the Southern Region. The funds in this account are to be utilized for expenses incurred for 4-H members and volunteers serving on national and regional 4-H committees. This account assists states and individuals with participation in regional and national committees, hopefully eliminating any barriers. Listed below are committees that 4-H members and volunteers may be reimbursed for. Expenses not covered by that specific committee:
  • National and Southern Regional 4-H Strategic Directions Team
  • Congress Design Team (Board does not cover transportation for 4-H members)
  • Special 4-H Program Committees Assignments for Targeted Programs or Areas

Item 5 - RYD Grants - Charles Cox

A new proposal has been submitted. Send items for discussion to Susan Holder. Suggested Leadership Trust Agenda Items:
  • Intellectual Property
  • Curriculum Review/Jury
  • Centralization
  • Ability to plan for data collection
  • 4-H YDC

Item 6 - National Meeting of State 4-H Program Leaders

Mark your calendars for the National Meeting of State 4-H Program Leaders March 13-16 - Capitol Holiday Inn, Washington, D.C. (close to National Headquarters). Marilyn Norman represents the Southern Region on the planning committee. Information in South Carolina (will be preceded by New 4-H Program Leader Workshop).

Item 7 - NAE4-HA Update

The 2005 Conference is well on track. The Association is looking at 10% reduction in budget. PL has been requested to promote benefits of Association to Agents to encourage membership.

Item 8 - Sport Fishing Update - Terril Faul

Coordinator in New York has resigned. Position was funded by Future Fishman Association.

Item 9 - Shooting Sports - Charles Cox

NRA Shooting Sports grants - OK counties have received these funds and used them to purchase fire arms. OK has policy that ALL grants greater than $1,500 come through campus. These grants are less than that and have been reigned in by the University since their policy does not allow grant funds to buy firearms regardless of $ amount, etc. Charles has put together exemption request form (counties must document intent, safety, training plans and person responsible for keeping the guns, etc.) that will go to the University President's office for signature.

Do others have this issue and if so how has it been handled? Please send notes to Charles. Another question was raised by Lamar Nichols from Alabama regarding helmet rules within horse shows. Do other states have them and if so what are the stipulations? Send feedback to Lamar Nichols directly.

Item 10 - Professional Development - Bo Ryles

Philosophical conversation and points about political influence of 4-H:
  1. Cultivate influential and supportive clientele.
  2. Keep track of 4-H Alumni. Add a permanent address request for graduating 4-H members.
  3. Understand structure of state government, both Chambers. Keep short list of movers and shakers. If not well skilled in this area, make it a point of study. Track the state budget process and know where it is at all times.
  4. Articulate and communicate INTERNALLY the needs of 4-H.
  5. Identify 4-H Alumni elected body.
  6. Create opportunities to recognize elected officials. Communicate suggestions to CEAS. Don't assume they all know to invite the Court to awards banquet. We hire new people every day.
  7. Have key individuals and organized influential groups know the needs of 4-H.
  8. Have "talking points" and work with Agency Director on what needs and couple them with hot funding topics in legislative body.
  9. Make sure we're at school conferences, county government association conferences, etc.
  10. Be on invitation list for key political events, if not, work at it.
  11. Have SAME message throughout the program and speak as one voice.

Meeting adjourned by Marilyn Norman. Minutes taken by Alice Ann Moore and Jeff Howard.