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4-H Youth Development Committee Minutes
Conference Call
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January 6, 2005

Commenced at: 8 a.m. Central, 9 a.m.


Darlene Baker, Arkansas
Martha Couch, Texas
Keith Diem, South Carolina
Torey Earle, NAE4-HA Southern Region Director
Terril Faul, Louisiana
Susan Holder, Mississippi
Jeff Howard, Texas
Alice Ann Moore, Tennessee
Marilyn Norman, Florida
Bo Ryles, Georgia

Marilyn Norman, Florida and chair convened the conference call.

Item 1 - CECP

Marilyn asked Jeff Howard to update the group on CECP.

Jeff reported that the core management team met November 30 - December 2. The domain structure will be 4-H PRKC.

He outlined a timeline for domain completion. They plan to have one module for each domain by late August.

Discussion regarding the CECP using PRKC is schematically drawn out and should work theoretically, but probably needs to be tested before opening the domains.

Other discussion included the core management team's accomplishments:

  1. 4-H, ANR and FCS program areas will set the review process for modules.
  2. Minimum expectations for the content of the modules.
  3. Individuals or teams will be needed to develop modules.

There was discussion and questions regarding how the fully developed CECP should be transferred to E-Extension and nationwide.

Bo Ryles suggested that the organizational structure for CECP be sorted out before we move forward with opening it nationwide.

Jeff asked that the Southern Region State Program Leaders identify individuals to serve as domain leaders (point of contact) for 4-H CECP. These could be 4-H state staff members or others. A suggestion was made that chairs of the domains might come from the core management team.

Jeff will send an e-mail to State Program Leaders outlining specific domain criteria and suggestions for domain leaders.

Item 2 - Leadership Trust

Susan Holder discussed Leadership Trust agenda items. She stated that the Leadership Trust meets face to face quarterly and also meets by conference call monthly.
Leadership Trust Items:
  1. Youth are pursuing a long term commitment to the 4-H movement by initiating the Leadership Academy which will be underwritten by John Deere. Leadership Academy date has not been set but may be held in October. One youth per state institution state and one adult per state may attend. The guidelines for selection, and date of event should be sent to State Leaders as soon as possible.
  2. Susan also requested feedback on how best to communicate regarding the Leadership Trust. She will provide bullet points and report during our quarterly conference call and will remind the group that the full meeting minutes are on the Intranet.

Item 3 - National State 4-H Leader Meeting

Reminder - the National State 4-H Leader meeting will be held on March 21-24, 2005 in Tucson, Arizona. Jo Turner from Missouri sent out registration information via e-mail on January 3, 2005.

Item 4- RYD Grant

Jeff Howard reported that there was no new information since the October meeting in Oklahoma. Year Three grants should be announced in January.

Item 5 - 2006 Biennial Meeting

Susan Holder addressed the group about the 2006 Biennial meeting. It will be held April 11-13 in Gulfport, Mississippi. Individuals are needed who will serve on jury committee for poster sessions and seminars. She asked that the State Leaders have suggested names in by March 2005. Arkansas will assist with registration.

Item 6 - Liaison/Leadership Activities

Bob Meadows resigned from 4-HCCS Board of Directors. We need to find a replacement for his position from the Southern Region.

Commitments for 4-HCCS Board of Directors include:
  • Monthly teleconference
  • Fiscal management
  • One face to face board meeting
  • Board reports to State 4-H Leaders at annual meeting

Item 7 - Southern Region Account

Terril Faul verified that there is a balance in the account of $11,963.86. Terril will send out invoices to each state this year in January/February.

The group reviewed what expenses could be paid from the account. Payment may be approved for young people or volunteers who are selected for committees representing the Southern Region when there is no reimbursement for expenses.

Terril Faul volunteered to develop guiding principles based on availability of funds for paying expenses. He will also develop a list of past examples of how funds were utilized.

Item 8 - Obesity Conference

The Obesity Conference is scheduled for February 15-17, 2005 in Florida. Official registration form has been sent out.

Item 9 - NAE4-HA Board Meeting

Torey Earle, NAE4-HA representative for the Spring NAE4-HA Board Meeting announced that the Meeting will be held in March 2005.

Marilyn will send a list of leadership roles to Torey Earle and Keith Diem.

Next conference call is scheduled for April 7, 2005. Meeting adjourned by Marilyn Norman.
Minutes by Alice Ann Moore.