Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Conference Call

January 16, 2003

Members Present:

Terril Nell
Ed Maxim (for Thearon McKinney)
Darlene Baker
Susan Holder
Martha Couch
Charles Cox
Bo Ryles
George Duncan
Marilyn Norman


1. SR Grant
Susan Holder discussed the cover letter. Each state applied for 25,000 with Rural America grant, plus a coordinator. Texas applied for that. A roll-out conference was also proposed. Yesterday correspondence was sent from Barbara Monfort, but Susan will send the whole thing by fax. All materials are due back to her soon, but no deadline date was noted. The evaluation process will be fairly rigorous. They did go to two years. We also need to be sure that expenses currently being used for these efforts can be reimbursed. Corrections and additions should be sent directly to National Council. Make sure it's a fixed fee contract.
2. Youth Report on SDT
Bo asked about the youth representative to SDT. He noted that Nikisha Randell has attended every meeting; she is very active on the committee and provides reports. He asked if we have two representatives right now. Susan had a representative (Terrence) who has just gone off. To the best of Bo's knowledge, his representative is doing an excellent job. Oklahoma has a volunteer slot on that committee. Terril is handling the financial aspects of this effort and indicated there were sufficient funds in the collected amounts to last for a while.
3. National 4-H Congress
We have committee slots to fill. Charles indicated we need a representative. We have a co-chair for this year's conference, with chairmanship next year. Darlene will be serving as facilitating chair this year (was co-chair last year). Bo gave a report from the Board; he has two more years on the board. Ivory will be incoming chair. Themes for 2003- the environment, 2004 - Health. This year attendance was 1200 with 200 adults included in that. Are requesting ways to help for those in leadership positions with expenses. The board should address that question. Five states were not present at National 4-H Congress. The hotel contract goes through 2006 and it was extended one year through 2007. They also added a caveat to include an extensive bid process which could include other cities for National Congress. This current year committee will have an opportunity to change the location in 2008. Susan Stuart was asked to provide leadership for the bid process. Financially, the group remains solvent; the donor base has not changed significantly. A challenge to seek new donors is appropriate. Bo noted that it would be a good thing for State Leaders to be present during the reception with the donors.
5. Trust
Martha noted that the National 4-H Trust meets next week; they have had tele-conferences regularly. It has been relatively quiet since the national meeting. Some discussions have been related to the Rural America grant and the national lobbying effort. USDA and National Council have usually provided most of the agenda items, now it is time to be sure that the state partnerships are included in future discussions.
6. 4-H Brand
Bo discussed some questions that had come up during a meeting in December. Coca Cola hosted a group of individuals, along with their marketing people to discuss opportunities in marketing of the 4-H Brand. They provided solid evidence about what we should be doing for marketing. Perceptions are good, but often different than what it truly exists in the program today. Discussions are going on; both Cathann and Don are pursuing additional information.
7. Name and Emblem Discussion
Bo indicated that there might be some internal problems with getting this through and beyond the department, hence the delay. But they are working on it..
PLC - PLN - Charles indicated that meeting was held in Little Rock in December; they discussed PLN and the meeting this summer. Minutes should have been sent from Bonnie Teater. He discussed some of the major points: details of the PLN, established skeleton structure (although nothing has happened since), creation of an executive committee for the PLN.. Carolyn Noble will serve as chair of the PLN. A representative was also elected to the executive committee (one from each of the PL areas). Program individuals were selected, as well as the administrative rep. CECP was also discussed. A considerable amount of time was spent on the communications and information technology committee and their request to split into two groups. Papers were written documenting need. A vote will be taken soon. The agenda for the PLC meeting will be sent soon. The big change will be a designed to have overlap with the Directors. The meeting will be in Little Rock, August, 25-27 with executive meetings on Sunday afternoon. The PLN document also included a charge to implement a monthly review of each committee action plan. This requires each group to develop an annual plan, have a current committee list, and create activity between meetings. Please review the email list and be sure that it is current; the web site committee list needs to be updated and we will need to develop an annual plan of work in Little Rock.
Darlene reported on the development of a handbook, guidelines for staff development opportunities. She will forward it and we need to make suggestions. They still have not dealt with all the issues of Intellectual property. Then we will need to provide sources and information for our key components. We could explore sources of 4-H information throughout the country.
CCS has completely split from National Council. Structure and executive board representation have been suggested changes to provide better continuity and stability for decision making.

Mr. Wiggins - USDA Civil Rights - will be calling about Native American names in camp settings, if he has not already done so. April meeting information will be coming soon. The hotel is the Hawthorne Suites.

George noted that his state was experiencing difficulties in presenting the 4-H Clover in association with the University marketing. Several PL shared state perspectives on this.

Terril discussed the biannual training scheduled for 2004 in New Orleans. There is a need to have a name from every state to serve as the review team for abstracts / presentations. On Monday afternoon/evening, he suggested that an after-school program be visited or local tours away from the city be scheduled. An evening activity may also be scheduled. Part of the conference would also be fulfilling Rural America proposal language. A preview might be provided at the April PL meeting.

Kentucky is interviewing four candidates for their State 4-H Program Leader.
Alice Ann Moore is the new State Leader in Tennessee, in December.
Three positions have been announced in Alabama.

Next teleconference is scheduled for March 27th, Thursday.