Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Conference Call

October 24, 2002

Members Present:

Bill - Kentucky
Susie - Mississippi
Dan - Georgia (representing Bo)
Mike - North Carolina
Damon - Florida
Charles - Oklahoma
Terry - Louisiana
Martha - Texas

  1. Triennial Conference - March 10-13, 2002
  2. We have extended the dates to accept workshop proposals. Currently, we have six (6) proposals. I will ask Angela Burkham to send a confirmation about having received a workshop proposal. We are somewhat flexible on registration due date, but we need an estimate of the number to attend. A separate note requesting the approximate numbers planning to attend will be sent. At our February teleconference, we will pick a program leader meeting time during Triennial.

  3. Trust Update
  4. Trust met November 1-2, 2001 at Penn State and participated in a computer lab consensus building strategic planning process. The minutes from this meeting will be forwarded. The three recent major emphasis' are Strategic Plan, National Conversation and National 4-H Center.

  5. CCS Update
  6. Bob Meadows is our southern region representative. CCS is currently working through the auditing process. They are also accepting proposals for new curriculum development.

  7. PLC Update
  8. Charles reported on the PLC Planning Meeting. Our PLC meeting will be in Nashville, beginning the last Sunday in August.

  9. Plan of Officer Replacement
  10. We need the following: Regional Chair and Representative SDT. We will meet and elect replacements in March at Triennial.

  11. Salute to Excellence
  12. Susie reported on this. The state nominees are due today (Dec. 13) at the national office.

  13. National 4-H Conversation
  14. States shared what they were doing. $20,000 checks have been received by states. National Conversation may involve a smaller group.

  15. National 4-H Center
  16. Mike updated us. The Center is in financial crisis. They are working with the hotel association on some sort of federal rescue plan.

  17. Next teleconference is February 14, 2002.
  18. Next face-to-face meeting will be March 10-13, 2002 (during Triennial Conference).
  19. National Program Leader Meeting will be April 10-12 at the National 4-H Center.