Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Biloxi, Mississippi
August 30, 2004

The meeting was called to order by Charles Cox; he outlined the agenda; a card was circulated for Bonnie; the retirement gift was noted with financial support necessary from each Program Leader present. A contribution amount of $15 will pay this. Checks are to be made to the University of Georgia Foundation.

The agenda will be flexible so that Mary McPail Gray will have an opportunity to meet with us. The Health discussion will be held this afternoon.

Charles Cox, Darlene Baker, Jeff Howard, Joe Kurth, Marilyn Norman, Lamar Nichols, Terril Faul, Bob Meadows, Martha Couch, Andrew Dunckelman , Sabrina Balch (N4-HYDC), Susan Holder, Susan Halbert, Manola Erby, Dorothy Wilson, Alice Ann Moore, Ruth LeBion (Puerto Rico), Bo Ryles, Paul Coriel, Thearon McKinney,

Committee Night Out: Susan discussed going to Mary Mahoney's - 1.6 miles up the road for Committee night out. Separate checks will be provided. Please meet in the lobby at 6 p.m. for transportation.

Bo Ryles updated the group on Healthy Lifestyle initiative prior to the FCS meeting. He relayed a conversation that occurred at National 4-H Leadership Trust meeting. Expressing the need to have a white paper / research findings on Healthy Choices. Bo worked with individuals to develop background information: extent of the problem, child obesity, industry efforts so far, etc. He believes that we do need to move this ahead. is a website to review (including the white paper). Thus far, he has met with the national obesity task force (EFNEP, USDA, state reps, etc). 4-H / youth development can really assist in the deliverance of information / experiences. The ECOP document on obesity reduction was also mentioned as a resource. On October 19-20, a small group will meet to further this effort. He has prepared some focused ideas on how 4-H might get engaged: breakfast bags, commercial partnerships, piloting activities, 4-H centers (better food or snacks), work with private industry. The task force can identify some very specific projects appropriate for immediate response. We need to immediately begin to show efforts. To do: Read the paper, explore with staff, suggest ideas to Bo. Our need is to move rapidly.

Charles shared the results of a recent survey on what is being done and encouraged the group to address the widespread opportunities in healthy lifestyles, obesity, etc. A reference was made back to the multi-state program reported on early in the meeting. Contact with potential funders is important. Bodywalk® is privately produced item which can be purchased.

The 4-H and FCS groups met jointly to listen to the presentation by Administrator Gray. She briefly reviewed her activities over the last several months, personnel changes, and upcoming efforts. (handout). The schedule will also allow another meeting tomorrow morning between the two groups at 10:30 am. The conversation on Tuesday will include a presentation by Jackie Learner and a focused discussion on joint efforts in healthy choices/ obesity prevention.

Cathann Kress joined the group.

Participants were asked to sign up on the circulating sheet with name and email so that the regional email listserve could be updated.

Administrative Adviser Report - Paul Coriel
We appreciate his active participation in Conference calls. He is very supportive. He noted the early presentation by Bo in healthy decision/lifestyles; working with FCS is critical and beneficial in many ways. He commented on the tri-state effort in the Delta and that they had learned a great deal in the process. This effort has lessons learned beyond the efficiencies. He wants to focus on workforce preparation and that we have an obligation to do education through 4-H, in addition to the obesity prevent/ healthy lifestyle. His third area of interest is helping urban areas understand the value and benefit of 4-H as it works in character education. He cheers the 4-H program leaders and encourages us to examine how we can make 4-H relevant 10 years from now. We need to examine what changes have to be made and how we can hire to make this happen. Louisiana is building a new 4-H camp and he really wants to show his support. It was recommended that he express his support for 4-H to state directors in other regions. It is great to have his support and 4-H in other states could benefit. Cathann noted that she is already speaking to State Directors, and that Paul would be a welcome addition to the presentation. Bo noted the communication needs to go both ways.

Paul indicated that the measurement of youth programs is of concern. The data is not being collected by our own; either on an annual basis or long-term. We have to be accountable. Cathann indicated that at the national level there is a new program leader in youth development research. The new person will create a new database evaluation system for youth development in 4-H. This new system should have various components (essential elements, knowledge gained in subject matter and lifeskills), needs to be developed quickly, and develop a national system that has relevance for local, county, state, and national level. She hoped to be piloting early in the year. Bob Meadows also noted the need to inform our own agents of our obligation to communicate to decision-makers about our efforts, cost efficiencies, and value. Susan noted that there are some institutional barriers between and among universities - difference in IRB expectations, research protocol, survey instrument approval, etc. We do have some efforts that have been initiated to gather, analyze and collect current and past research studies.

Thearon brought up the challenges of having equity of funding initiatives at the Federal level for appropriate program areas. We also have provided our experience with CCS in relationship to CECP on intellectual property. In general, we have not caught up with the sophistication of the legal issues and the nuances of intellectual property, working with 501c3, etc.

The group expressed their appreciation to Paul Coreil.

National 4-H Leadership Trust
Bo and Martha provided a handout with agenda, dates, updates, etc., from the July, 2004 quarterly meeting. All the materials is available on the Trust website. The dates for the monthly and quarterly meetings are listed on the second handout. A summary of decisions and activity to Jun 2004 is the third handout; and activities have been organized around the national strategic plan. Special items discussed included: 4-H Archives Project, World Citizenship; PRK update; monthly meet-ups; apprenticeships, programs of distinction; the Wingspread Conference (by invitation only); The Healthy Lifestyles, Energizing the Fourth H white paper, and a new State 4-H Leaders Intranet Site (password first name initial/last name). There is a new 4-H Volunteers USA website. Emphasis for next 18-24 months include: essential elements, creating a dynamic youth oriented website, and new public funding efforts via ECOP youth development sub-committee. Don Floyd shared there is legislation pending that impacts all 501c3s (translating to more regulations and accountability). There is still a review going on at USDA about authorizing use of the name and emblem by 501c3s.

The last meeting ended with some big picture thinking on curriculum development, partners, non-profits, etc. Cathann also noted that criteria for curriculum review are also being reviewed. Bo expressed the State Leaders appreciation to Martha for serving on the Trust for four years. He noted the trust has gotten more decisive and dynamic in the last several meeting and they are dealing with some pretty tough issues.

We have been successful in having additional state leaders serve on ECOP youth development task force - Joe Kurth. Issues that are national in nature- that affect more than your state - be sure that things go through the National 4-H Leadership Trust. We need to continue to have representational voice. The concerns need to be gathered and voiced as part of the two-way conversation.

Thearon noted that the trust had a part in moving from the PRK to PRKC. The Trust created a dialogue to allow for the growth of PRKC and how it belongs to all of 4-H.

Next National Program Leader Meeting - March 21-24 is next meeting for State 4-H Program Leaders.

Rural America Grant
A discussion was held on the two years of the Rural America Grant and there was need to clarify how the dollars were allocated, what was in the funded proposals, and how to maximize the training opportunities for states participating in After School and Youth In Governance.

Susan noted there is also a year 3. There are multiple national groups involved in the emerging process for next year. We need to provide feedback. Updates on each year and the learning from the process (of how funds were divided) were provided. Year 1 projects were completed or nearly finished in reporting in either program or fiscal.

As part of the national grant for year 2, there was a NAE4-HA pre-conference planned for sharing. Danny Perkins will be sharing and discussing the needs of rural youth, as well as a workshop to discuss findings. Reports back out on the evaluation and a session on sustainability will also be held. Finally, there will be an opportunity for poster sessions / tabletop sharing. Year-three information may be available during the pre-conference from National 4-H Council, since they are the ones submitting the national proposal. Final negotiations will be with National Council and USDA. The amount of the request is not known at this time. Susan has furnished simple narrative of the entire proposal ($850,000). State and regional options are still included in amounts of $20-25,000. Stage 1 was $25,000. Stage 2 was $150,000 per region. We should examine how we as a region should allow this to develop. Decision was made to use a modified ECI for evaluation that allows for more site-specific evaluation. This is a part of the step to a more centralized, single accountability evaluation system that could include data collection related to essential elements, lifeskills, and (hopefully) ES237.

The post 4-H Congress conference that Texas is coordinating, is designed to be significant sharing, professional development After School and Youth in Governance.

Susan suggested that we do need to discuss how we want to approach Round 3 - as a group or individual competitive based on proposals during this week. How states / regions have worked with this in the past, has varied, and each method has strengths and weaknesses. All the regions have done good training, had good local program support. The third year needs to build on the experience of the past two years - directly connected with what has already been done.

Biennial Meeting
T. Faul indicated that their audit was completed. Several states still are waiting for their monies, but most have been distributed. 135 participants had a terrific experience with good networking. Start-up monies ($5,000) have been transferred to Miss.

Net Biennial Meeting
Susan Holder shared a one-page report on the upcoming conference at the Gulfport Grand Casino. There is no grant to support this one scheduled for April 10-12, 2006, (Monday through Wednesday night). This conference is targeted for 4-H specialists / state professional staff. Other scheduled activities: juried sessions, working groups, road-runner sessions, roundtable discussions, computer room, displays, concurrent workshops (5 at a time), etc. Cost is $89 per room at a great hotel. Estimated registration cost of $150. Mississippi will jury panel members from every state, as well as engagement in other segments of the conference. Charles and others noted that we could focus on CECP, e-Extension, and Health programming.

Joe went to the meeting in Monroe with state specialists at the National Horse / Livestock Judging activity. He will also be at the North American Royal, where he serves as the national rep, not just the regional rep for State Leader.

Sports Fishing
T. Faul reported on his learning experience at the national sports fishing training (10-12 states). The executive committee met in December; they have decided to go with regional trainings. The Southern region training will be at Rock Eagle. There are efforts to try to set up a new grant with Disney. An evaluation was also completed and should be sent to state leaders soon. A paid coordinator for state efforts seems to have created a more stable program.

Congress Board - Thearon
For the next two years the theme of National Congress will be Health. An RFP for a possible new location will be going out. The formal guidelines will seek the option of going to a new location for 2008. Evaluation response was fairly low, those who did respond indicated lifeskill development. There are still issues with engaging young people of color as National Congress participants. A discussion was also held about the involvement of National 4-H Council and National 4-H Headquarters during and with the event and the planning. Mike Tate agreed to bring this issue forward - Congress is just too valuable, not to have their presence.

August 31, 2004

Dr. Bivens joined us for the morning. The time this morning was dedicated to a dialogue with partners. Charles indicated that both Susan Halbert and Cathann Kress are meeting with Directors later.

Andrew Dunckelman (LA), Executive Dirctor, National Youth 4-H Directions Council, presented a PowerPoint presentation and distributed a handout. (Amber King [Montana] serves as co-chair.) He introduced Sabrina Balch (AL), member of the Council who also assisted in the presentation. His presentation included concerns, challenges, and opportunities and the current assessment of the organization. Three priorities were discussed with objectives, implementation, and impacts projected. Twenty-five national (staffing by youth representatives) positions have been identified, with 13 already filled. It was recommended that a youth member be added to the SRLF planning committee. Cathann pointed out that the dynamic nature youth in governance and youth/adult partnership, the staffing and setting procedures are evolutionary and cannot simply be mandated. It is a constant state of flux, but something that we need to continue to work toward. Discussion continued about selection processes, representation to and from state leadership, honoring decision in the context of the past, supporting youth at the national level and back in the states, and sharing points and practices of excellence at various levels. A separate conference for NY4HDC was discussed as well as terms of service for those in leadership positions. The upcoming leadership retreat for the organization will be looking at this. It was asked that decisions or recommendations of this group be clearly communicated. Funding, sustainability, clear expectations of delegates, pay-back, adult participation at the conference, etc., need to be discussed. For the upcoming initial conference, expenses are currently covered.

Two action items:

  • Bob Meadows recommended that youth have representation on SRLF
  • Empower Thearon to engage a youth on the National 4-H Congress Planning Board.
CSREES and National 4-H Council Reports
Cathann presented an update on current staff and new staff (with background information about each). She encouraged Program Leaders to welcome them and inquire about their interests and passions. Two additional searches are going on right now: military efforts and some emerging areas (health), etc. They have also started an effort to work with other units within CSREES to have greater support for 4-H youth development work.

A second handout provided information on current work areas: Programs of Distinction, the chartering process (the charters are ready), [Three versions-a letter that simply provides a paper trail, an electronic charter - 8x10 with local county adaptations-these can be customized with state leader and director signature - by request, and the third one-fancy charter in oversized paper.] First order should be under 150. Chartering provides documentation to use the name and emblem-they must have written records in order to get the private vendors. Affinity groups and 501(c3) are large in number and need to be sanctioned by some extension group prior to the request for use of name & emblem.

Work on essential elements is continuing. They are working on an evaluation project and two other items. Videotapes on the concepts are important - one will be completed at the National 4-H Council meeting at the end of September (30) with a satellite uplink. A second one is at a conference in the NE in October with tapes made available at cost. Information on essential elements were shared - websites, handouts, lesson plans, etc. Sources of research were requested.

The (national) Joint Task Force on Changing Portfolios, formed last year after NASULGC. This group was formed to examine changing practices and procedures in the current environment. It is a small group with administrators from Extension, USDA, etc. Their major issues are user fees, privatization, and regional efforts, etc. If you have issues that need to be brought up, please let Cathann know.

The USDA Task Force on Youth Development has not met recently. There as been an addition of a State Leader to this Task Force and an attempt to better relate to the needs of the 4-H program. They are working on the same three priorities. A MOU was out to HHS, on behalf of 4-H, submitted by NASULGC. HHS was unaware that 4-H was a federal program. The lead should come from USDA/CSREES. There are also possibilities of good working relationships with OJJPD. Department of Energy is running with a short turn-around time focused on a science curriculum. Other discussions are also occurring. NSF is increasing its value required for youth audiences in grant proposals.

Cathann is very encouraged by the momentum and notes a great increase in staff morale.

She needs support in identifying programs that should not be supported, trying to create a focus on the important and more productive work. She also requested benevolence when coping with the cycle of communication and the various bits of mis-information that may occur. Check first before assuming the level of importance or the content of information.

4-H PRK and Staff Development - Roger Rennekamp
Work under Barbara Stone in the area of Professional staff development was summarized. Two handouts were provided, "4-H Professional Development Update", and "4-H for the Future". Roger reviewed the many pieces that have occurred in professional developed and envisioned a professional development system that could be sustained.

The Professional Development Task Force, appointed a year ago, began their work on the 4-H PRK and have taken the research based domains to the next level with competencies added. In two weeks the Task Force will come together and have a person coming in to assist with proper distribution of all, parts, or appropriate segments of the PRKC to end users.

The YDPA or now the 4-H Apprenticeship Program has been used by five states to now engaging the process across all states. Dept. of Labor has approved the certification. The website has many of the resources / tools currently available. A linkage might be appropriate to CECP and/or to e-extension. [The home of e-extension will be in Minnesota.]

Another area for the professional development task force is in current and emerging leadership and the current work being done. The thinking is to focus on current and emerging leaders over the next three years. The Trust approved funding to get the initial stages of this program going. An assessment process will be identified and then a baseline can be established for the organization. A companion piece could then be used with individuals. A series of workshops / opportunities will be provided with cutting edge trainers, as well as a new state 4-H leaders orientation are on the horizon. A newly developed packet will be delivered to help orient new state 4-H leaders. The packet should be released to all state leaders. Topics are suggested, but additions are welcome. Bo pointed out the intense discussion occurring with Middle Managers on professional development.

The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development - by Jacqueline Lerner and Christina Theokas
A presentation was made of the preliminary findings of the study started three years ago. They collect data from 11-13 year olds. The presentation will be emailed to State Leaders.

Health Initiative
Charles led a discussion between the FCS and 4-H Program Leaders related to Healthy Lifestyles/ Healthy Living. It was suggested that the survey/study showed many efforts are being done, but that often research studies have not accessed FCS and 4-H as valued players in the field. He suggested that an action item be moved ahead.

FCS suggested several items for discussion. FCS identified the issue of state and federal funding (vs grants and contracts) for the two areas of healthy decisions and financial literacy. They recommend that two task teams be appointed among the two groups to move these ahead. A second item suggested is an Obesity Conference that could be supported regionally and that FCS and 4-H could work together on this opportunity. Florida has been given the opportunity by NASULGC to sponsor a regional conference on obesity. State teams would be asked to come together to work at this effort in the context of the entire family, community, etc. It was noted that a short term conference (2 day), would be appropriate--where issues of multi-cultural needs are looked at, promise and practices, and action plans developed. CDC predicts a 10 year of duration of this issue. A multi-faceted approach needs to be developed. Nayda noted this conference needs to be different than the many conferences that are already scheduled. A two page paper was written by Mike Tate that indicates 4-H can make a difference in this issue and that effort is partially driving this conference. Scheduling has not been finalized, but the Doubletree (near Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida) is being considered. Charles noted that others need to be added into this effort. Bo suggested that much of the knowledge is embodied in FCS, while 4-H youth development has the potential for great youth engagement. He suggested that a team be formed to help plan this conference. There may be others who should be included in the planning committee (Health Department, prevention programs, etc.).

Volunteers need to identify themselves for a joint FCS / 4-H initiative to address the obesity issue via the development of a multi-faceted program. Additional discussion needs to be held on the financial literacy or the pervasive poverty issues that require great financial literacy or coping skills from a systemic perspective. We need to utilize the best practices and information as we move ahead in these action items.

October 19th, the task force working with National 4-H Leadership Trust on obesity / healthy decisions, will summarize the efforts already begun. Bo will share this information as one of the contributing efforts for this joint effort.

National 4-H Council
Susan Halbert presented current activities related to the National 4-H Council support to 4-H and the Extension Relations Team. State Leaders need to check the state leader intranet site for a copy of the PP presentation and supporting documents. An emphasis this year is helping actors at various levels to know what the National 4-H Leadership Trust is about and how it guides the national 4-H movement. Assistance is available to national and state level system, particularly related to strategic planning and organizational change. 4-H Movement Priorities:

  • 4-H Afterschool
  • Youth in Governance
  • Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Professional Development, under David Henderson, is about to be launched.

There are possible changes to CWF, but these changes will be made with input from state and county.

She also distributed a response form for monthly meet-ups. She needs these back by noon on Wednesday.

Hall of Fame location and scheduling is being reviewed. We would like to make sure that the coordinating committee understands that State Leaders are meeting away from National 4-H conference every-other year. Bo moved that we communicate with Dorothy that (in the early years it was appropriate every year), the state leaders recommend an every other year Hall of Fame that may be more appropriate at this point in time. Seconded, and passed.

Administrators joined the group.
Dr. Gray
Dr. Sherman Lewis, Langston Associate Director
Dr. Larry Turner (Ky) joined the group.

Action items:

CECP - Jeff Howard

Jeff initiated a discussion of how we want to approach the formation of the modules for CECP in the 4-H section of the website. Jeff noted that Texas hosted the first temporary site. He noted that funding was started for e-extension and that eventually CECP will also be housed at the same site. We will want to update the domain structure to the new 4-HPRKC providing the structure for the 4-H portion. This was moved, seconded, and approved. Courses need to correspond with the domain structure, and competencies. We want to be sure that our processes in CECP are appropriate for inclusion from other regions. Peer reviews are an important part of adding to the credibility of the information and the system as a whole. Each program area committee would decide on their own peer review process. The national jury review process is being reexamined. It might be appropriate to let this group also take a look at the review process for the staff development lessons in CECP. Jeff could be involved in the "peer review" processes and the criteria for each (given that audiences and purposes vary). The Professional Development task Force (created by the Trust) meets in two weeks. In essence, the CECP could be viewed as an electronic journal or book devoted to professional development. It is a logical continuation of the conversation with Barbara Stone to have the process for review and inclusion of lessons be a part of the responsibility of the committee and the national program leader.

Although this begins as a southern region, we would ask that the task force (reps from all regions) take a look at support of this project. We can try to help match and support the work that has been completed to date. There is an opportunity to cross walk some of the various jurying processes, yet serve different needs. It appears that one system to streamline the various processes might be valuable, possibly with review teams in areas of expertise. A signoff of intellectual property will need to be completed off prior to posting on line. The 4-HPRKC domains and our knowledge of intellectual property rights processes are strengths that we bring to the CECP table.

Jeff needs information about how the jurying process could be covered, who might serve on review groups, and identifying items that we already have that relate to the needed lessons. By identifying what we have, we also would be also to note the voids. The ideal is to have multi-state teams. Ask each state to identify the state contact in staff development to work together to address this issue. Using existing materials (NC -academic work, 4-H Apprenticeship, other state based training materials), a group of people will be able to energize and focus on CECP during the Congress post conference.
There may be a possibility for youth to be involved in the peer review process. Eventually with e-extension, there will be training materials on-line for kids.

Charles expressed concern that we need to move CECP forward to the other state leaders, to support and assist with the process and opportunity.

He also hopes that individuals will post helpful research in the area of 4-H Youth Development. There is a need to build on the research that has already been done. Past and current research needs to be captured in a searchable database.

Two additional guests joined the group
Nancy Bull
Charles Norman

Back to short report items:

Southern Region Leaders Forum - Bob Meadows reported the SRLF is scheduled for Sept 30-October 4, 4-H History….In the Making. SC is really having a difficult time getting ready - they are doing the program workshops. Most states have responded well. A special pin should be designed for this event.

Shooting Sports - nothing (Bob reported that there are some issues about minority participation and labels that are being used in casual daily conversations.) The National Guard has information and expertise in setting up a berm and location.

Collegiate 4-H - Bo
The Collegiate 4-H Regional conference is Sept 24-28 in Athens. Registration is due September 2. is a valid website. A resource is available at 706-583-0930; ask for Kim Anderson, coordinator or 706-542-4h4h and ask for Kim. Service projects, tours, community service, and workshops will be offered. Collegiate 4-H groups need to be chartered so that they have the paper trail to document use of the name and emblem.

International programs
no report

CCS / Curriculum
There was a report in the handouts from Allan Smith. Over 250 people are involved in Curriculum Teams. He encourage communication about issues or concerns with Darlene or Executive Committees. Bob also serves on the board. Cathann clarified Allan Smith's role and other support efforts. CCS is not the same organization as it was at creation. When the 501(c3) went into effect, it drastically changed how USDA related to it. They have taken a step back to clarify the appropriate roles for a NPL related to this independent organization. They will also review the jurying process and may involve a analysis of how the design teams relate with USDA / 4-H Headquarters. We need to be aware of federal guidelines about engagement with 501c3 and appropriate roles. There may be state policies that should be reviewed and better informed about implications of groups becoming 501c3. We also need to be aware of the new laws related to 501c3 and the implications. Dorothy Wilson serves on the board as well.

SR Funds - Terril
Louisiana holds the southern region funds. Currently the fund balance stands at $11,956.45. This is for support of travel for regional events for volunteers and youth. Billing will come in January for $300.

Items to still address at the Wednesday morning meeting:
Review annual work plan and post
Review committee list and fill vacancies
PLC - 1890 representative Dorothy Wilson 2004 2007
Set dates for conference calls
Rural Youth Development - Kentucky - the money is managed by KY for program materials, travel; Kentucky needs invoices and receipts for all expenses. (MS, TN, GE, FL, FL, AK)
Someone needs to be assigned to handle year three Rural America plans / coordination.

Adjourn for the day.

September 1, 2004

Wednesday morning - meet from 8:30 until 10.

Next meeting will be in Myrtle Beach - August 28-August 31, 2005 for PLN

Leadership Roles were reviewed and updated. See attached file.

Carla Craycraft, Craig Wood joined the group to discuss e-extension. E-extension is targeting to general audience - customer centered. In the case of 4-H, this could include youth, volunteers, parents, etc. This project is expected to scale up quickly. An RFP will go out to seek subject matter areas to present first. They believe it is important to consider having youth development as one of the first. Three RFP's will be awarded - two areas that have been fairly well developed, with one for a new content area. A suggested area for 4-H might be citizenship, community engagement; this could be expanded to focus with Latino audiences, providing an opportunity to explore what it means to be an American. Joe asked about how this will be organized-either through states or nationally. Carla is suggesting that the southern region respond to the RFP, or that we develop a mechanism at the national level through the Trust. The RFP will be developed to fund a team for development of a module. The Trust is a logical body to respond to this RFP and designate a team to respond. The terminology is a Communities of Interest and Communities of Practice, with multi-layered, options for further study. It was suggested that for subject matter areas- there be a criteria or standard that requires addressing youth as an audience. Lamar noted that currently 4-H is not on the e-extension site; we need to insure that it is present.

Craig and Carla encouraged the group to think beyond the web - it should be considered as the whole Internet. There are things to do beyond the Web - interactive activities with others, other applications, history games, interactive games, multi-state planning. There are already developed pieces and educational efforts that great; connections need to be made immediately.

Charles recommended that all subject-matter areas have a youth component and that this be presented to PLN as an action item. Couch moved, seconded, and approved. On second thought, it was discussed that without proper youth development strategies incorporated into subject matter, it would be inappropriate to make an across the board request to other responders. Approved motion will be delayed.

We have systems that are extremely responsive to this and we expect 4-H youth to be a part of everything we do. We also need to learn (as a system) some real life lessons from our experiences as we move into e-extension. We also need to be aware of the lessons we have learned from branding efforts - focused message about our programs. There are branding issues that tie into e-extension.

The Trust should be prepared to respond to the RFP. A caution here is that subject matter presentation with a youth audience does need to be reviewed by youth professionals. We also need to be aware of the politics of the process and the system. Peers across the nation need to understand that this opportunity will be responded to by the Trust.

The dates for Conference Calls will be the first Thursday 9 Eastern / 8 Central. The telephone number is designated through Southern Region Rural Development Center: 662-325-8448. Dates will be submitted and approved.

Need to include new state leader in SC - Keith Diem

October 7, 2004
January 6, 2005
April 7, 2005
July 7, 2005

Texas will send a message about coordination of the grant and conduct a brainstorming session. There will be a fairly short time turn around time. An After School session will accept up to 30 at the post congress session.

States voted to contribute $100 to a memorial for Susan Barkman.

Session adjourned. 10:30 AM