Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Conference Call
April 5, 2007

Darlene Baker, AR
Judith Conde, PR
Martha Couch, TX
Charles Cox, OK
Janet Fox, LA
Susan Holder, MS
Jeff Howard, TX
Thearon McKinney, NC
Bob Meadows, VA
Alice Ann Moore, TN
Tonda Nelson, FL
Marilyn Norman, FL
Bo Ryles, GA
Javiette Samuel, TN
Claudette Smith, NC
Marshall Stewart, NC
Mark Tassin, LA


Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. CST by Marylin Norman, past chair.

Items added to the agenda included: biennial Conference, ECOP Task Force report, SR Teen Conference.

Approval of January 4, 2007 conference call minutes

Minutes were approved as reported with no changes.

CREATE 21 -- Bo Ryles

Bo urged group to print out and bring to Denver the comparison send earlier in the year by Joe Kurth. He reported there is great concern about future funding. It is important that as state leaders we pay attention to what is going on and visit with our directors. Attention was also drawn to Dr. Buchannan's proposal to merge CSREES and ARC at the federal level.

Congressional Caucus -- Bo Ryles
Bo reported that Senator from Georgia (a former 4-H member and strong 4-H supporter) is the co-chair. There is current discussion as to the future of the caucus - its purpose.

National 4-H Conference Date Change
The previous discussion of changing the date for the 2008 National 4-H Conference has been settled. There will be no date change.

SET Liaison Meeting
The dates for the SET liaison meeting has been established. Only states with representatives have received details. Mark reported the meeting date as June 5-7, 2007.

Action Item: Alice Ann Moore volunteered to forwarded information to the group.

National 4-H Curriculum Summit - June 12-14, 2007
Each region may send 25 delegates including volunteers, county staff, 4-H youth and specialists. Bo has been compiling a list of southern region nominees. Additional names were given.

Action Item: Any state having additional persons wishing to attend should send the names to Bo Ryles. Bo will compile the list and bring to Denver where as a group, the list will be finalized.

State Leader's Meeting - April 16-18, 2007 -Marylin
The 2007 State Leader's meeting will be held in Denver, CO, April 16-18. April 16 is for new state leaders. The first event is scheduled for dinner on April 16. April 17 is a travel date for others- the meeting will begin with a reception at 6p.m. The Meeting will adjourn at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, April 18. Hotels are the Brown and the Comfort Inn. Susie Holder reported an alternate evening event is available for those not interested in attending the baseball game. Contact Susie for additional details.

Meet-up Reports - Bo Ryles
Bo reminded everyone he had emailed notes of the meetings last week. In review the cloverbud guidelines in currently in another round of drafts, discussion has centered on competitive events and the sanctioning of competitive events at the Western round-up. There may be a review of all national competitive events. There has been a great deal of discussion centering around National 4-H Congress- Bo referred everyone to the previous notes and urged a careful review. Bo also reported that NAE4HA has posed some questions for state 4-H leaders that will be dealt with in Denver.

National 4-H Congress Board - Charles Cox
The board is discussing the future of National 4-H Congress. Doug Steele as the chair of the Congress board is continuing the dialog. National 4-H Council has agreed to take the National 4-H Congress funds. Doug will report to the state leaders in Denver. An MOU covering the following has been requested: continue the design team, continue the youth/adult partnership concept; fund development and to continue all current contracts.

PLN- Louisville, KY- no details available- date will be late August.
Action Item: Marylin Norman volunteered to obtain details and send.

2008 Biennial Conference - Susie Holder
Susie reported the location will be Tunica; MS. Bids are out to hotels with various dates to obtain the best rates (March/April and staying off conflict dates sent by states). Arkansas will be assisting with the conference. TN volunteered their assistance as well especially in securing 4-H talent. States were encouraged to bring specialists working with youth livestock programs in an effort to make the conference more inclusive. Susie will have more information and a presentation in Denver.

Southern Region 4-H Teen Leader Forum - Alice Ann Moore and Amy Gallagher
The 2007 Teen Forum will be held at the Clyde M. York 4-H Center in Crossville, TN. Focus for the 2007 conference will be youth/adult partnerships. Tennessee will be responsible for the program, Florida will handle registration. Registration fee estimate: $150 per person for the September 6-9 forum. The goal for the 2007 conference is 200 attendees. Tennessee is providing partial funding for the conference. Details will be posted next week on the web site:

Action Needed: Each state needs to send a point of contact to Amy in Tennessee.

CECP Update
Jeff Howard there has been significant CECP progress since January. The group met face to face Jan. 24-26 in Raleigh, NC. Thirty modules are planned for an August 2007 completion. The team focused on instructional design with the assistance of ID specialists in Arkansas and Texas. The Texas ID folks will post content for a consistent design, look and format ant to support PRKC. A subcommittee composed of Connie Phelps, AR; Molly Greg, AL, Jan Burks KY and Mandy Marable - GA are working on a jury system and criteria.

The CECP group meets monthly via Centra. A proposal has been submitted around the National Learning Priorities to Barbara Stone for the $10,000 originally committed. Barbara had indicated no decision has been made but that it was on the April 5 agenda. Jeff will meet with Barbara in Denver.

Jeff thanked the group for their support.

Action: CECP will be need jury applicants form the states. This is an excellent opportunity for faculty to serve.

N4-HCCS - Jeff and Darlene
The dissolution is in progress, with papers having been filed. A great deal of time and effort has been expended on clearing titles for CCS publications. A new product catalog has been sent to the states. No MOA or MOU has been signed with National 4-H Council. Discussion on accountability for curriculum funds and the need for a system to track agreements followed.

Action Item: At the request of the Southern Region State Leaders, Jeff, Dorothy and Darlene are to visit with the 4-H CCS Board in Denver and relay the groups understanding that these funds were to be in a restricted account. Suggestion was made to put an MOA or an operating agreement in place.

ECOP 4-H Task Force- Marylin Norman
Marylin has sent minutes of the monthly meting. Dr. Lyles is seeking input on the future of the ECOP task force. Thearon expressed a need for a written record of commitments made during the National Conversation.

Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Leader Forum

The theme for the Oct.3-7, 2007 conference is "4-H Simply the Best". Kentucky is the host state with Louisiana in charge of workshops. Registration fee will be $210.00. Permission to use the 4-H name and emblem is in process via national headquarters. Janet Fox, LA, reported that acceptance letters for workshops are in process.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:48 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Z. Baker

Future Quarterly Phone Conference Dates:

Phone Number: 662-325-8448
Thursday, July 12, 2007