Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
Denver, Colorado
April 2001


Damon Miller Florida
Sarah Anderson Arkansas
Bo Ryles Georgia
Steve Mullen Louisiana
Bill Umscheid Kentucky
Susan Holder Mississippi
Mike Davis North Carolina
Charles Cox Oklahoma
Dorothy Wilson Oklahoma
Martha J. Tolley Tennessee
Bob Meadows Virginia
Martha Couch Texas

Martha Couch chaired the meeting. She provided information about the Triennial conference to be held in San Antonio March 10- 13,2002. Martha will send information directly to our staffs. It was confirmed that specialists and associates are invited. It was suggested that the demographer (Hoskinson?) who spoke in
Puerto Rico be invited as a speaker. A question was asked as to how we could be sure that 1890 staff are invited. A conversation ensued about who maintains the list. Not sure this was resolved but needs to be
worked on. The conference will be in Ashville in 2004 with North Carolina the host. Steve was soliciting people interested in "best practices." Steve, Bo, Bob and Susan are working this along with Gary

Damon has agreed to be the Southern Region representative to the 4-HCCS. The Southern Region PLC meetings will be in Savannah, GA, August 27-29. Check out the web site. Beverly Spears is secretary and Bo Ryles agreed to check with her about her availability. Dorothy indicated that she had not been getting e-mail sent to the group. Greg Price, Florida 4-H Specialist, has been our representative for the LABO program. There have been challenges with contracts and finances and Greg has been instrumental in straightening things out. We owe Greg a big thank you. Mary Carlson, Vermont, is the new national chair. Bo suggested that we have a state leader representative to attend the fall meeting. All travel is covered. Bob Meadows will talk with his staff person. If that doesn't work Mike Davis will check with a member of his staff. Bob will check in with
Mary Carlson. The group agreed that we are supportive of the "engaged university." It was agreed that Gary Heusel (Nebraska) would be our nominee for the State 4-H Leader chair for the National Leadership Trust.

There was an indication that there was a $9,000.00 balance in the Southern Region account transferred from Mississipp to Texas. The is for the Triennial and the Southern Region Volunteer Forum. Steve indicated that there were two accounts for the Forum and that the Fourm operates with a budget approved by the committee. Any excess is passed on to the next host state. Susan shared some of the history of the Triennial. Bo indicated that each state in the region would be getting an invoice for $300.00 a our share to fund the Strategic Directions Team expenses and that there is a need for funding for participation in the "Trust." He listed some of the things we fund now (but I did not get them down in my notes). The group agreed that we should not carry states. (I had assessment written in all caps in my notes but do not know what this means).

We agreed that we need to thank Oklahoma for all the work on curriculum. There was also mention that the "Trust" should look into orientation/training for new state 4-H program leaders.

The next conference regional conference call will be Friday, June 8 at 9:00 central time.

Meeting adjourned.