Southern Region 4-H Program Leaders
August 1999


Alabama Oklahoma
Warren McCord Charles Cox
Arkansas Dorothy Wilson
Beverly Hines Puerto Rico
Sarah Anderson Santigo Vague
Samuel Elder South Carolina
Florida Diane Smathers
Damon Miller Toni Pipkins
Georgia Tennessee
Bo Ryles Martha Jo Tolley
Kentucky Texas
Bill Umscheid Martha Couch
Louisiana Virginia
Steve Mullins John Dooley
Mississippi Co-Advisors
Susan Holder Dorothy Hall, Arkansas
North Carolina Henry Brooks, Maryland - Eastern Shore
Mike Davis  


Joint Meeting with FCS - The 4-H and FCS group met jointly to hear an update from Alma Hobbs (CSRESS) and Susan Halbert (National 4-H Council). Susan's report was also in written form and was handed out.

State Reports - Virginia, Texas, Tennessee

Strategic Directions Team - Mike Davis reporting. He reviewed the steps for the new national strategic plan. Input will be sought via the Web. Time line was handed out. The time line is to have the plan up and ready for 100th anniversary of 4-H.

CHARACTER COUNTS! Regional Conference - Martha JO reporting. Tennessee is offering a trainer the trainer session for CHARACTER COUNTS! in March. She also invited us to an invitational CHARACTER COUNTS! conference in February.

Southern Region Curriculum Development - Charles gave an update on the status of this fund. Several states have received invoices because either they have not yet paid or they have been paying as we go along and they now owe more based on current expenses.

The amount of a refund or the amount owed was discussed. If states do not pay amount owed, the amount refunded to each state will be re-figured.

The Directors and Administrators have approved the dissolution of this fund. Charles will continue to work on finalizing this project.

Southern Region Horse Championship - Hosted in Montgomery, Alabama. Susan is our representative. In 2000 the event will be held in Raleigh, North Carolina and in 2001 in Jackson, Mississippi. They are discussing multi-state efforts. Susan reviewed some of their efforts for youth with and youth without horse ownership.

National Shooting Sports Committee - Diane reporting. Wild Turkey Federation has granted

$1,000,000. This is a ten-year plan. $50,000 goes to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Then each year $50,000 will be made available for grants to states. Funds can only be spent of

4-H shooting sports and funds must be used before another request will be honored.

Applications are due to Diane by November 1.

We discussed the political issue that is now revolving around the shooting sports project. We need some briefing papers that helps each of us to be prepared to take "the high road." What is the NRA support to 4-H. Diane reported that NRA support nationwide is approximately $150,000.

American Camping Association is working on curriculum for shooting sports education in camp settings. Maybe nation wide next year.

National Sport Fishing Committee - No report. There were some reports individually from states. John suggested that the report was beginning to flounder.

Fashion Review - Toni reporting. There will be no fashion review at National 4-H Congress. One donor has dropped out. There are proposals out for funding. Fashion activities for National 4-H Congress are planned for a parallel activity as to what has been available at the past Congresses. The new plan may actually be more diverse. Donors may actually be added since there is no fashion show.

Springs Industry (fabric) - Diane reporting. They have developed the John Deere fabrics that are mainly available at Walmart. This is successful to the amount of $39,000,000. They now are doing fabrics for 4-H. There will be four choices. They start with fabric and then extending to linens, etc. The fabrics should be available for Christmas. There will be a 5% return to 4-H. 45% to National 4-H Council, 45% to states (based on sales), and 10% to South Carolina. Accolades go to Diane and Toni.

ECOP budget sub/sub committee - Bill reporting. We are getting reports from Linda Benning on funds available. Linda is assisting us by looking broader for funding sources for youth programming.

Nominating Committee - Bo reporting. The elected 1999-2000 officers will be:

Chair - Susan Holder

Vice Chair -- Martha Couch

PLC (1862) -- Charles Cox

PLC(1890) -- Samuel Felder

Secretary -- Bill Umscheid

State Reports - Puerto Rico, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Florida

(Some discussion concerning the translation into Spanish. Steve collected names for faculty members who might be interested.)

Triennial Conference - John Dooley reporting. We had a great meeting in Williambury, Virginia in March.

Bo moved that the 2002 conference be held in San Antonio, Texas. Steve seconded. The vote was positive by acclamation.

Discussion was concerning the involvement of the 1890 representatives in this conference. Dorothy Wilson will prepare a mailing list of 1890 contacts.

Multi-state Programming - Steve reported. We discussed the following:

Programming Area
(number of states)
person to developing the plan
volunteer development
Bo Ryles
curriculum development
Charles Cox
character development
Martha JO Tolley
school age
Mike Davis
staff development
Susie Holder
workforce preparation
Steve Mullin


Joint Meeting with ANR - Discussion on master naturalist. We voted to have a joint committee to review and recommend follow-up to the proposal for developing a regional framework

Report from PLC - Charles reporting

Web Master Representative will be Bill Umshied.

Character Education - Middle management wants a committee, task force, etc. FCS should be partners. Martha JO and Charles will work with Don Hammond to send forward a proposal.

Child Care Initiative - Steve moved to recommend to Dr. Hobbs that the parameters for the child care initiative be sent to the leadership council for input. Charles seconded. The vote was unanimous

National Leadership Council - We discussed "so what" three partners with discussions from April meeting. The question goes to the National Leadership Council. Conference calls are being held with the National Leadership Council. Progress was made with what was identified at April meeting. We need a state 4-H leaders chairman from the three regions. CSRESS and National 4-H Council have met. Susie will follow-up with state 4-H leaders.

State Reports - Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Georgia

Summary of Key Activities Completed by Southern Rural Development Center - B0 Beaulieu reported on four successful activities.

1) Southern Region Community Development Institute
2) Building a Quality Workforce in the Rural South Regional Conference
3) Mid-South Delta Community Development Institute
4) Appalachian Regional Commission - Entrepreneurship Education and Training Conference

He proposed that we partner with them for a "Information Briefing" publication on youth. These publications are designed to inform both external and internal stakeholders. Bill moved and Warren seconded that we cooperate with this effort.

Conference Calls (second Thursday, 9 a.m. central time)

October 14
December 9
February 10
April 13-15 (meeting in D.C. and conference call)
June 8
August 10

PLC - August 27-30 in Puerto Rico

Decision Made