National 4-H Leadership Trust

July 2003 Quarterly Meeting
Boston, MA
Key Decisions and Actions

1. Financial Requests to the States and Others in Support of the Leadership Trust
States will again be requested to contribute $250 towards the Leadership Trust
Jennifer will submit a draft invoice letter to the state leaders on the Trust for their review prior to mailing
the solicitation package (early August).
As State Leader Chair, Bo Ryles will send an email communication to all state leaders to inform them that
the invoice is on its way. Bo will also communicate the message that if an institution is unable to pay the
$250 contribution, a personal contribution can be made in lieu of that payment.
  1. The Privatization of 4-H and the Massachusetts Situation
    The 4-H Leadership Trust discussed the Massachusetts situation in great length and drafted a statement that has been shared with USDA and with the ECOP/4-H Task Force. It emphatically does not support the privatization of 4-H. The Trust recognizes that 4-H is effective and successful because of its unique public (federal, state, county) and private (donors, foundations, individuals) partnership established as a part of the Land-Grant University mission. The Trust, because of its partnership composition and shared leadership style, will continue to monitor, assist with, and speak with one voice in regards to the UMass situation.

3. 4-H Committee Infrastructure

The Trust will directly communicate the decision made at the May 2003 quarterly meeting regarding state
leader involvement on key committees with those that are directly affected by this decision.
The Trust will continue to address the committee infrastructure issue by focusing on criteria for the
formation of new committees in the system. This will include setting guidelines for new committees'
charges, composition, and funding as well as accountability to the Trust and others in the system.
Jeff King will continue as the Trust's representative on the ECOP Task Force.
The new National Program Leader for Special Projects will serve as the liaison to N4-HYDC in the
future rather than a state leader. The new National Program Leader will serve alongside the current
liaison, State Leader Carole MacNeil until National 4-H Conference and will then assume this role in full
after that date.
  1. The Trust agreed to support in full the Youth Development Practitioner Apprenticeship Program's (YDPA) funding request of $15,481.
  1. Funding Representation for the 4-H Movement - The Trust will provide $10,000 to cover some of the representational expenses in support of the 4-H movement. Requests to represent the 4-H movement should be made to the Trust and its Executive Committee will make the decision. However, the Trust recognizes that not all of these efforts require such funding.
  1. The Leadership Trust has decided not to pursue a partnership with at this time.
  1. The Trust continues to explore how best coordinate funding of the 4-H movement. As part of this process, the Trust will review existing protocols regarding resource development efforts within the 4-H system. It will also craft a message on the importance of committing to a shared process of fund development.

  2. Multi-state sponsorships are not an issue that the Trust will consider at this time.

  3. The Trust approved N4-HYDC's budget request of $48,965 for fiscal year 2004.

  4. Youth in Governance - The Trust agreed to provide $10,000 to fund the development of a plan for how
    4-H can lead a national movement to involve youth in governance. The initial effort will involve convening a working group to identify key strategies and will be chaired by Greg Hutchins. The Trust has encouraged this group to request additional funding as needed after the working group concludes its first meeting. National 4-H Council will provide an additional $10,000 for this initial meeting.
11. Next Big 4-H Program - Three major strategies were discussed and considered:
Reaching 75% of the youth population
Developing strategies to strengthen the work of 4-H with Extension Directors.
Strengthening the ECOP/4-H Task Force.
  1. Professional Development - The $50,000 allocated to the Professional Development Task Force by the Trust in FY03 will carry over for use in FY04.
13. 4-H and Religion
The Trust will review the policies that currently exist regarding religion and spiritual issues in 4-H
for greater awareness and change, if needed.
Susan and Jennifer will inventory those materials that 4-H has produced on the issue and will share
their findings with the Trust.
  1. 4-H Hall of Fame Task Force - As the Task Force has completed its work, the Leadership Trust supported disbanding this group.

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